subquery performance

2006-09-25 Thread Jeff Drew

I have a query with a subquery which does not throw an error, but does not
return either.   I've been testing the query using mysql Query Browser and
the poor dolphin jumps only once a minute or so ;)   I use MYSQL's excellent
error documentation heavily so if the query doesn't throw an error, I'm at a
disadvantage.  Is there an optimization or just better syntax to use?

I have a table that contains an abbreviated identifier and a full
identifier.  The real data is a bit messy so here's a sanitized example:

Abbreviated Column contents:   TR123, RG456
Full Identifier Column contents: TR 123 abc, RG 456 def

My intent is to:
1. select some of the Abbreviated Column and convert that to a selection for
the Full Identifier Column by:
   - extracting the first 2 characters
   - inserting a space
   - selecting the last 3 characters
   - appending % so I can match any of the last 3 characters in the
Full Identifier
2. select rows from Full Identifier Column based on #1

I think I have two problems:
1. in... % syntax  is not present in any examples I've seen.  They are all
like... %  so in may not work.
2. Here's query that runs, but does not return:

select name, address from testTable where FullIdentifier in ( select concat
( substring ( AbbreviatedIdentifier,1,2) ,   ,
substring(AbbreviatedIdentifier from 3) , % ) from testTable where name
like 'Daisy'));

My left join attempt complained  because the data is all in one table. Is
there a better solution than my  FullIdentifier in(select...  ?

I am not an SQL expert so I'd appreciate any ideas on how to correct this


Re: subquery performance

2006-09-25 Thread Jeff Drew

Thanks for the detailed feedback.  I do not create the data so I can't
modify it.  Your illustration of the table is correct.  I'll try to
implement some of your feedback.


On 9/25/06, Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jeff Drew wrote:
 I have a query with a subquery which does not throw an error, but does
 return either.   I've been testing the query using mysql Query Browser
 the poor dolphin jumps only once a minute or so ;)   I use MYSQL's
 excellent error documentation heavily so if the query doesn't throw an
 error, I'm at a disadvantage.  Is there an optimization or just better
 syntax to use?

 I have a table that contains an abbreviated identifier and a full
 identifier.  The real data is a bit messy so here's a sanitized example:

Please don't do that.  When you don't show us the real problem, you
increase the
odds of getting the wrong solution.

 Abbreviated Column contents:   TR123, RG456
 Full Identifier Column contents: TR 123 abc, RG 456 def

Do I understand correctly that your table looks something like

   AbbreviatedIdentifier  FullIdentifier Name   Address
   -  -- 
   TR123  TR 123 abc a name an address
   RG456  RG 456 def another name   another

with FullIdentifier as the primary key?  If so, that's a poor table
which is almost certainly causing your problems.  See below.

 My intent is to:
 1. select some of the Abbreviated Column and convert that to a selection
 for the Full Identifier Column by:
- extracting the first 2 characters
- inserting a space
- selecting the last 3 characters
- appending % so I can match any of the last 3 characters in
 Full Identifier the subquery.  The % character is the wildcard for LIKE
matches.  There is
no wildcard for IN.  IN is followed by a list of values, one of which must
exactly for the row to be selected, so this won't work as intended.

 2. select rows from Full Identifier Column based on #1

That's very convoluted.  How do you expect this to help?

I'm guessing that FullIdentifier is your primary key.  Because it's a
messy string, you are finding it slow to use it to select rows,
when you need to find rows with a particular substring buried in the
key.  You
hoped that a shorter string might match more quickly, enabling you to
down the number of rows where the full id has to be examined.  That will
work as you've described it.  The subquery might run faster, but then you
do the full id comparison anyway to find rows which match the subquery
(FullIdentifier IN ...).  You've actually added overhead.  This *might*
work in
some situations if you had an integer primary key to use to do the
between inner and outer query, but there would probably still be a better

In any case, the reality is that MySQL doesn't optimize subqueries all
well, so they are seldom the best way to speed up a query.  It may be the
that your subquery is being treated as DEPENDENT, in which case it is
being run
once for each row found in the outer query.  That is, once for every row
in your
table.  Since your query never seems to return, I'd bet that's the case

 I think I have two problems:
 1. in... % syntax  is not present in any examples I've seen.  They are
 all like... %  so in may not work.

Right, it won't.

 2. Here's query that runs, but does not return:

 SELECT name, address
 FROM testTable
 WHERE FullIdentifier
   IN ( SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(AbbreviatedIdentifier,1,2),   ,
  SUBSTRING(AbbreviatedIdentifier FROM 3) , % )
FROM testTable
WHERE name LIKE 'Daisy'));

Is this really your query?  As I've already mentioned, the % won't work
for IN.
  Also, neither FullIdentifier nor AbbreviatedIdentifier is mentioned in
selection criteria, so the problem you tried to fix with the subquery is
present in this query.  Finally, there is no wildcard in the string that
name is
supposed to match, so there is no need for LIKE.  The intent of this query
equivalent to

   SELECT name, address
   FROM testTable
   WHERE name = 'Daisy';

which should be as fast as possible if there is an index on name.

 My left join attempt complained  because the data is all in one table.
 there a better solution than my  FullIdentifier in(select...  ?

 I am not an SQL expert so I'd appreciate any ideas on how to correct

When I see a string primary key that looks like TR 123 abc, I find it is
usually a safe bet that the TR means something (a code, a manufacturer,
the 123 means something (a production run, a part number, a plant
number, ...)
and the abc means something (some detail, a team code, ...).  In other
you've crammed the answers to 3 questions into one column

stuck on localhost authentication

2006-08-05 Thread Jeff Drew

I'm apologize for posting an apparently simple question, but I'm stuck. I'm
trying to get my java application to connect to mysql on the same server.
The server is redhat with mysql 5.1.11. I'd done this with mysql 4.x in the
distant past.

I add a user with the command:

   insert into user (user,host) values ('jeff','localhost');
   flush privileges;
   grant all on databaseName.* to jeff;

select user,host from user; returns
 jeff  localhost

In Java, I use:
DriverManager.getConnection( /localhost/databaseName , 'jeff',null );

when the application tries to connect, DriverManager.getConnection() gets a
bad handshake error.

So I set the password in mysql with:
  set password for jeff = password('xyz');

now select user,host, password from user; returns 2 rows
 jeff localhost
 jeff %  *4232432323

I think this is the problem - the following getConnection() method is
directed to the 2nd entry because it has a password, but it's not localhost
so my localhost-based Java app is denied.

In Java, I use:
 DriverManager.getConnection( /localhost/tm , 'jeff','xyz' );

Then I get an authentication failed error.

I've also tried:
create user 'jeff'; but that created a   % host entry,
not localhost

What should the user table look like for a localhost user? Which commands
get me there?


sporadic batch update problem

2005-12-04 Thread Jeff Drew
Sporadically, the last few entries of a batch are not written.  I'm writing
to a mysql database using JDBC.   Here's a short version of my code.  Does
anyone have suggestions on possible causes or other diagnostics?

class DatabaseWriter{

int writeCount=0;

public DatabaseWriter(){

  PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(insert
into   msgpersecond ( time , count , sendercompid , targetcompid )
values ( ? , ? , ? , ?  ));

  connection.setAutoCommit( false ); // turn off auto-Commit

public void process(Object input){

  preparedStatement.setFloat( 2 , event.msgPerSecond );
  preparedStatement.addBatch( );

  if (writeCount  50) {
updateCounts = preparedStatement.executeBatch( );
connection.commit( );

preparedStatement.clearBatch( );


process() gets called a lot.  The code usually works fine, but sometimes 3
to 20 or so records that definitely are added to the batch but don't get

I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions.


optimal number of connections?

2005-04-15 Thread Jeff Drew
Our Java application has several threads that use JDBC to write to several 
tables.  Currently, we use one JDBC connection.  Would performance improve if 
we used a connection per table? Is a single connection bad for some reason?

Since connection pooling is a hot topic, I'm wondering if we're missing out 



changing the datadir on .rpm SuSE install?

2005-04-09 Thread Jeff Drew
 Can the the datadir be changed with a .rpm install on SuSE? 

Our SA gave us a large partition on /export. We installed the .rpm and were 
running fine with the datadir set to the default /var/lib path. So I need to 
move the datadir to /export. Since we're just moving to Production, we do not 
need the data currently residing on /var/lib. Going forward, we need to 
read/write to /export. 

I have not been able to get mysql running with the datadir set to /export. I 
read in the documentation that the datadir is set at build time for some 
distributions, but it also explains how to change the datadir in my.cnf, etc so 
I'm confused.  

To move datadir to /export, I:
1. Changed the datadir parameter to /export in the /etc/my.cnf file
2. Reran mysql_database_install script. 
3. Verified that all the appropriate files and directories appear to have 
installed under /export. 

However, the mysqld_safe script says it's:
- using /export for data
- using a .pid file in /export 
- exits without starting mysql. 
There are no other error messages. 

Can datadir be set to /export successfully? If yes, is there some other 
configuration that needs to be changed? 

