I need to update a table with the contents of a CSV file regularly, I've
used mysqlimport to load all the initial data, but I have a problem with
using it for updates. The data in the CSV file does not contain all of the
data in the table, there is a field that is updated by another application
as well. I need to be able to get updates to the data that is from the CSV
file without deleting the data that is not present from those rows. If I run
it with --ignore, I don't get the updates to rows that are already present,
and if I run it with --replace, I lose the data that wasn't contained within
the CSV file.

I was really hoping to be able to use mysqlmport for this, since I need to
schedule these updates fairly regularly and would like to be able to
automate that process. Is there something I am missing that will make this
work, or do I need to go about it in another way?


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