RE: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

2005-07-28 Thread Johnson, Michael
Why are you going backwards    MySql is an 8th grade toy.

-Original Message-
From: Nguyen, Phong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:42 AM
Subject: Migration from ORACLE 9i to MySQL

I will be migrating Oracle database 9i to Mysql. Do anyone have any
experience in doing this?. Please share with us!

Thank you very much,



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(FOUO) RE: data-warehouse ETL with MySQL

2005-01-14 Thread Johnson, Michael

Perhaps Oracle will do a better job for you in this area.

-Original Message-
From: Tom Cunningham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 3:16 AM
Subject: data-warehouse ETL with MySQL

Hi everybody.

This is just a note to tell people what I'm doing, hoping I might get
some comments.

In short: I have been using MySQL SQL scripts to do data-warehouse ETL
for about 6 months. It's gone well, but perhaps getting a little
creaky now.

The general format is this:
 1. Add any new records to my dimensions, if not already there. Done
with a LEFT JOIN dimension ON (..dimension attributes..) WHERE IS NULL

 2. Insert the facts, using the dimensional keys.

 3. Update the fact records' other columns.

The predictable problem I'm having is the lack of abstractness of SQL,
so I have to repeat things which I don't want to repeat.

I'm looking at an alternative, which may cut down repetition, and I'm
curious if anyone else has thought or written about this sort of

The alternative:
 1. Put *all* the ETL data into a flat table first.

 2. Have a unique index on *all* the rows in my slowly-changing
dimension. So new dimension records are simply added with an INSERT
IGNORE from the flat table.

 3. Insert the facts from the flat table using NATURAL JOINs with the
dimension tables.

This second approach has advantages  disadvantages:

GOOD: Less mentioning of column names, so the script is shorter  more
robust to change.

GOOD: The last advantage particularly good for what I'd call
attribute-combination columns than the other method, where the
dimension has no natural key.

BAD: All dimension columns must be considered to be slowly-changing
(becuase of the unique  key and natural join) - though doesn't seem
serious problem now.

I have some sample scripts fleshing these ideas out more, if anyone's
interested (tom, at, videoisland, dot, com).

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(U) Chris Rock Lights it up !!!!

2004-07-20 Thread Johnson, Michael

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(U) RE: Very Strange data corruption

2004-05-25 Thread Johnson, Michael

who knows

-Original Message-
From: Mike Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:26 PM
To: David Griffiths; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Very Strange data corruption

From: David Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 MySQL really should throw an exception/error rather than just quietly 
 trim your data and accept it. When your data is critical, and your 
 business depends on it, you can't have bad data quietly going 
 into the 

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it considered best practice to
validate data before it gets to the database?

I can't seem to find a source for this after a quick search on Google,

Mike Johnson
Web Developer
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 886-5539

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(FOUO) Anyone seen any Banking/Database Web applications ....

2004-02-09 Thread Johnson, Michael

I am looking for a Banking Web application with all the Web pages, content
and Database behind it.   Any example will do.  

Thanks, Mike

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(U) several questions ...

2003-12-01 Thread Johnson, Michael

Is there a board / site  that has a plethora of MySQL scripts that I can
Borrow for my own use ?

Is there a site that has all of the error codes listed, the cause and
possible solutions to fixing these ?

Is there a way to write dynamic SQL in MySQL like we do in Oracle ?

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RE: MySQL 4.1, derived tables, and privileges

2003-09-04 Thread Johnson, Michael
Dude ... You got the same name as me ...
So does that mean I can blame any idiotic
statements I make on you ?

We got a popular name.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 8:51 AM
Subject: MySQL 4.1, derived tables, and privileges

I hope someone can help me on this. I've searched the mailing list 
archives and the manual and can't find anything, except for user comments 
in the manual that confirm what I'm finding.

I'm using derived tables users with restricted privileges. The only way I 
can get the derived tables to work though is to give the user global 
SELECT privileges. I don't want to do this. Am I missing something? If 
not, is there a way around this problem?

The error I get is:

#1142 - select command denied to user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
for table '/tmp/#sql_135_0'

My select looks something like:

   SELECT t1id as Key, IFNULL(k2, dfltValue) as Value
   FROM t1
  (SELECT t1id, k2
   FROM t2 WHERE k3=1) as derived;

My tables have the columns:

   t1: t1id, dfltValue
 1  a
 2  b

   t2: t1id, k2, k3
 1c   1
 1d   2
 2e   2

Note that not all values of t1id exist in t2 for a given k3. Hence, this 
select gets all t1id keys with a default value if it doesn't exist in t2.

Desired result:

   Key Value

The privileges for [EMAIL PROTECTED] are:

   No global priveleges (setting Create_tmp_table_priv makes no difference)

If I grant global SELECT it works as expected. Again, 
create_tmp_table_priv is irrelevant at this point.

Any thoughts on why this is working like this?


PS If there is a better way to do this query, I'd like to know that, too, 
but I've run into this problem at other places where I *know* I have to 
use derived tables, so the problem is still pertinent to my use.

Michael Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Internet Application Programmer, Pitsco, Inc.

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RE: Oracle DBA here looking for advice on MySQL ....

2003-08-19 Thread Johnson, Michael
I went thru the documentation this weekend on it and found that there is
really not to much to this database. One thing we learn as Oracle DBA's is
how the whole  database starts up and how all those processes work  together
and where to find bottlenecks when things start to bog down.It didnt see
any of that in the MySQL docs I read.

I appears that MySQL has some potential though.


-Original Message-
From: Andy Jackman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 12:29 AM
To: Johnson, Michael 
Cc: MySQL Users
Subject: Re: Oracle DBA here looking for advice on MySQL 

I've used a lot of Oracle, some MS Access and I'm newish to MySQL. I
found it easy to write an abstraction layer for Ms Access and Oracle
despite their different approaches to some important things. I find
MySQL very sparse by comparison and I spend more time working round the
db than working with it. Unlike Oracle the richness and integrity of
language is simply missing - these people have lived without something
as useful as sub-queries for a long time. (The argument being that speed
and data integrity are all-important). It's more a file system than a
relational database. I know you asked about books rather than a
comparison of the products, but the software philosophy is reflected in
the documentation. If someone else pays you to be an Oracle Dba then I
bet you have at least a 10 foot shelf of comprehensive documentation.
This list is about as good as it gets (see your previous response).
There is a PDF copy of the manual somewhere and setting up MySql was
accompilshed by a colleague who wouldn't have known where to start with
Oracle, so it has that in its favour.

So, if you're thinking of migrating, think carefully! If I could get
Oracle to give me a sensible price (say USD 1000) to sell their db with
my product I would be out of here so fast. So far with mySQL i've
written my own database for a particular (simple) structure that it
wouldn't handle to my satisfaction; I've written my own date/time
routines to calculate things like seconds between 2 datetimes (despite a
wealth of datatime functions, this one isn't available unless you
convert to 'Unix' dates which expire in 2036) and I've written functions
to handle the fact that in 'C' all data is returned as strings rather
than as native data types. Sigh.
- Andy

Johnson, Michael wrote:
 What is the best book on MySQL with regard
 to its Architecture and how it starts up, shutdowns,
 processes queries, rolls back data, etc etc. ?
 I am not looking for a SQL book here.
 What is the best My SQL book you have read ?
 Thank you in advance.
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Oracle DBA here looking for advice on MySQL ....

2003-08-18 Thread Johnson, Michael
What is the best book on MySQL with regard
to its Architecture and how it starts up, shutdowns,
processes queries, rolls back data, etc etc. ?

I am not looking for a SQL book here.

What is the best My SQL book you have read ?

Thank you in advance.


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