Re: write-protection for some tables while other are writable

2006-08-24 Thread Jon Molin

On 8/23/06, Gregor Reich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all

Is there a possibility to have some tables write-protected while others
in the same db are not (and yet the write-protected ones are updatable
through the replication mechanism, ie. there are tables on a slave
server). I guess that both, LOCK TABLES and read-only in my.cnf, don't
get this result.

How about only granting select rights to the user?


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Slow queries

2006-08-17 Thread Jon Molin

Hi list

I have 5 tables:

words (word_id int auto_increment, word varbinary(40)) (has ~3.5M
rows) with the keys:
PRIMARY KEY  (`word_id`),UNIQUE KEY `word_ind` (`word`)

phrases (phrase_id int auto_increment, phrase varbinary(100)) (has
~11M rows) with the keys:
PRIMARY KEY  (`phrase_id`),UNIQUE KEY `phrase_ind` (`phrase`)

phrase_words (phrase_id, word_id) (has ~31M rows) with:
UNIQUE KEY `phrase_ind` (`phrase_id`,`word_id`)
KEY `word` (`word_id`), KEY `phrase` (`phrase_id`)

word_searches (word_id, search_date date, search hour char(2), amount
smallint, type char(8), location char(2)) with:
KEY `word_search` (`word_id`),
KEY `id_search` (`search_date`),
KEY `word_date` (`word_id`,`search_date`)

(and a similar for phrase_searches, these two tables are merge tables
with one table for each month, each table having 15-30M rows)

phrases are built of  words identified by phrase_words (these are
not human language words and phrases but rather random bytes where
some are human readable).

Now, I'm trying to find out how many times has word 1..n been
searched for and how many times has phrases containing 1..n been
searched for?

These queries take a really long time to execute, first I select for the words:
explain sELECT w.word as word, w.word_id as word_id, sum(ws.amount) as
amount FROM words w, word_searches ws WHERE
ws.word_id=w.word_id AND w.word IN (p, xyz, zzz, abc) AND
 ws.search_date = '2006-07-17' AND ws.search_date =
'2006-08-16' group by ws.word_id;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys   |
key | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra
|  1 | SIMPLE  | w | range | PRIMARY,word_ind|
word_ind| 42  | NULL |4 | Using where;
Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | ws| ref   | word_search,id_search,word_date |
word_search | 4   | statistics.w.word_id |   15 | Using where

and then for phrases:
explain SELECT pw.word_id as word_id, sum(ps.amount) as amount FROM
phrase_words pw, phrase_searches ps WHERE
   pw.word_id IN (966,1,1250,1741) AND
   pw.phrase_id = ps.phrase_id AND ps.search_date =
'2006-07-17' AND ps.search_date = '2006-08-16'
   GROUP by pw.word_id;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys
 | key   | key_len | ref | rows   | Extra
|  1 | SIMPLE  | pw| range | phrase_ind,word,phrase
 | word  | 4   | NULL| 226847 | Using
where |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | ps| ref   |
phrase_search,id_search,phrase_date | phrase_search | 4   | | 15 | Using where |

The queries takes 40s-several minutes on a dual xeon 3GHz with 4GB ram
only running Msql.

Can someone see something I've done wrong? I have the same data in
flat files with one word and phrase on each row and one file for each
day and doing grep/sort/uniq -c in all thoose files is quicker on a
slower server with a lot of other procesess and with the files nfs

mysqladmin status doesn't show any slow queries:
Uptime: 1215323  Threads: 2  Questions: 2191970  Slow queries: 0
Opens: 0  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 64  Queries per second avg:

Thanks in advance

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Re: Slow queries

2006-08-17 Thread Jon Molin

On 8/17/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jon Molin wrote:
 Hi list

 I have 5 tables:

 words (word_id int auto_increment, word varbinary(40)) (has ~3.5M
 rows) with the keys:
 PRIMARY KEY  (`word_id`),UNIQUE KEY `word_ind` (`word`)

 phrases (phrase_id int auto_increment, phrase varbinary(100)) (has
 ~11M rows) with the keys:
 PRIMARY KEY  (`phrase_id`),UNIQUE KEY `phrase_ind` (`phrase`)

 phrase_words (phrase_id, word_id) (has ~31M rows) with:
 UNIQUE KEY `phrase_ind` (`phrase_id`,`word_id`)
 KEY `word` (`word_id`), KEY `phrase` (`phrase_id`)

 word_searches (word_id, search_date date, search hour char(2), amount
 smallint, type char(8), location char(2)) with:
 KEY `word_search` (`word_id`),
 KEY `id_search` (`search_date`),
 KEY `word_date` (`word_id`,`search_date`)

 (and a similar for phrase_searches, these two tables are merge tables
 with one table for each month, each table having 15-30M rows)

 phrases are built of  words identified by phrase_words (these are
 not human language words and phrases but rather random bytes where
 some are human readable).

 Now, I'm trying to find out how many times has word 1..n been
 searched for and how many times has phrases containing 1..n been
 searched for?

 These queries take a really long time to execute, first I select for the
 explain sELECT w.word as word, w.word_id as word_id, sum(ws.amount) as
 amount FROM words w, word_searches ws WHERE
 ws.word_id=w.word_id AND w.word IN (p, xyz, zzz, abc) AND
  ws.search_date = '2006-07-17' AND ws.search_date =
 '2006-08-16' group by ws.word_id;

 | id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys   |
 key | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | w | range | PRIMARY,word_ind|
 word_ind| 42  | NULL |4 | Using where;
 Using temporary; Using filesort |
 |  1 | SIMPLE  | ws| ref   | word_search,id_search,word_date |
 word_search | 4   | statistics.w.word_id |   15 | Using where

 and then for phrases:
 explain SELECT pw.word_id as word_id, sum(ps.amount) as amount FROM
 phrase_words pw, phrase_searches ps WHERE
pw.word_id IN (966,1,1250,1741) AND
pw.phrase_id = ps.phrase_id AND ps.search_date =
 '2006-07-17' AND ps.search_date = '2006-08-16'
GROUP by pw.word_id;

 | id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys
  | key   | key_len | ref | rows   | Extra

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | pw| range | phrase_ind,word,phrase
  | word  | 4   | NULL| 226847 | Using
 where |
 |  1 | SIMPLE  | ps| ref   |
 phrase_search,id_search,phrase_date | phrase_search | 4   | | 15 | Using where |

The problem is it's picking the word index which apparently is
returning 226,000+ areas.

Test this:

EXPLAIN SELECT pw.word_id as word_id, sum(ps.amount) as amount FROM
phrase_words pw, phrase_searches ps IGNORE INDEX (word) WHERE
pw.word_id IN (966,1,1250,1741) AND
pw.phrase_id = ps.phrase_id AND ps.search_date =
'2006-07-17' AND ps.search_date = '2006-08-16'
GROUP by pw.word_id;

(that should ignore the 'word' index and instead use the 'phrase' index).

Unfortunately didn't that help, it leads to:
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys
 | key   | key_len | ref | rows| Extra
|  1 | SIMPLE  | ps| range |
phrase_search,id_search,phrase_date | id_search | 3   | NULL
| 3836930

Re: Slow queries

2006-08-17 Thread Jon Molin

On 8/17/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately didn't that help, it leads to:

 | id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys
  | key   | key_len | ref | rows| Extra

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | ps| range |
 phrase_search,id_search,phrase_date | id_search | 3   | NULL
 | 3836930 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

Yeh it's finding a lot more rows there which isn't what you want so the
extra time isn't surprising.

Does rewriting the query to be an inner join help?

EXPLAIN SELECT pw.word_id as word_id, sum(ps.amount) as amount FROM
phrase_words pw INNER JOIN phrase_searches ps ON
(ps.phrase_id=pw.phrase_id) WHERE
pw.word_id IN (966,1,1250,1741) AND ps.search_date =
'2006-07-17' AND ps.search_date = '2006-08-16'
GROUP by pw.word_id;

or even:

EXPLAIN SELECT pw.word_id as word_id, sum(ps.amount) as amount FROM
phrase_words pw, phrase_searches ps WHERE
pw.phrase_id = ps.phrase_id AND pw.word_id IN (966,1,1250,1741) AND
ps.search_date = '2006-07-17' AND ps.search_date = '2006-08-16'
GROUP by pw.word_id;

(which puts the join between the two tables first).

That didn't help either. Same amount of rows as my first join and
about the same speed as well (only a few seconds differing when

That would help with this discussion too:


Yes, it'd be sweet if that mysql internals guru revelead her/him-self
from the cloud of guruness and spoke the true way of doing it.

What pisses me off most is that 'grep -E ^word$| word$|^word | word 
2006/07/*/phrases |wc -l' is so much quicker than the db :(

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Re: Stored procedures

2006-07-25 Thread Jon Molin

On 7/25/06, Chris White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tuesday 25 July 2006 02:10 am, Jon wrote:
 CREATE  PROCEDURE sp_test1 (IN some_limit int)
 select * from some_table limit some_limit;

 CREATE  PROCEDURE sp_test2 (IN some_table table)
 select * from some_table;

Well, first off with stored procedures the format is:

END $$

DELIMITER is done so you can use ;'s within the stored procedure.

no need for using blocks and setting delimiter when it's only a single query

 The other

thing too is that you're trying to select a table by a variable.  That
doesn't quite work, and I've tried a dozen or so variations myself hoping
would.  You know, I'd almost LIKE someone to go No you're wrong, you just
need to do this... ;)

Well, that's kinda what I want to hear. A simple yes or no for both tables

and limits. I take it tables are a nono considering you've tried so many

Anyone who knows if the same is true for limits?