hi their,

i have a problem working with access mysql and myodbc.

i ported a access database to mysql. now i had to integrate the mysql db
in the old access frontend. i realized this with linked tables.

now i have a problem, because myodbc seems to return the wrong

the relation between the tables in mysql are fixed with the primary keys
and the foreign keys.


observation // tablename
observation_id // primary key

activity_no_focal // tablename
activity_no_focal_id // primary key
observation_id // foreign key

now their is a formular in access that allows me to
create a new entry for the observation. this works fine.
at this formular  their is a button 'activity_no_focal'.
pressing this button, a new formular pops up, and now their should be the
possibility to enter data for the set activity_no_focal with
observation_id like the new set i formerly created.

now it is following problem i ran in:
the formular opens, but all the fields for entering the new data do not
exist. as i looked in the mysql log file, i recognized, that their is a
select statement for this specific observation_id at activity_no_focal,
and for sure, it is empty, as it should be. if access gets an empty set
for a table, the fields access then presents are then used for updating
the db.

This is the reason why i think this should be a myodbc error. i guess
myodbs gives back some strange data, access can't handle with, instead of
the empty set, or the empty set is given back in a way access doesn't

So this is my question: does one know how to handle the problem?

In advance, the technical data of the soft and hardware i use.

pentium 4
512 MB RAM
40 GB Hard Disk.

Operating System:
linux 2.4.20-4GB (Suse 9.1)

Software under linux:
VmWare (running win2k)
Mysql Server running on linux
Server mysql 3.23.55-Max-log
apache, shh, mail ...

Software under win2k:
Access 97
MyODBC 3.51
All Service Packs installed
(for Access i installed the latest Service Release)
MDAC 2.8

thanks for every idea,
joshua bacher

joshua bacher
max planck institute

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