Tricky Join with Animal-DB

2005-02-16 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi SQL-Community
I need once more your help, I have a tricky problem with my animal-db.
I have a table with animals and a table with animal-pics. I have a third
table. In this table you can see, which pic belongs to which animal:
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  animal varchar(250) NULL,
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  pic varchar(250) NULL,
CREATE TABLE animal_pic (
  animalid int(11)  NULL ,
  picid int(11) NULL
The problem is now, that there can be n pics for an animal!
With which join can I show the animals with all pics for this animal (even
if there are more than one pic for an animal)?
Thank you for you ideas!

How to select every second record

2005-01-27 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi SQL-Users
Is it possible to select only every second record from a record set?
I should select the record-number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ... or record-number 2, 4,
6, 8, ...
Can this be done with LIMIT?
Thank you!
Greetings, Martin

Multiple table count in one sql-query

2004-11-24 Thread Martin Rytz
Hello People
I should have the count from 3 tables in one query; something like this:
select count(*) from table1 union select count(*) from table2 union select
count(*) from table3 union;
The Problem ist, that the query gives 3 results back (the count from table1,
table2 and table3) BUT I should have only one result, the added value from
all 3 tables... 
How can I do this within MySQL? Are there variables I could use within the
query? Other possibilities?
Thank you for your help!
Kind Regards,
Martin Rytz

Suppress the 0 value

2004-11-10 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi MySQL-Users
I have a simple select statement like 'select id from table'. The result is
0, becaues the id field is 0 (int-field).
My problem is now how to suppress the 0 and give NULL instead of 0 as the
result (i.E. everytime the result from the select is 0 it should be NULL).
How can this be done within the select-statement?
Thank you in advance,
Martin Rytz

LOAD DATA LOCAL: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

2004-10-27 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi mysql-community!
I have a problem with mysql 3.23.49a:
If I try to use the statement 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
'/storage/hosting/uxclients/' INTO TABLE
mysql replys: 'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version'.
Why this error-message? Was LOAD DATA LOCAL not supported with 3.23? I read,
that LOAD DATA LOCAL was added with 3.22.6 
Do you have an idea?
Thank you,

Count Rows within unions

2004-10-15 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi SQL-Cracks
How can I count the rows within a select with multiple unions?
Count rows with one select is easy: select count(*) from table
Count rows over multiple tables is complicated:
select name from table1 union select name from table2 union select name from
table3 order by name
How can I count the rows over this 3 tables?
Thank you in advance!
Martin Rytz

Problem with 4.1.3 that I not had with 4.0.20

2004-08-23 Thread Martin Rytz
Good Morning Community!
I have a problem with 4.1.3 that I not had with 4.0.20.
Here is my table:
CREATE TABLE url_cat_copy (
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  url varchar(100) default NULL,
  domain varchar(100) default NULL,
  bytes bigint(20) default NULL,
  hits bigint(20) default NULL,
  bytes_priv decimal(20,2) default NULL,
  hits_priv decimal(20,2) default NULL,
  bytes_bus decimal(20,2) default NULL,
  hits_bus decimal(20,2) default NULL,
  cat1 varchar(100) default NULL,
  cat2 varchar(100) default NULL,
  cat3 varchar(100) default NULL,
Here is a sample-data:
INSERT INTO url_cat_copy VALUES (272, '', '',
3040, 3, 2533.33, 2.50, 506.67, 0.50, 'Shopping', 'Religion',
Here ist the query:
FROM url_cat_copy
WHERE bytes - ( bytes_priv + bytes_bus )  <> 0 OR hits - (hits_priv +
hits_bus) <> 0; 
The result from the query should be no record (empty recordset). With 4.0.20
it was, with 4.1.3 it is not.
Can you reconstruct the problem on your 4.1.3 installation? Why has the
result changed? 
How I must change the query, that the result is an empty recordset again?
Thank you in advance!
Martin Rytz

Problem with Mysql 4.1.3: Error #1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE)

2004-08-18 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi All
I am very confused about MySQL 4.1.3. I have problems with the character set
and the collation. Under 4.0.20 I had never such problems.
I downloaded the beta-files from version 4.1.3b and zipped it to c:\mysql.
Then I loaded my data within a script with "load data infile" into my
tables... The point is, that all tables have now the collation
'latin1_swedish_ci'?!!? Is this the default collation? Why does this
collation appear? Interesting is, that the meta-data (all tables in the
mysql-db) does have the 'latin1_swedish_ci' - collation too.
The problem is now with phpmyadmin, if I make a select like
"SUBSTRING_INDEX( domain, '.', -2 )  from url_cat", the following
error-message appears: Error #1267 - Illegal mix of collations
(latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE). I found out,
that if I use the following statement "select SUBSTRING_INDEX( domain,
_latin1'.', -2 )  from url_cat" it works But the Problem is, i won't
change all my old scripts from 4.0!!! I found out, that if I use mysql in
DOS, everything works without error!!! Do I have to change something in
phpmyadmin (i have version 2.6.0rc1)?
I am very confused about it and i don't know how and which character-set and
collation I have to choose. I live in Switzerland... Which character-set and
collation I have to choose? Is there a 'standard' character-set/collation I
should use? Do I have to set parameters in the my.cnf - file?  
My system runs under Windows XP with SP2.
Thank you in advance for your help. 
Martin Rytz
DBA from Switzerland

Problem with Slow Update Query

2004-08-10 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi all
I have a problem with slow update queries like these (5 examples):
update url_cat set domain = '01net' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.' )
-1 ) = '01net';
update url_cat set domain = '1-meta' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.'
) -1 ) = '1-meta';
update url_cat set domain = '105' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.' )
-1 ) = '105';
update url_cat set domain = '123love' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.'
) -1 ) = '123love'; 
update url_cat set domain = 'google' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.'
) -1 ) = 'google'; 
before the update, the field domain contains '' or '' or
'' and after the update it contains only 'google'.
i have to make thousends of this updates an it takes a long time. the table
'url_cat' contains about 100'000 entries! an index would help, but mysql
does not use any static index. the index should contain the
where-condition... but this is not possible, because the lenght of the
condition differs?! 
does anybody have another idea?
thank you in advance.