MySql with EJB CMP

2001-04-01 Thread Neelesh

Hello all ,

Can anybody tell me what to do to setup MySql with EJB ?

It is running very fine for creation of the CMPs but it is not getting the
DATA while executing FindByPrimaryKey option ,
it is able to create the instance of the Interface but could not get the
DATA from it.


- Original Message -
From: "Bernhard Fuerst" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: mySQL and MacOS X: very slow

 Hi all,

 I benchmarked mySQL 3.23.36 on the new MacOS X and got the following

 ATIS   :   101.00
 alter-table:   767.00
 big-tables :90.00
 connect:   178.00
 create :   957.00
 insert : 38029.00
 select : +3274.00
 wisconsin  :   307.00

 That's too slow especially the time it needs for inserts (compared to

 Do anyone has an idea why it is so slow??

 Here some config details:

 The machine is a PowerBook G3 (Firewire) with 400 Mhz PowerPC G3 and 265
 MB RAM. When I run the benchmark there was approximately 150 MB of free
 RAM (reported by 'top'). I did nothing on the machine in this time.

 I configured and compiled mySQL with the following parameters:
 CFLAGS="-O4 -fomit-frame-pointer"  \
 CXXFLAGS="-O4 -fomit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions
 -fno-rtti" \
 ./configure \
 --prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
 --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static \
 --without-debug \
 --with-extra-charset=complex \

 mysqld is configured as follows:
 ansi_mode   | OFF
 back_log| 50
 basedir | /usr/local/
 binlog_cache_size   | 32768
 character_set   | latin1
 character_sets  | latin1 dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2
 swe7 usa7 cp1251 danish hebrew win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr
 win1251ukr greek win1250 croat cp1257 latin5 |
 concurrent_insert   | ON
 connect_timeout | 5
 datadir | /usr/local/var/
 delay_key_write | ON
 delayed_insert_limit| 100
 delayed_insert_timeout  | 300
 delayed_queue_size  | 1000
 flush   | OFF
 flush_time  | 0
 have_bdb| NO
 have_gemini | NO
 have_innobase   | NO
 have_isam   | YES
 have_raid   | NO
 have_ssl| NO
 init_file   |
 interactive_timeout | 28800
 join_buffer_size| 131072
 key_buffer_size | 8388600
 language| /usr/local/share/mysql/english/
 large_files_support | ON
 locked_in_memory| OFF
 log | OFF
 log_update  | OFF
 log_bin | OFF
 log_slave_updates   | OFF
 long_query_time | 10
 low_priority_updates| OFF
 lower_case_table_names  | 0
 max_allowed_packet  | 1048576
 max_binlog_cache_size   | 4294967295
 max_binlog_size | 1073741824
 max_connections | 100
 max_connect_errors  | 10
 max_delayed_threads | 20
 max_heap_table_size | 16777216
 max_join_size   | 4294967295
 max_sort_length | 1024
 max_user_connections| 0
 max_tmp_tables  | 32
 max_write_lock_count| 4294967295
 myisam_recover_options  | OFF
 myisam_sort_buffer_size | 8388608
 net_buffer_length   | 16384
 net_read_timeout| 30
 net_retry_count | 10
 net_write_timeout   | 60
 open_files_limit| 0
 pid_file| /usr/local/var/
 port| 3306
 protocol_version| 10
 record_buffer   | 131072
 query_buffer_size   | 0
 safe_show_database  | OFF
 server_id   | 0
 skip_locking| OFF
 skip_networking | OFF
 skip_show_database  | OFF
 slow_launch_time| 2
 socket  | /tmp/mysql.sock
 sort_buffer | 2097144
 table_cache | 64
 table_type  | MYISAM
 thread_cache_size   | 0
 thread_stack| 65536
 transaction_isolation   | READ-COMMITTED
 tmp_table_size  | 1048576
 tmpdir  | /var/tmp/
 version | 3.23.36
 wait_timeout| 28800


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Re: Signal 11 on Innobase table range queries

2001-03-26 Thread Neelesh

Hello All of you ,

can you please tell me how to configure WEBLOGIC server with MYSQL database
. It is giving findByPrimaryKey error on my CMPs

Thanks in adcance


- Original Message -
From: "Michael Widenius" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Arne Claassen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Heikki Tuuri"
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Signal 11 on Innobase table range queries


  "Jeremy" == Jeremy D Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jeremy On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 09:52:22PM -0800, Arne Claassen wrote:
  I've got a reproducable signal 11 death in mysqld using Innobase
  tables and range queries (at least reproducable on my machine,
  Redhat 6.2, mysql 3.23.35).
  Here's how it manifests itself: Create a table with at least 32
  columns.  Then load a row or two into the table and try to do any
  query using a range (, , between, in) on the primary key and i get
 mysql select * from foo where id  1 limit 1;

 Jeremy [snip]

  Let me know if anyone can reproduce this, as it's quite the

 Jeremy Yep. I've got a similar result here.

 Jeremy To reproduce you only need one row in the table:


 Thanks for the test case;  We will fix this shortly and then release
 3.23.36 that will contain the fix for this.


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Re: Match Records

2001-03-06 Thread Neelesh

Hello ,

Can you please tell me how to use transaction in mysql. I am using mysql
version 3.23.32.
I want to use EJB over it , it is giving problem of transaction as it is not
supporting ENTITY with CMP.

Thanks ,


- Original Message -
From: "Bob Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: Match Records

 I`m trying to find the best method to match records between two tables in
 MySQL database. But it must match atleast once, so here is a scenario for
 to think about.
 Member - Job, Salary, Location
 Jobs - Job, Salary, Location
 All values will be enum sets in both tables as follows
 Job = enum 'developer','designer','none'
 Salary = enum '10K','15K','none'
 Location = enum 'usa','uk','none'
 Ok so the user has come to the site and I have his Job Salary and
 stored, he clicks a link which then performs the search. His values are
 Job = developer, Salary = 10K, Location = uk
 I want to search the Jobs table and match it with the above, this part I
 do. The next stage is if it doesn`t find any matches it then finds the
 nearest. So if the only record I have in the Jobs table is as follows
 Job = developer, Salary = none, Location = uk
 How do I go about making it pick up the nearest.
 At the moment I am using
 SELECT * FROM Jobs where Job='$Job' and Salary='$Salary' and
 So obviously it won`t match them, anyone wake me up from my slumber and
 me out with this?

 Sir, the following, or some variation, should get you the closest
 matches on salary. You can modify or remove the LIMIT clause to get
 various numbers of results.

 SELECT *, Abs('$Salery' - Salery) AS delta
 FROM Jobs
 WHERE Job='$Job' AND Location='$Location'
 ORDER BY delta LIMIT 1;

 For location, you'll have to have some sort of lookup system based
 either on longitude and latitude or the British postal codes. The
 easiest solution is to let the user handle it; the user does one
 search for each location the user thinks is close enough to the ideal

 The problem of finding a job title that is close to another job title
 is a problem outside of database theory. The US government uses a
 numeric coding system for jobs. If the UK government does something
 similar, you might be able to use that to make rough comparisons of
 job titles. Even if you can find an existing solution that you can
 adapt to your needs, you've still got your work cut out for you. An
 easier solution might be to allow the user to view the available job
 titles (SELECT DISTINCT Job ..., or have a predetermined list of
 jobs) and then have your code build a query based on the jobs
 selected by the user.

 Bob Hall

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 Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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