RE: images with mysql

2003-03-21 Thread Paul Larue
Don't forget that the images can be stored *outside* the root dir. Access
them using ../../ until you reach your img dir. There's no way to get to the
images directly then.


-Original Message-
From: lasse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 12:14 AM
To: unlisted-recipients:; no To-header on input
Subject: Re: images with mysql

sure you can. And i don't mind you disagreeing with me either =)

Although, if the solution/site is meant to be used by other than people
who know something about the webserver i don't think it's a good solution.

I can imagine writing something that reads the htaccess-file and edits
it... but i don't like the possible securtyissues with that.
Besides... if you render a page with a selectbox from mysqltables and
another with images and let the user match them together, it's idiotproof

If you have a php(or whatever)-file wich sole purpouse is to
check users rights and render images it can also always check if you have
the right cookies. If you've been to the right previous page to
see that picture, if not redirect to '/'; Do you get my point?

I still believe that the blob i my saviour... (despite the obvious
loss of performance)

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, B. van Ouwerkerk wrote:

 You can use other ways to protect your images from linking by others. Like
 with Apache and htaccess..

 I don't agree with you on your opinion that it's easier to code. If you
 insert a link into your database all you have to do is retrieve it and
 the link to the browser.


 At 20:18 20-03-2003 +0100, lasse wrote:
 hey all.. new to the list.
 Just my 5 cents...
 I think it's better to store images in the database, sure you loose a bit
 in performance, but it's easier to code.
 The way i've done it before is always a separate render.php (or what
 that compares the users rights to view that image, get's the blob from
 database, sets right content-type for the page and then renders the
 binary data.
 That way... you can control frames/design (direct links to images can be
 avoided) und so weiter...
 On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, B. van Ouwerkerk wrote:
   I assume it is, have not tested it..
   If you need to fetch the files from the database your app needs to
   until it has recieved the data. If you only store name/path info it
   take less time to fetch the data, ship it off to the browser which can
   start fetching the images without connecting to the database again.
   Sounds pretty logical.. and it gets worse if your site is hosted by an
   who is using a database server running on a seperate box..
   At 21:35 20-03-2003 +, Lai Liu-yuan wrote:
   Well, this may be off topic.
   In my case, I store tens of thousands of images, gradually growing.
All of
   them are quite small, most around 30*30 gray scale. Would it still be
   faster to store them on disk?
   On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 13:57:06 +0100
   B. van Ouwerkerk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 IMHO it's better to store a link.
 I have seen databases (not MySQL) getting corrupted because the
 inserted was to big.

 For the visitor it doesn't really matter whether you put it into
 database or not. A link is less difficult and you don't have to
 pictures from the database so it might be quicker..


 At 18:34 20-03-2003 +, Lai Liu-yuan wrote:
 I am now having a database storing images of chinese characters
 research purpose. I wrote a program to store and retrieve them.
 are of type ppm. This is how I designed my table:
 mysql describe poor;
 | Field  | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | cc | char(2) binary |  | | |   |
 | width  | int(1) | YES  | | NULL|   |
 | height | int(1) | YES  | | NULL|   |
 | data   | blob   | YES  | | NULL|   |
 Just have to be really careful in storing binary data. Hope this
 On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:34:19 +0100
   I have a problem with my MySQL
   I need to have some a images related with an item
   for example
   ! author ! date of birth an death ! image!
   How can I define the field for the images? I have read that
   could be useful for large objct like images, but I can't
  understand how
   to set it in my database...
   Thank you in advance
   S t e f a n o  C a r d o

RE: sql or import file

2003-03-21 Thread Paul Larue
The following should do the trick

mysql LOAD DATA file_name.ext INFILE INTO TABLE table_name


-Original Message-
From: Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 3:58 AM
Subject: RE: sql or import file

Hi Paul

Its a backup of phpbb so its a flat file with the ext .sql I just didn't
want to
spend the next 8 hours cutting and pasting :)


-Original Message-
From: Paul Larue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 21 March 2003 23:46
Subject: RE: sql or import file

Any extension you like will do it.
How do you do the import? Are you importing a MySQL db or data from a flat

-Original Message-
From: Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 3:41 AM
To: MySQL-Lista
Subject: sql or import file

In phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 the 'Or Location of the textfile ' instead of running a
statement does this have to be a txt file or can it be a .sql file?

Or if it is a .sql can I just rename the file so it is a txt file?

Why is importing a large file inot MySQL so damn difficult.  It would be so
for the backup not to happen as opposed to easily backing up a DB that
cannot be
restored.  Its like having a nice pair of shoes you cant wear!


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[MySQL] InnoDB - Updating a parent table won't update the child table

2003-03-17 Thread Paul Larue
Hi all,
I created 2 tables in MySQl with the following statements
CREATE TABLE employees (
emp_last_name TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
emp_first_name TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
emp_nick_name TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
emp_date_joined DATE NOT NULL,
emp_date_left DATE,
emp_group CHAR(50),
emp_address TINYTEXT NOT NULL,
emp_phone CHAR(7) NULL,
emp_mobile CHAR(7) NULL,
emp_national_id CHAR(14) NOT NULL,
emp_social_security CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
emp_tax_ac CHAR(8) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (emp_id),
KEY (emp_group),
FOREIGN KEY (emp_group) REFERENCES employee_groups(grp_name)
COMMENT=Stores information about employees in company

CREATE TABLE employee_groups (
grp_name CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
grp_overtime_paid BOOL NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (grp_id),
INDEX (grp_name))
COMMENT=Stores group names and their properties
The field employee_groups.grp_name is 'mapped' to employees.emp_group and
the referential integrity is set all the associated fileds to NULL when the
parent record is DLETED and to CASCADE when the parent record is UPDATED.

Creating the tables is fine. Inserting data in the tables is fine too. But
when I try to update a record in employee_groups, MySQL returns the
following error

mysql UPDATE employee_groups SET grp_name = FOO WHERE grp_id = 1;
ERROR 1217: Cannot delete a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

Why is it telling me that I'm trying to delete the record when I'm only
doing a simple update?

Deleting the records is ok, MySQl sets the associated fields to NULL. But
the update WON'T work...

Any clue?

Thanks in advance


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MySQL Client on Linux won't connect to MySQL Server on XP

2003-03-10 Thread Paul Larue
Hi all,
I got MySQL 3.23.55-nt running on XP and MySQL Client 3.23.36 running on
Linux Red Hat 7. I'm trying to have the client connect to the server but I
get the same error all the time:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# mysql -h -u guest
ERROR 1130: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Could it be that the server and the client are not running the same version
and OS? Actually this situation is only a simulation of the future setup
which will be a win2k box holding the MySQL Server and the Linux box still
holding the client. Apache will run on the linux box as well as PHP so that
I can connect to mysql.

I'd be glad to hear from people having a similar setup and who would be
willing to give me tips on problems I could encounter as well as some hints.

Thanks in advance


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startingMySQL with InnoDB on Red Hat

2003-02-25 Thread Paul Larue
Hi All, I'm quite a novice with Mysql and more than a newbee with Linux but
I managed to install Red Hat on an x86 and installed MySQl too. Now I need
to have InnoDB support. I installed MySQl on my notebook too (winxp) and
edited my.cnf to start innodb and set all the required params. I use my
notebook for testing...

The problem is that using the same my.cnf (at least the same params for
InnoDB) in the my.cnf on the linux box doe not start MySQL. The Service
fails. whereas on the xp machine it does... very well!

Any help GREATLY appreciated. I still cannot understand why it won't work.
My only guess is that onnodb does not have the approprioate permissions to
read/write or something like that.

Below is my my.cnf [mysql] section InnoDB part

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=70M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=10M
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=20M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M

Thanks for the help.


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