Re: Rename/Copy a Table????

2003-04-01 Thread ag315
RENAME TABLE tbl_name TO new_tbl_name[, tbl_name2 TO new_tbl_name2,...]

you can find it from MYSQL MANUAL section RENAME TABLE SYNTAX

 (I tried to post this once, but it didn't show up - sorry if
 this is a duplicate!)
 Can you rename a table? If so, how?
 If not, is there an easy query to run to copy a table?
 (Preserving the data as well as the structure, of course.)
 Couldn't find it in my MySQL on-line manual...
 Mark Wilson, Computer Programming Unlimited (
 Web  : Tel: 410-549-6006
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax: 410-549-4408

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Re: Rename table?

2003-04-01 Thread ag315
If you use PHP
program like below...

$conn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass)
if(!$conn) exit;

$query = rename table old_table to new_table;
$res = mysql_query($query, $conn);
if(!$res) {
echo(Rename table failed);

echo(Rename table successfully !!!);

It's simple
OK ?

if you use other programming language, It's similar to above example.

Sorry, My english is so poor -_-;;

 Is it possible to rename a MySQL table? If so, how?
 If not, is there a simple query syntax to copy a table?
 I don't have access to the command-line version,
 just a web interface, and no, not anything nice like PhpMyAdmin! :-(  --

 Mark Wilson, Computer Programming Unlimited (
 Web  : Tel: 410-549-6006
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax: 410-549-4408

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Re: Cannot add new user to newly created database, help needed

2003-04-01 Thread ag315

mysql use mysql;
mysql update user set grant_priv = 'Y' where user = 'root';
mysql flush privileges

and reconnect to mysql server as root user and
retry grant clause. You'll be happy!!! ^^


 I'm trying to create a database and then adding a
 specialized user so it can work with it, but so far i
 got no luck:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] josevnz]$ mysql -u root -p -h
 Enter password:
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or
 Your MySQL connection id is 11 to server version:

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the

 mysql use mysql;
 Database changed
 mysql CREATE DATABASE test_cvebrowser;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

 ON test_cvebrowser.* TO
 IDENTIFIED BY 'cv3br0ws3r';
 ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 to database 'test_cvebrowser'

 Any ideas what's wrong? (must be something pretty
 simple, but no cigar so far). I don't understand why
 the error if i managed to connect the first time.

 I'm using:
 - Redhat Linux 8.0
 - MySQL 4.0.12 (fresh install)

 PD: I already checked the documentation at
 '', but
 no luck.

 Thanks in advance,


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