I am new to MySQL.  Please excuse my ignorance if this question has been
previously discussed.  I was not able to 

find an answer to my question by searching the archives.


I have MySQL installed on a dedicated AMD-64 computer with the MS XP Pro
operating system.

MS-SQLServer is installed on a 32-bit machine with a slower clock speed. I
am running the free binary 

distribution of MySQL for testing purposes and have been generally impressed

MySQL's  comparative performance in all but one area.


I am finding that both inner and outer merges take substantially longer with
MySQL  than with the SQLServer using the same basic code.

In one application a left outer merge between a file with 600,000 records
and a file with 4,500,000 records took about 10-15 minutes with 

SQLServer and 11 hours with MySQL.  I am repeatedly having similar
experiences with both inner and outer merges. 


Is there any way I can try to improve MySQL's  performance with respect to
merges?  Needless to say, unless I can improve MySQL's

performance, I will not be converting to MySQL at this time.





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