MySQL hangs unexpedtedly

2002-08-21 Thread lcalero

  Hi. These last days, after some months of running relatively smoothly,
I've been having some trouble with MySQL. Sometimes (yesterday 4 times) it
just goes astray and virtually hangs. Load goes up to +200%, all
connections are occupied and it just doesn't do anything. The only way to
stop it is to killall -9 mysql because a mysqladmin shutdown won't do.

  Looking though the error file I get this:

mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked agaist is corrupt, improperly built,

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (record_buffer + sort_buffer)*max_connections = 4192696 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok, if not, decrease some variables in the equation

  (Is it ok? Box is a Dual 1Ghz, 1Gb ram, Linux 2.4.16 dedicated only to

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:


Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at (nil)  is invalid pointer

  Everytime the box hangs I get the same stack backtrace, I have resolved
it and it's:

0x806ede4 pack__12Field_stringPcPCcUi + 20
0x8120148 regatoi + 8
0x814ba6f __printf_fp + 5719
0x80a147f join_read_const__FP13st_join_table + 35
0x807561a push_front__t4List1Z3KeyP3Key + 18
0x8073f97 prepare__13select_exportRt4List1Z4Item + 443

  ...but when I try to find the thread that caused it (1733 in this case)
in the binary log it doesn't appear so I'm unable to determine what's
causing the error.

  I thought at first that it could be a load peak issue, but this error is
from today at 6am, and this isn't a busy hour. Everytime I get this i run
myisamchk -r *.MYI. It seems that after some time (+30 minutes usually)
mysql restarts and starts running again.

  Any thoughts on this? Anything I can do to resolve it?



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Re: MySQL hangs unexpedtedly

2002-08-21 Thread lcalero

 Operating System and version?
 MySql version?
 Precompiled, you compiled?
 Which compiler?

  Intel Dual 1Ghz, 1Gb RAM, RedHat Linux 6.2, kernel 2.4.16, MySQL 3.23.52
from rpms (happened the same with 3.23.46). As I said before, this only
happens the last few days, we were running for almost a year without much

  Anyone can explain/understand the stack trace?




   Hi. These last days, after some months of running relatively smoothly,
 I've been having some trouble with MySQL. Sometimes (yesterday 4 times) it
 just goes astray and virtually hangs. Load goes up to +200%, all
 connections are occupied and it just doesn't do anything. The only way to
 stop it is to killall -9 mysql because a mysqladmin shutdown won't do.
   Looking though the error file I get this:
 mysqld got signal 11;
 This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
 or one of the libraries it was linked agaist is corrupt, improperly built,
 It is possible that mysqld could use up to
 key_buffer_size + (record_buffer + sort_buffer)*max_connections = 4192696 K
 bytes of memory
 Hope that's ok, if not, decrease some variables in the equation
   (Is it ok? Box is a Dual 1Ghz, 1Gb ram, Linux 2.4.16 dedicated only to
 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
 where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
 terribly wrong...
 Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
 Trying to get some variables.
 Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
 thd-query at (nil)  is invalid pointer
   Everytime the box hangs I get the same stack backtrace, I have resolved
 it and it's:
 0x806ede4 pack__12Field_stringPcPCcUi + 20
 0x8120148 regatoi + 8
 0x814ba6f __printf_fp + 5719
 0x80a147f join_read_const__FP13st_join_table + 35
 0x807561a push_front__t4List1Z3KeyP3Key + 18
 0x8073f97 prepare__13select_exportRt4List1Z4Item + 443
   ...but when I try to find the thread that caused it (1733 in this case)
 in the binary log it doesn't appear so I'm unable to determine what's
 causing the error.
   I thought at first that it could be a load peak issue, but this error is
 from today at 6am, and this isn't a busy hour. Everytime I get this i run
 myisamchk -r *.MYI. It seems that after some time (+30 minutes usually)
 mysql restarts and starts running again.

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Re: MySQL over NFS

2002-08-20 Thread lcalero

 Also, what we have done is used a replicating box as a select only server.
 This requires you to write your code in such a way that only selects get
 sent to the slave.  A simple function wrapper in PHP is all we needed.

  I've been thinking of this idea too but it's a bit of a problem because
we open one connection for every page request and it makes from 10 to 100
querys (selects and updates). So it would be either opening and closing
the connection for each query (not good I guess) or opening two
connections, one to each server, at the beginning and then randomly
serving them to both boxes if they're selects or to one of them if they're

  Anyway if anyone has more insights about this I'd love to hear them.



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Re: How to access MySql using Perl. Help

2002-02-12 Thread lcalero

 I am new to MySql. I have MySql installed in my Linux PC.  How do I connect
 to MySql using Perl script and assign the result of a query to an array?
 Where could I find a sample code?  Thank you.

  man DBD::mysql


  Luis Calero Muñoz
  $email{luis} = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  $who{luis} = 'sysadm at ociojoven dot com'

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MySQL 3.23.32 way faster than 3.23.46

2001-12-11 Thread lcalero

  Hi. I've been testing some querys with this two versions of mysql and
found weird results. First we try with 3.23.32:

(foo)-/usr/local/mysql_3.23.32/bin# ./mysql -uroot publish
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 3.23.32-log

mysql SELECT DISTINCT Article.ID as ArticleID FROM eZArticle_Article AS
Article, eZArticle_ArticleCategoryLink as Link, eZArticle_ArticlePermission AS 
eZArticle_Category AS Category WHERE
( ( ( ( ( Permission.GroupID='-1' ) AND Permission.ReadPermission='1') )
AND ( Permission.GroupID='-1') AND Permission.ReadPermission='1' ) ) AND
Article.IsPublished = 'true' AND Permission.ObjectID=Article.ID AND
Link.ArticleID=Article.ID AND Category.ID=Link.CategoryID AND
Category.ExcludeFromSearch = 'false'
ORDER BY Article.Published DESC, Article.Puntos DESC LIMIT 220,10;

| ArticleID |
|  5665 |
|  7311 |
10 rows in set (54.19 sec)

  And then with 3.23.46:

(foo)-/usr/local/mysql_3.23.46/bin# mysql -uroot publish
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.23.46-log

mysql SELECT DISTINCT Article.ID as ArticleID FROM eZArticle_Article AS
Article, eZArticle_ArticleCategoryLink as Link, eZArticle_ArticlePermission AS 
eZArticle_Category AS Category WHERE
( ( ( ( ( Permission.GroupID='-1' ) AND Permission.ReadPermission='1') )
AND ( Permission.GroupID='-1') AND Permission.ReadPermission='1' ) ) AND
Article.IsPublished = 'true' AND Permission.ObjectID=Article.ID AND
Link.ArticleID=Article.ID AND Category.ID=Link.CategoryID AND
Category.ExcludeFromSearch = 'false'
ORDER BY Article.Published DESC, Article.Puntos DESC LIMIT 220,10;

| ArticleID |
|  5665 |
|  7311 |
10 rows in set (1 min 26.06 sec)

  Almost 30 seconds more with the same query!! We've found out that the
main problem are the Permission checks in the WHERE clause, because taking
them out makes the query execution down to 0.30 secs, but why the older
version takes much less time? (I've tried this with 3.23.42 with the same
results). Any way one of the tables has around 1 elements and the
other ones around 5000, isn't 1 minute too much time? Any hints to optmize
the query?

  FYI it's running on a dedicated Dual 800Mhz, Linux server w/ 1Gb RAM.

  Thanks in advance. Cheers.


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Database system architecture

2001-11-22 Thread lcalero

  Hi. We're in the process of making a database driven website for a
client and I'd like to clear one doubt. There are going to be two frontend
machines w/ apache on linux and one shared NAS on the back for the all
data (possibly a Netapp box).

  My question is: is it a good idea to have the database files on a NAS
mounted partition on each frontend and a MySQL server on each too? This
way both servers are going ot access the same set of data, but I was
fearing of file locking errors or something like that. BTW, DB use on
inserts/updates is not going to be very heavy.

  If this isn't a good idea... any insights about how to make this setup
to be optimal?



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Re: replication implementation.

2001-09-27 Thread lcalero

 can anybody please desc
 from the scratch (user rights)
 of configuring 2 mysql servers in
 master/slave fashion for replicatiom.

  Not that difficult to find...

  Luis Calero Muñoz
  $email{luis} = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  $who{luis} = 'sysadm at ociojoven dot com'

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Re: AW: MySQL is hogging my box

2001-09-19 Thread lcalero

 I assume you've done the slow-query-log review thing... making sure all your
 queries are fast, yes?

  Yes, you're right. After I did the myisamchk, the box has been more or
less stable with loads from 10 to 15. Still seems a lot ot me. I've
checked slow-query-log and only seemed to have one slow query every 4 or 5

  Luis Calero Muñoz
  $email{luis} = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  $who{luis} = 'sysadm at ociojoven dot com'

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MySQL is hogging my box

2001-09-18 Thread lcalero

  Hi all, this is my first question on this list and I hope that you can
help me. I've got one dedicated box for MySQL and it's going downhill just
by starting the DB. The box is a dual PIII 800Mhz, 1 Ghz RAM, Linux RedHat
6.2 w/ kernel 2.4.6SMP, SCSI Drives and plugged to a 100Mb internal
network. MySQL is latest rpm version (3.23.42). There are 3 frontends
(apache 1.3.20 + php4 / running ezPublish) shooting questions at this box.

  This evening it has started to raise the load of the machine (even
over 50) and it's going useless. Here is the main configuration of MySQL:


set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=1M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable= thread_concurrency=4
set-variable= wait_timeout=300
set-variable= max_connect_errors=1000
set-variable= max_connections=300


| max_allowed_packet | 1047552
| max_connections | 300
| max_connect_errors | 1000
| max_delayed_threads | 20
| max_heap_table_size | 16777216
| max_join_size | 4294967295
| max_sort_length | 1024
| max_user_connections | 0
| max_tmp_tables | 32
| max_write_lock_count | 4294967295
| myisam_sort_buffer_size | 67108864
| net_buffer_length | 16384
| record_buffer | 1044480
| record_rnd_buffer | 1044480
| query_buffer_size | 0
| sort_buffer | 1048568
| table_cache | 256
| table_type | MYISAM
| thread_cache_size | 8
| thread_stack | 65536
| tmp_table_size | 33554432
| version | 3.23.42-log
| wait_timeout | 300

   From SHOW extended-status

| Variable_name| Value |
| Aborted_clients  | 11|
| Aborted_connects | 0 |
| Bytes_received   | 3276773   |
| Bytes_sent   | 12091463  |
| Connections  | 508   |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 21|
| Created_tmp_tables   | 1187  |
| Created_tmp_files| 32|
| Delayed_insert_threads   | 0 |
| Delayed_writes   | 0 |
| Delayed_errors   | 0 |
| Flush_commands   | 1 |
| Handler_delete   | 0 |
| Handler_read_first   | 149   |
| Handler_read_key | 546266|
| Handler_read_next| 140968|
| Handler_read_prev| 80|
| Handler_read_rnd | 24511 |
| Handler_read_rnd_next| 536386110 |
| Handler_update   | 202796|
| Handler_write| 204321|
| Key_blocks_used  | 845   |
| Key_read_requests| 310986|
| Key_reads| 834   |
| Key_write_requests   | 1214  |
| Key_writes   | 993   |
| Max_used_connections | 174   |
| Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 6 |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0 |
| Open_tables  | 256   |
| Open_files   | 325   |
| Open_streams | 0 |
| Opened_tables| 340   |
| Questions| 23070 |
| Select_full_join | 1533  |
| Select_full_range_join   | 0 |
| Select_range | 366   |
| Select_range_check   | 0 |
| Select_scan  | 10150 |
| Slave_running| OFF   |
| Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0 |
| Slow_launch_threads  | 1 |
| Slow_queries | 16|
| Sort_merge_passes| 16|
| Sort_range   | 328   |
| Sort_rows| 2566631   |
| Sort_scan| 1625  |
| Table_locks_immediate| 21913 |
| Table_locks_waited   | 3026  |
| Threads_cached   | 0 |
| Threads_created  | 175   |
| Threads_connected| 175   |
| Threads_running  | 100   |
| Uptime   | 417   |

  After 10 minutes running this is the output of top and vmstat 1:

6:54pm  up  2:04,  5 users,  load average: 51.63, 42.91, 36.94
273 processes: 236 sleeping, 37 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 59.3% user, 40.6% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:  1028968K av,  313836K used,  715132K free,   0K shrd,   13408K buff
Swap: 2064376K av,   0K used, 2064376K free  227364K cached

 5089 mysql 15   0 66872  65M  1584 S   0  3.5  6.4   0:01 mysqld
 4926 mysql 13   0 40796  39M  1584 S   0  3.3  3.9   0:06 mysqld
 5046 mysql 20   0 88076  86M  1584 R   0  3.3  8.5   0:01 mysqld
 4906 mysql 20   0 74476  72M  1584 R   0  3.2  7.2   0:07 mysqld
 4919 mysql 11   0 40672  39M  1584 S   0  3.2  3.9   

Re: AW: MySQL is hogging my box

2001-09-18 Thread lcalero

 There are some others with a similar problem(including me). The question
 still remain,
 if it is all caused by the same bug(?).
 What table-types do you use? (MyISAM,Merge,BDB,...)


 How many entries are in the tables?

  Up to 145000 in some of the tables. But its not the usual stuff...
normal tables have around 15000 entries.

 How many queries/second?

  Based on the numbers on my system right now:

| Questions| 526358 |
| Uptime   | 2910   |

  That gives like 180 queries/sec, right? Isn't it a real big number???

 Do the queries use indices?

  Yes they do...

  Ok, after asking I've run myisamchk on the tables and then after
restarting it has started to go better. Not 50 load but 12, and slowly

  Besides when I look at the processlist I see many (5 to 10 at a time)
processes Locked for around 4 or 5 seconds. Any insights on this?

  Some guy has given me an insight about installing an older version of
MySQL. All my problems have been with 3.23.38 and 3.23.42. I'll try the
older version and would tell you what happens.


  Luis Calero Muñoz
  $email{luis} = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  $who{luis} = 'sysadm at ociojoven dot com'

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