mysqldump JOIN?

2004-03-09 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
I would like to do the following:

mysqldump -w users.user_id=enews.user_id sotx users

Ideally this would dump all records in table users
where the user_id field value is also present in the
enews table. Is this possible?



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RE: mysqldump JOIN?

2004-03-09 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
I've tried about 20 different variations with no luck
except when i modify the where statement to use only
one table. Then it works fine but it's not the results
i want. I was suspecting exactly what you said: you
can only refer to one table, and the first one you
specify at that. I was trying to avoid creating a temp
table and all that as this is a dump that i'll have to
do a lot. Just thinking off the top of my head: I
could probably write a batch file that executes the
necessary commands to create the temp table, dump the
contents, and then remove the temp table. I'll see if
it works.

Thanks, Rhino.


-Original Message-
From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: mysqldump JOIN?

According to the mysqldump article in the manual - -
you can select specific rows to dump with the --where
or -w options. I've
never tried making the where clause refer to a
different table; I suspect
from the examples given that you can only refer to the
same table. If you
haven't given it a try yet, try it now and see if it

If you have tried it and it doesn't accept a --where
that refers to a second
table, you could try creating a temporary table,
copying the desired rows
into it, then doing mysqldump on the temporary table.

I can't promise this will work but it should be easy
enough to try.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 6:15 PM
Subject: mysqldump JOIN?

 I would like to do the following:

 mysqldump -w users.user_id=enews.user_id sotx

 Ideally this would dump all records in table users
 where the user_id field value is also present in the
 enews table. Is this possible?



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2004-03-01 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
Arithmetic results in a value of zero but mysql is
treating the value as  0. This is reproducible in a
lot of different ways. Below is a pretty clear

mysql select version();
| version() |
| 4.0.17-max-nt |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql create table t (a decimal(12,2) not null, b
decimal(12,2) not null, c decimal(12,2) not null);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.72 sec)

mysql insert into t values (260.22,18.81,279.03);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select a+b-c from t where a+b-c = 0;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql select a+b-c as y from t having y = 0;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql select a+b-c as y from t having y  0;
| y|
| 0.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select a+b-c from t where a+b-c  0;
| a+b-c |
|  0.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)




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RE: Memory Problems on a G5/OSX/MySql4.0.17

2004-01-28 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
So should we always use InnoDB over BerkeleyBD? I was
under the impression Berkeley was faster and better at
handling transactions.


-Original Message-
From: Bruce Dembecki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Memory Problems on a G5/OSX/MySql4.0.17

 I don't think there would be any benefit to using
InnoDB, at least not
 from a transaction point of view

For the longest time I was reading the books and
listening to the experts
and all I was hearing is InnoDB is great because it
handles transactions.
Having little interest in transactions per se I pretty
much started tuning
things out whenever people mentioned InnoDB.

One day when talking to some MySQL AB folks they asked
why I wasn't using
InnoDB... I kind of looked at them blankly and replied
that I don't need
transactions, and they looked back as if I was mad.

Turns out InnoDB is far better at handling large
databases than MyISAM, we
had a massive (and I do mean massive) increase in
performance just by
switching to InnoDB. Uses a little more disk space,
but it's worth it, and
with a 5GByte database and a G5 server you have room
to spare, even if you
only got the smaller disks.

InnoDB is a major thing for us now, everything is
InnoDB. If an Engineer
complains something they have done is running slowly
it usually turns out to
be they made some new thing and didn't make the table
InnoDB. The fix is
easy and quick. I also suspect that you could do away
with that nightly
table repair that ties up the machine for hours at a
time if you were using

We have 4 G5 towers serving MySQL for us, all DP2GHz
machines with 4GBytes
of RAM. If your data is changing rapidly, as it
appears from your samples
most pages include some sort of insert, you will have
limited benefit from
the Query cache - every time a table receives any type
of change to it's
data any queries in the query cache that use that
table are dumped. In
February we are adding to the mix with 2 G5 XServes...
These are for new
projects, the current servers are handling their loads

On the Disk side we got the dual 250GBytes and
mirrored them for redundancy,
speed isn't an issue as far as we can tell.

We chose to replace our old database servers with G5s.
The old machines were
quad processor Sun boxes, and one was an 8 CPU
machine. The G5s left them
all for dead in terms of performance, although I'd
prefer a couple of extra
processors, something inside me still feels better
knowing that when a
process goes AWOL it's not holding up 50% of the
server's resources. The
Application servers are still typically Sun, although
new ones won't be.

We average about 140 Queries per second per machine
(of course the load
isn't that well distributed... but it gives you an
idea), and typical high
points are about 400 - 500 qps on any given machine
without stressing the
machines (replication catch up can see 1500 - 2000
queries per second, but
that's not so common and of course is mostly inserts).

Before we did the upgrade to 4.0.17 during last
Friday's maintenance window
we were over 1.5 billion queries total for the 28 days
the machines had been

So.. My tips for you:

1) Consider a switch to InnoDB, the performance hit
was dramatic, and it's
about SO much more than transactions (which we still
don't do)!

2) Drop the query cache to something more practical, a
gigabyte is fine if
your data is static, if it's not it's way too much. We
use 128MBytes and
typically have about a 30% hit rate on the Query cache
and the busiest
server is showing 80MBytes unused memory in the query
cache and a 41% hit
rate, and our databases take about 40G of disk space.
Remember having a big
query cache doesn't help if it's mostly sitting unused
(in fact if ours are
still sitting with 80M free in a week I'll drop all of
them 64MBytes).

3) Give lots of memory to InnoDB, I'll share my
settings below.

4) Take most of the non InnoDB memory settings and
drop them down real low,
InnoDB does well on it's own and if you convert all
tables you don't need to
leave much in the way of resources for MyISAM.

5) Turn on and use the slow query log (and if need be
change the time needed
to qualify as a slow query, the default 10 seconds is
a lifetime). You may
not code the queries yourself, but you can identify
the queries that are
causing problems and from there you can advise the
client on changes to the
database structure (indexes etc) or at least tell him
exactly what the
problem queries are.

6) Go get MyTOP from Jeremy Zawodny at - personally I
like version 1.3 but
that may just be what I am used to... You may not be
able to control the
coding part but you can at least monitor the server
and see what it's up to
and quickly and easily see problems.

7) If you decide to stay with MyISAM and not InnoDB
then you will want as
much memory as you can in the Key Buffer while leaving
some space in the

question regarding MAX() and INSERT

2004-01-23 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
I would like to do the following: 

INSERT INTO tt (a,i) VALUES ('text',MAX(i)+1);

This doesn't work b/c MAX() isn't allowed here. Does
anyone know how I can still achieve this with ONE



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RE: web hosting quesiong (slightly off topic)

2004-01-07 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
What?!?! That wasn't called for. I am in no way
affiliated with them and do not stand to gain anything
if anyone would choose to host with them. I've worked
with over a dozen ISPs and SonicCommerce is my
favorite. That's it, plain and simple.

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Weaver
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: web hosting quesiong (slightly off topic)

i really love 'em. how often do you hear that about an

Usually everytime someone is looking for an ISP and an
owner/person-with-something-to-gain happens to sniff
out the opportunity.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:33 AM
Subject: RE: web hosting quesiong (slightly off topic)

They're awesome, all linux, and expect you to grow
over time so they make upgrading your plan simple. i
really love 'em. how often do you hear that about an


-Original Message-
From: Chris W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:10 AM
Subject: web hosting quesiong (slightly off topic)

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good web
hosting company for 
an Apache - php - MySQL project.  I don't need much
bandwidth or disk 
space to start out, but may need more if the site gets
big.  I would 
also like to have ssh access to the server, preferably
a linux server.

Chris W

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RE: Issue with DATE_FORMAT() call returning wrong year

2004-01-05 Thread stairwaymail-mysql
Try %Y instead of %X

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 10:08 AM
Subject: Issue with DATE_FORMAT() call returning wrong

Hello all,
I have a query that for some reason is now returning
the incorrect year. First here is my server
Windows 2003 Advanced server
MySQL version 4.0.15-nt
Here is my SQL statement:
DATE_FORMAT(E.DateTime, '%X-%m-%d %h:%i:%s %p' ) AS
E.SendCount AS SendCount, 
E.TransactionStatus AS TransactionStatus, 
E.Message AS Message, 
TS.StatusDescription AS StatusDescription, 
TS.ErrorWarningInd AS ErrorWarningInd 
FROM errlog As E 
LEFT JOIN TransStatusTable AS TS 
ON E.TransactionStatus=TS.TransStatusCode 
WHERE AccountName='INSTILL000' 
AND Filename='SYSCO076_20040103125040.850' 
AND AccountScheduleDetailID=331 
ORDER BY SendCount, DateTime, TransactionStatus
The first column returned is the date. The values
returned are such as '2003-01-03 02:50:16 PM'
If I replace the DATE_FORMAT() call
'DATE_FORMAT(E.DateTime, '%X-%m-%d %h:%i:%s %p' ) AS
DateTime' with a simple 'E.DateTime AS DateTime'. the
returned value is now correct but the format is not.
I have run this SQL statement from the mysql command
line interface. I did initially use phpMyAdmin to see
this. I just wanted to make sure this was not a PHP
Any thoughts?

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RE: Subtracting date fields

2004-01-01 Thread stairwaymail-mysql

Good point, although he didn't specify what version he
was using so I assumed a newer one. Perhaps a
disclaimer should have been included? Anyways,
Kenneth, if you're using an older version try this:

SELECT id, TO_DAYS(firstdate) - TO_DAYS(postdate) AS
diff FROM calendar


-Original Message-
From: Matt W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2004 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Subtracting date fields


DATEDIFF() only works in MySQL 4.1.1+.

RTFM!  ;-)


- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: Subtracting date fields

 SELECT id, DATEDIFF(firstdate, postdate) AS diff
 hope that helps, dan
 -Original Message-
 From: Kenneth Letendre
 Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:51 PM
 Subject: Subtracting date fields
I'm trying to get the difference (in days)
 dates stored in two 
 date fields.
My query:
 SELECT id,(firstdate- postdate) AS diff FROM
This works fine if the two dates are in the same
 month, but not 
 otherwise.  MySQL appears to be treating the two
 as base-10 integers 
 rather than dates.  E.g.:
 2004-01-07 (20,040,107) - 2003-12-31 (20,031,231) =
How do I get MySQL to treat these date fields as
 date fields in this case?

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RE: Subtracting date fields

2003-12-31 Thread stairwaymail-mysql


SELECT id, DATEDIFF(firstdate, postdate) AS diff FROM


hope that helps, dan

-Original Message-
From: Kenneth Letendre
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:51 PM
Subject: Subtracting date fields


   I'm trying to get the difference (in days) between
dates stored in two 
date fields.
   My query:

SELECT id,(firstdate- postdate) AS diff FROM calendar

   This works fine if the two dates are in the same
month, but not 
otherwise.  MySQL appears to be treating the two dates
as base-10 integers 
rather than dates.  E.g.:

2004-01-07 (20,040,107) - 2003-12-31 (20,031,231) =

   How do I get MySQL to treat these date fields as
date fields in this case?



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