Re: Bug or No bug - Composite Unique Key using null values

2006-10-06 Thread Martijn Tonies

> I have been mulling over this for a few days reading docs and going back
> forth with people on this, so I figured I would come here before writing
up a
> bug report.
> First of all, I have tested this on 4.1.18, 5.0.16, and 5.0.22 within
> 9 and Mandrake Linux LE 2005 environments.
> For the sake of ease, I will just set up a small test table to assist me
> this question.
> > Create table test (
> x smallint not null,
> y char(5) default null,
> z char(10) not null default '',
> Unique Key `s`(x, y)

> test> Select * from test;
> +---+--+---+
> | x | y| z |
> +---+--+---+
> | 1 | dan  | yes   |
> | 2 | joe  | no|
> | 3 | NULL | maybe |
> | 3 | NULL | yes   |
> +---+--+---+
> Should the duplicate key checker be using the null-safe equals operator
> checking for duplicate unique keys?  Since primary keys cannot have nulls
> them, then they are fine.  This only happens when a unique key with a null
> value is encountered.

The behaviour you're seeing is correct according to the SQL Standard.
Given that NULL does not equal NULL, the tuples(x,y) for (3,NULL)
are different and thus valid.

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - development tool for MySQL, and more!
Upscene Productions
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Re: Bug or No bug - Composite Unique Key using null values

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Buettner

Dan, this is documented behavior:
"A UNIQUE index creates a constraint such that all values in the index
must be distinct. An error occurs if you try to add a new row with a
key value that matches an existing row. This constraint does not apply
to NULL values except for the BDB storage engine. For other engines, a
UNIQUE index allows multiple NULL values for columns that can contain


On 10/6/06, Dan Julson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have been mulling over this for a few days reading docs and going back and
forth with people on this, so I figured I would come here before writing up a
bug report.

First of all, I have tested this on 4.1.18, 5.0.16, and 5.0.22 within Solaris
9 and Mandrake Linux LE 2005 environments.

For the sake of ease, I will just set up a small test table to assist me with
this question.

> Create table test (
x smallint not null,
y char(5) default null,
z char(10) not null default '',
Unique Key `s`(x, y)

test> Insert into test values (1, 'dan', 'yes'), (2, 'joe', 'no'), (3, NULL,

test> Select * from test;
| x | y| z |
| 1 | dan  | yes   |
| 2 | joe  | no|
| 3 | NULL | maybe |

Now, here is the kicker.  When I try to run an Insert Into test Values (3,
NULL, 'yes').  It inserts it without matching the duplicate key which clearly
is in the table, or is it.  As the docs state, NULL can never equal NULL, so
this is the correct behavior.  Which leads me to my question...

test> Insert into test Values (3, NULL, 'yes');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

test> Select * from test;
| x | y| z |
| 1 | dan  | yes   |
| 2 | joe  | no|
| 3 | NULL | maybe |
| 3 | NULL | yes   |

Should the duplicate key checker be using the null-safe equals operator when
checking for duplicate unique keys?  Since primary keys cannot have nulls in
them, then they are fine.  This only happens when a unique key with a null
value is encountered.

Thanks, in advance, for any and all input.


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Bug or No bug - Composite Unique Key using null values

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Julson

I have been mulling over this for a few days reading docs and going back and 
forth with people on this, so I figured I would come here before writing up a 
bug report.  

First of all, I have tested this on 4.1.18, 5.0.16, and 5.0.22 within Solaris 
9 and Mandrake Linux LE 2005 environments.  

For the sake of ease, I will just set up a small test table to assist me with 
this question.  

> Create table test (
x smallint not null,
y char(5) default null,
z char(10) not null default '',
Unique Key `s`(x, y)

test> Insert into test values (1, 'dan', 'yes'), (2, 'joe', 'no'), (3, NULL, 

test> Select * from test;
| x | y| z |
| 1 | dan  | yes   |
| 2 | joe  | no|
| 3 | NULL | maybe |

Now, here is the kicker.  When I try to run an Insert Into test Values (3, 
NULL, 'yes').  It inserts it without matching the duplicate key which clearly 
is in the table, or is it.  As the docs state, NULL can never equal NULL, so 
this is the correct behavior.  Which leads me to my question...

test> Insert into test Values (3, NULL, 'yes');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

test> Select * from test;
| x | y| z |
| 1 | dan  | yes   |
| 2 | joe  | no|
| 3 | NULL | maybe |
| 3 | NULL | yes   |

Should the duplicate key checker be using the null-safe equals operator when 
checking for duplicate unique keys?  Since primary keys cannot have nulls in 
them, then they are fine.  This only happens when a unique key with a null 
value is encountered.  

Thanks, in advance, for any and all input.


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