RE: Doing Differential backup

2003-08-21 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall
Veritas might be a good solution. I'm trying to find out if a mounted
Veritas file system that stores only the snapshots while the data
resides locally is possible. If so then backing up the data could happen
every 5 min if necessary in my environment.

Does anyone know if the Veritas software allows remote snapshots-meaning
data and differential are on totally two separate servers?


-->-Original Message-
-->From: Helgi Örn Helgason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-->Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 11:51 PM
-->Subject: Re: Doing Differential backup
-->On 2003-08-20, Miguel Perez wrote:
-->> Hi list,
-->> Does any know how to do differential backups or does exist a tool
-->> that do this kind of backups.
-->> I have mysql 4.0.12 and use innodb tables, mysql is running on
-->> redhat 7.3
-->Hi Miguel,
-->take a look in the MySQL manual 4.4.1 Database Backups:
-->and 7.5.7 Backing up and Recovering an InnoDB Database
-->Google search on: mysql database tables backup, gives a lot of good
-->Helgi Örn
-->/// Helgi Örn Helgason, Registered Linux User: #189958 \\\
-->\\\ ~~ SuSE 8.2, MySQL 3.2, PHP 4.3.1 Apache 1.3.27 ~~ ///
-->MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Doing Differential backup

2003-08-21 Thread Helgi Örn Helgason
On 2003-08-20, Miguel Perez wrote:
> Hi list,
> Does any know how to do differential backups or does exist a tool
> that do this kind of backups.
> I have mysql 4.0.12 and use innodb tables, mysql is running on
> redhat 7.3
Hi Miguel,
take a look in the MySQL manual 4.4.1 Database Backups:

and 7.5.7 Backing up and Recovering an InnoDB Database

Google search on: mysql database tables backup, gives a lot of good

Helgi Örn

/// Helgi Örn Helgason, Registered Linux User: #189958 \\\
\\\ ~~ SuSE 8.2, MySQL 3.2, PHP 4.3.1 Apache 1.3.27 ~~ ///

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Re: Doing Differential backup

2003-08-21 Thread Michael Brunson
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 18:44:04 -0500, Miguel Perez used a
few recycled electrons to form:
| Hi list,
| Does any know how to do differential backups or does exist a tool
| that do this kind of backups.
| I have mysql 4.0.12 and use innodb tables, mysql is running on
| redhat 7.3

You are probably out of luck if what you are looking to
do it backup just what has changed in the database. Due
to how innodb is stored any backup software would
backup the entire data file. It might not even be able
to do a good job at it. 

I have backups that do mysqldumps of the databases.
These work pretty well. They are run off of a slave
that it's only purpose is to replicate for the backups.
We use to run without replication and it sucked!

There might be other options out there but I haven't
seen them.

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Doing Differential backup

2003-08-20 Thread Miguel Perez
Hi list,

Does any know how to do differential backups or does exist a tool
that do this kind of backups.
I have mysql 4.0.12 and use innodb tables, mysql is running on
redhat 7.3
Greetings and thnx in advanced

MSN. Más Útil Cada Día
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Differential backup

2003-08-20 Thread Miguel Perez
Hi list,

Does any know how to do differential backups or does exist a tool that do 
this kind of backups.

I have mysql 4.0.12 and use innodb tables, mysql is running on redhat 7.3

Greetings and thnx in advanced

MSN. Más Útil Cada Día
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