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----- Forwarded by Shawn Green/Unimin on 10/18/2005 12:07 PM -----

Shawn Green/Unimin
10/18/2005 11:48 AM

Re: Access 2002 hangs with MyODBC 3.51.11

"nikos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/18/2005 10:58:51 AM:

> Hello list
> I recently update my Access 2002 with Office SP3 (Access 10.6501...) and 
> connections with MySQL through MyODBC 3.51.11 have problems
> I install the Access on a pc without updating and the driver works fine.
> This version of Access is 10.25... something.
> I download again MyODBC driver but I get the same problem: access still
> hangs up.
> In the event viewer there is the following problem:
> "Faulting application msaccess.exe, version 10.0.6501.0, faulting module
> msjet40.dll, version 4.0.9025.0, fault address 0x000e9f60. "
> Does any body know what's the problem?
> Thank you
> Nikos

Microsoft distributed a security hotfix, updating MSJET40.DLL to version 
4.0.9025.0, which broke every version of MyODBC I test with (I have gone 
back as far as 3.51.2). Actually, AFAIK, it may only break the process of 
creating linked tables from MS Access. All other functions may remain 
functional. However, that's primarily what my users need the library to 
do, so for me it's "broken".

Related MySQL bug reports:

On each affected user's machine, replace newer MSJET40.DLL with previous 
version (4.0.8618.0), attached. (attachment probably stripped during list 
distribution). This effectively undoes part of the security hotfix but 
restores the ability to create and repair table links from MS Access 
through MyODBC to MySQL.

Due to Microsoft's file protection system (FPS), you have to replace the 
"backup" version first. The backup can be in an i386 folder, a DLLCACHE 
folder or in several other possible places (depending on the version of 
the OS and how FPS has been configured). After you make sure that MS 
Access is turned off, you can replace the main version in the SYSTEM32 

Check the "version" tab in the properties of each file after you make the 
copy to make sure your intended changes have taken effect.
[attachment "msjet40.dll" deleted by Shawn Green/Unimin] 
Last I heard, MySQL was still working on a full fix for the problem.
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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