  After having compiled (debug and optimized version) of MySQL 5.1.14 on 
Itanium-2 using icc, I have run 
  mysql_install_db --user=...........
  and started mysqld_safe in both scenarios (debug and optimized). In both 
cases mysqld starts without any errors.
  Unfortunaly when running the optimized version of mysqld I am not able to 
connect and set the root password.
  ./bin/mysqladmin -u root password '***********'
  ./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
  error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'
  The same procedure applied on the mysqld compiled with debug version 
  has no problem and I am able to set up the root password without any problems.
  Is there a bug in the MySQL 5.1.14 version when not compiled with 
--with-debug or am I missing something  ?
  P.S. I have also tried to set the root password using the debug version, 
shut-down the mysqld debug, replaced the "mysql" subdirectory in the data 
subdir in the optimized version and restarted the optimized mysqld with the new 
mysql subdir in the data subdir, but I got the same error.
  Could you please help ?
  Thanks in advance for your help,

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