procs                      memory    swap          io     system
 r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  so    bi    bo   in    cs  us
sy  id
 0  1  0   5232  93140  26732 3736888   0   0  1575    10  388   343  11
1  88
 0  1  0   5232  88552  26748 3741348   0   0   892     6  327   269  11
0  89
 0  1  0   5232  95180  26780 3750820   0   0  1898     6  380   433  13
0  87
 0  1  0   5232  55412  26820 3776584   0   0  5157     7  641   656   3
1  97
 0  1  0   5232  35320  26864 3809160   0   0  6522     9  792  1091   6
0  94
 0  1  0   5232  10484  26644 3833856   0   0  7246    14 1057  1917   1
1  98
 0  1  0   5232  10504  18576 3841896   0   0  3164     6  663   833   0
0  99
 0  1  0   5232  10528  18520 3841928   0   0  1656     6  517   442   0
0  99
Is this due to threads in a running D state, such as replication
threads? Should I be alarmed? What C-flag(s) are used to purposely
produce a process / thread to force it into interruptible sleep?
- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

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