Hi, I'm trying to migrate from MySQL 4.1.11 to MySQL 5.0 and I get a problem
with the new release.
I have this table...

provasql CREATE TABLE `provasql`

`idrow` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`descr` varchar(50) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`idrow`)

...this is the SQL command...

insert into provasql ( idrow, descr )
select ( select max(c.idrow)+1 from provasql c ) , 'This is only a test';

...and this is the error:

ERROR 1263 (22004): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL
n 'idrow' at row 1

With MySQL 4.1.11 I'd never get this error message, but it happens with the
5.0.15 version.
Can anyone help me?

Bye, Stefano.

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