I've MySQL-3.23.54a-11 installed and running on RH 9.0 via the RedHat 
rpm's. I'm trying to upgrade to MySQL-4.0.17-0 via rpm's from MySQL.com. I 
found references from web searches and through the archives from this list 
that suggest that it's as easy as: 

shell> rpm -Uvh --nodeps MySQL* 

but this results in numerous error messages saying that various files from 
4.0.17 conflict with files from 3.23.54a-11.

So then I tried uninstalling 3.23.54 first, then running:

shell> rpm -i MySQL* 

but this also did not work. Although when I ran:

shell> rpm -qa | grep MySQL* 

at this point, I got the correct list of rpm's that I was trying to 
install. However, no mysqld was found. 

I'd much appreciate some guidance. 


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