Oracle to Mysql Sync

2007-03-07 Thread Shain Miley
Hello everyone,
I had a quick question...I am looking to move away from our dependence on 
Oracle over to using a Mysql Cluster.  Due to the complexity of the move it 
will have to happen over a period of time, what I would like to do is keep our 
mysql database in sync with our Oracle DBthis would allow us to prove that 
the MySQL db can deal with the load, provide the needed uptime,etc.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this..I don't mean I need this done 
case is every time something changes in an oracle table, the change will get 
send to Mysql...worst needs to be out of sync by no more the 15 
minutes...what do you thinkis it possible?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Oracle to Mysql Sync

2007-03-07 Thread David Griffiths
I'd given some thought to this a while ago. The only way you are going 
to be able to tell if a row changes is to have a date column on every 
oracle table that indicates the last time the data changed.

You'll need some program to start up that knows the last time it ran, 
and the current date, and look for any changed rows between those two 
dates/times. All dates/times need to come from the database (not the OS).

After it finishes, the current date that the code generated  needs to be 
saved somewhere for the next iteration.

This won't work when rows are deleted from the database. If you are 
lucky, and this never happens, it's not an issue. If it only happens on 
a few tables, you can put triggers on that table (ON DELETE) to generate 
delete-statements to store in some log-type-table that your program can 
then execute on the mysql database (and then remove the rows from the 
log-type-table). If you have 500 tables that can have rows deleted, then 
you have a bit of work on your hands.

This isn't an elegant or simple solution, but I don't know of any 
application or tool that can be used to watch Oracle tables and apply 
the changes to a MySQL table in real-time or near real time.

On the flip side, because you will be batching updates/inserts/deletes 
that happen over a period of time (even if it's just 10-15 minutes) and 
apply them to MySQL all at once, you will be putting 10-15 minutes worth 
of Oracle processing onto MySQL all at once. Unfort, this isn't an 
apples-to-apples test. The Oracle statement might be, update some_table 
set some_column = 'xyz' where some_other_column='abc' and 
some_third_column_id in (select some_value from some_other_table where 
some_column = 12) and the mysql statements would just be a bunch of 
updates keyed off the primary key. Oracle is doing way more work.

If you need to do an oranges-to-oranges comparison, then unfortunately 
the only thing I can think of is to log statements in a centralized 
location (the Oracle database?) and then replay them in order on the 
MySQL database. Again, this could be quite a bit of work.

The third option is to take the archived redo logs and extract the SQL 
from them, and replay that SQL (assuming your Oracle-SQL is 
ANSI-compliant and doesn't use (+) etc for outer joins, and isn't full 
of Oracle-specific functions, etc). This will only capture updates, 
inserts, deletes, however; any load on your database due to 
selects-statements won't be replayed on the MySQL cluster.

Check out,

Note that you might have a tough time running this every 15 minutes.

All that said, MySQL Cluster is definitely a different beast. No foreign 
keys, and potentially slow selects if the query needs to hit multiple 
clusters to retrieve data. You also need a lot of RAM (2.1 times your 
dataset, if I remember correctly), etc, etc. Some of this goes away in 
MySQL 5.1.

There is a book coming out in a few weeks on the MySQL Cluster, and the 
MySQL Conference in Santa Clara has a set of talks devoted to MySQL Cluster.


Shain Miley wrote:

Hello everyone,
I had a quick question...I am looking to move away from our dependence
on Oracle over to using a Mysql Cluster.  Due to the complexity of the
move it will have to happen over a period of time, what I would like to
do is keep our mysql database in sync with our Oracle DBthis would
allow us to prove that the MySQL db can deal with the load, provide the
needed uptime,etc.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this..I don't mean I need this done case is every time something changes in an oracle table, the
change will get send to Mysql...worst needs to be out of sync
by no more the 15 minutes...what do you thinkis it possible?

Thanks in advance,



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