Dear Sir,
            I have downloaded DBI-1.15. I tried installing it. The tests failed.
I am using PMAKE to prepare an install program.

    The error is as follows:

    "can't locate loadable object for module DBI in @INC."

I am also providing you with the procedure i adopted to install DBI

  step 1: I checked my perl version. It is active-state perl 5.6.0

  step 2: I gave the command pmake

        err:    "can't 'MAKE', - no target at line 1164.

  step 3: On command >pmake

        pro: Reading
               Reading /..>makefile
        err:  The name specified is not recognized as an internal or an external
               command, operable program or batch file. 

 step 4: On command >pmake test

        pro: Reading
               Reading /..>makefile
        err:  The name specified is not recognized as an internal or an external
               command, operable program or batch file. 

Please tell me where I am wrong. Is there any setup kit, so that I can install
the DBI module easily.

    With this, I also request you to give a suggession to connect to mySQL
without using DBI. Can I connect to mySQL database using win32::ODBC.
If yes, please give me code details on how to connect using this.

waiting for a positive response,



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