The book “High Performance MySQL” states the following about using LVM
snapshots with innodb tables:  “All innodb files (InnoDB tablespace files
and InnoDB transaction logs) must be on a single logical volume
(partition).”  Here is portion of a df command performed on one of our

/dev/mapper/vg01-db   2.5T  2.0T  567G  78% /db

/dev/mapper/vg00-innodb  8.0G  2.0G  6.1G  25% /db/innodb

/dev/mapper/vg02-binlog  503G  140G  363G  28% /db/binlog

/dev/mapper/vg06-data4  755G  652G  103G  87% /db/data

/dev/mapper/vgc2-data8  6.2T  644G  5.6T  11% /db/data8

/dev/mapper/vgc3-data9  6.2T  1.8T  4.5T  29% /db/data9

Where /db/innodb contains the innodb logs and the one ibdata file.  However,
we use innodb_file_per_table so all the /db/datax filesystems have .ibd
files (many of the tables in the datadir, /db/data, are sym-linked to
/db/data8 and /db/data9 where the data actually resides.

We use LVM snapshots to move the data around, since our databases are
several terabytes.  Does this mean our snapshots are inconsistent?  There’s
no way we can get all innodb data on a single partition.


Jim Lyons

Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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