Try this 

UPDATE people 
SET    phone = CASE 
                 WHEN LEFT(phone,4) = '405_' THEN MID(phone,5,20) 
                 WHEN LEFT(phone,3) = '405' THEN MID(phone,4,20) 
                 ELSE phone 
FROM   people 
WHERE  LEFT(phone,3) = '405'
       AND LENGTH(phone) > 7;

This way you don't accidentally replace '405' contained in the rest of
the phone number. Also, if the phone numbers contain punctuation you
will need to change the '7' in the LENGTH criteria. You will have to
replace 'people' and 'phone' with the appropriate table and column name
-----Original Message-----
From: 2wsxdr5 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 8:09 PM
Subject: [SPAM] - concat string and update question - Found word(s)
remove list in the Text body

I have a table of people and their phone numbers, some have the area
code and others do not.  Everyone in this table lives in the same area
code, so I would like to remove the area code from the phone number
field.  Basically replace '(405)' or '405-' with '' is there an easy way
to do that in a query with out writing code?  I know how to do it with
code but would like an easier way if some one knows the SQL better than
I do.

Chris W

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