Chris, take a look at Federated tables
No, it is not as easy as Oracle's dblinks.
David Lerer | Director, Database Administration | Interactive | 605 Third
Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10158
Direct: (646) 487-6522 | Fax: (646) 487-1569 | |
-Original Message-
From: bars0.bars0.bars0 []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 4:16 PM
Subject: Calling function, that operates on another database
Hi all.
I have standard select statement and on one column I want to run
function, that will connect to another database (same server).
Is this possible?
High level example:
SELECT db1.clients.client_id, getTurnover(db1.clients.client_id) FROM
AND getTurnover($id) body would be something like:
SELECT SUM(db2.turnover.amount) FROM db2.turnover WHERE
db2.turnover.client_id = $id;
So for some data, I need to make lookup to another database table.
Is this even possible?
Cheers, Chris.
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