RE: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

2013-02-21 Thread Rick James
They are both right.  It is a matter of how many decimal places you want to 

mysql SELECT 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10);
| 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10) |
| 548.5950 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT ROUND(365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10), 2);
| ROUND(365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10), 2) |
| 548.60 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 -Original Message-
 From: Alex Keda []
 Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:36 PM
 Subject: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation
 bkp0# mysql h5000_bill
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
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 Server version: 5.1.68-log FreeBSD port: mysql-server-5.1.68
 Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
 mysql set names utf8;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT * FROM `WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` =
 AND `Month` = 497);
 | ID   | ContractID | Month | ServiceID | Comment  | Cost   |
 Discont | Amount |
 | 10551851 |  10369 |   497 | 1 | №20440 |   1.67 | 0.10
 |365 |
 | 10551854 |  10369 |   497 | 2 | №20441 | 150.00 | 1.00
 |  1 |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT SUM(`Amount`*`Cost`*(1-`Discont`)) as `Summ` FROM
 `WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` = 10369 AND `Month` = 497);
 | Summ   |
 | 548.59 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT SUM(`Amount`*`Cost`*(1-`Discont`)*100)/100 as `Summ` FROM
 `WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` = 10369 AND `Month` = 497);
 | Summ   |
 | 548.594985 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10);
 | 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10) |
 | 548.5950 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 but, my desktop calculator gives the result 548.60
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Re: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

2013-02-15 Thread Alex Keda

15.02.2013 15:07, Alex Keda пишет:

OK. But, how about:
mysql SELECT 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10);
| 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10) |
| 548.5950 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


sorry, I'm too many work... =)

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Re: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

2013-02-15 Thread Johan De Meersman

- Original Message -
 From: Alex Keda

 mysql SELECT SUM(`Amount`*`Cost`*(1-`Discont`)) as `Summ` FROM 
 `WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` = 10369 AND `Month` = 497);

Based off the select you printed, this comes to EXACTLY 548.595 for the first 
row and 0 for the second row.

 mysql SELECT SUM(`Amount`*`Cost`*(1-`Discont`)*100)/100 as `Summ` FROM 
 `WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` = 10369 AND `Month` = 497);

The more detailed result here, though, seems to suggest that there's a longer 
fraction in your table than is printed by your select. Would your column happen 
to be a Float?

 but, my desktop calculator gives the result 548.60

Which is the correct rounding for 548.595. Check if your column is a float, and 
if it is, go google for floating point mathematics. They do not work the way 
you think they do. Use decimal(n,m) for money - or any discrete number, for 
that matter. Floats are not exact values, they are APPROXIMATE values. may also give 
you an idea of what goes wrong.

Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten pictures.

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Re: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

2013-02-15 Thread Alex Keda

15.02.2013 14:43, Johan De Meersman пишет:

- Original Message -

From: Alex Keda

mysql SELECT SUM(`Amount`*`Cost`*(1-`Discont`)) as `Summ` FROM 
`WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` = 10369 AND `Month` = 497);

Based off the select you printed, this comes to EXACTLY 548.595 for the first 
row and 0 for the second row.

mysql SELECT SUM(`Amount`*`Cost`*(1-`Discont`)*100)/100 as `Summ` FROM 
`WorksCompliteAgregate` WHERE (`ContractID` = 10369 AND `Month` = 497);

The more detailed result here, though, seems to suggest that there's a longer 
fraction in your table than is printed by your select. Would your column happen 
to be a Float?

but, my desktop calculator gives the result 548.60

Which is the correct rounding for 548.595. Check if your column is a float, and 
if it is, go google for floating point mathematics. They do not work the way 
you think they do. Use decimal(n,m) for money - or any discrete number, for 
that matter. Floats are not exact values, they are APPROXIMATE values. may also give 
you an idea of what goes wrong.

OK. But, how about:
mysql SELECT 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10);
| 365 * 1.67 * ( 1 - 0.10) |
| 548.5950 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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Re: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

2013-02-15 Thread Johan De Meersman

- Original Message -
 From: Alex Keda
 Sent: Friday, 15 February, 2013 12:16:18 PM
 Subject: Re: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation
 sorry, I'm too many work... =)

Heh :-) I was thinking, why would that not be correct? It's exactly what the 
desktop calculator gives upon copy/pasting the arithmetic.

Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten pictures.

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Re: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

2013-02-15 Thread misiaq

From: Alex Keda
Sent: 6:37 Piątek 2013-02-15
Subject: MySQL 5.1: incorrect arithmetic calculation

( ... cut ...)
 but, my desktop calculator gives the result 548.60

1. your desktop calculator is wrong
2. correct result is 548.595, variations (548.59 and 548.594985) are related to 
various data types and rounding related issues while multiplying and dividing 
by 100 


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