Re: Question about SQL statements......

2004-08-25 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: David Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:18 PM
Subject: Question about SQL statements..

 So I have all of this years apache access logs in a huge DB table, most  
 of what I wanted to get out is working fine, but I am trying to get top  
 10 requests (hits) by day inside a certain section of the hierarchy,  
 but I can't seem to get the correct results.
 I have been trying many different ways of specifying the SQL statement,  
 so here is what I have so far:
 I have hits to a specific page, by week working fine here:
 mysql SELECT week(time_stamp, 1) as week, request_uri, count(*) as hits
  - FROM `access_log`
  - WHERE (request_uri=/testing/folder/foldersetup.exe) AND  
 (time_stamp  2004040100 AND time_stamp  2004082300)
  - GROUP BY week
  - ORDER BY week ASC, hits DESC
  - LIMIT 20;
 | week | request_uri | hits  |
 |   27 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe | 20069 |
 |   28 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |  3785 |
 |   29 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |  1607 |
 |   30 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   878 |
 |   31 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   858 |
 |   32 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   779 |
 |   33 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   721 |
 |   34 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |  1015 |
 8 rows in set (0.85 sec)
 but when I try to get top hits with a like statement by day (only 2  
 days) I get:
 mysql SELECT day(time_stamp) as day, request_uri, count(DISTINCT  
 request_uri) as hits
  - FROM `access_log`
  - WHERE (time_stamp  2004050300 AND time_stamp   
 2004050500) AND (request_uri LIKE /docs/Carb/%)
  - GROUP BY day
  - ORDER BY day DESC, hits DESC
  - LIMIT 20;
 | day  | request_uri   | hits |
 |4 | /docs/Carb/index.html | 7075 |
 |3 | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/index.html  | 6979 |
 2 rows in set (39.68 sec)
 which seems to give me all the hits within /docs/Carb/ on the two days  
 and then displays the last request_uri that came through. Maybe I  
 cannot do this with one SQL statement or I just need more logic.  
 Ideally what I would want would be something like:
 | day | request_uri  
| hits |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/index.html
| 1063 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/new_test_system.html   
|  930 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/toc.html   
|  921 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/   
|  799 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/toc.html  
|  483 |
 |  4  |  
 /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/Intro/chapter_1_section_1.html |  
   479 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/index.html
|  433 |
 |  4  |  
 /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/qt_intro/chapter_1_section_1.html  |  
   425 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/date.html 
|  421 |
 |  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/toc.html  
|  375 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/index.html
| 1063 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/new_test_system.html   
|  930 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/toc.html   
|  921 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/   
|  799 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/toc.html  
|  483 |
 |  3  |  
 /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/Intro/chapter_1_section_1.html |  
   479 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/index.html
|  433 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/chapter_1_section_1.html  
|  425 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/date.html 
|  421 |
 |  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/toc.html  
|  375 |
 Any thoughts/help would be much appreciated!!!
Change your GROUP BY to this:

GROUP BY day, request_uri

The rest of the query should be fine the 

Re: Question about SQL statements......

2004-08-25 Thread David Souza
You rock!!  Worked perfectly
On Aug 25, 2004, at 4:31 PM, Rhino wrote:
- Original Message -
From: David Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:18 PM
Subject: Question about SQL statements..

So I have all of this years apache access logs in a huge DB table,  
of what I wanted to get out is working fine, but I am trying to get  
10 requests (hits) by day inside a certain section of the hierarchy,
but I can't seem to get the correct results.

I have been trying many different ways of specifying the SQL  
so here is what I have so far:

I have hits to a specific page, by week working fine here:
mysql SELECT week(time_stamp, 1) as week, request_uri, count(*) as  
 - FROM `access_log`
 - WHERE (request_uri=/testing/folder/foldersetup.exe) AND
(time_stamp  2004040100 AND time_stamp  2004082300)
 - GROUP BY week
 - ORDER BY week ASC, hits DESC
 - LIMIT 20;
| week | request_uri | hits  |
|   27 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe | 20069 |
|   28 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |  3785 |
|   29 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |  1607 |
|   30 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   878 |
|   31 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   858 |
|   32 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   779 |
|   33 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |   721 |
|   34 | /testing/folder/folderSetup.exe |  1015 |
8 rows in set (0.85 sec)

but when I try to get top hits with a like statement by day (only 2
days) I get:
mysql SELECT day(time_stamp) as day, request_uri, count(DISTINCT
request_uri) as hits
 - FROM `access_log`
 - WHERE (time_stamp  2004050300 AND time_stamp 
2004050500) AND (request_uri LIKE /docs/Carb/%)
 - GROUP BY day
 - ORDER BY day DESC, hits DESC
 - LIMIT 20;
| day  | request_uri   | hits |
|4 | /docs/Carb/index.html | 7075 |
|3 | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/index.html  | 6979 |
2 rows in set (39.68 sec)
which seems to give me all the hits within /docs/Carb/ on the two days
and then displays the last request_uri that came through. Maybe I
cannot do this with one SQL statement or I just need more logic.
Ideally what I would want would be something like:
| day | request_uri
   | hits |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/index.html
   | 1063 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/new_test_system.html
   |  930 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/toc.html
   |  921 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/
   |  799 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/toc.html
   |  483 |
|  4  |
  479 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/index.html
   |  433 |
|  4  |
  425 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/date.html
   |  421 |
|  4  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/toc.html
   |  375 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/index.html
   | 1063 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/new_test_system.html
   |  930 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/toc.html
   |  921 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/test_system/
   |  799 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/toc.html
   |  483 |
|  3  |
  479 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/Testing_book/index.html
   |  433 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/chapter_1_section_1.html
   |  425 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/date.html
   |  421 |
|  3  | /docs/Carb/Conceptual/newQuickTour/toc.html
   |  375 |

Any thoughts/help would be much appreciated!!!
Change your GROUP BY to this:
GROUP BY day, request_uri
The rest of the query should be fine the way it is.

David Souza voice:408-974-1992
Web Specialist
Worldwide Developer Relations  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Question about IF statements...

2004-01-14 Thread Mike Johnson
From: Cory Hicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I must be having a goober moment.I am running the following sql
 query with no problems:
 SELECT project_id,
 IF (SUM( time_worked )  '0.00', SUM( time_worked ),'NULL') AS total
 FROM time_daily
 WHERE user_id = 'clh' AND period_id = '27'
 GROUP BY project_id 
 However, having 'NULL' appear where the total is 0.00 doesn't 
 do me much good :-) How do I write this query to only show me the 
 results where the total is where the results that 
 total 0.00 don't appear at all.
 I am sure I am missing something...thanks for any help!

SELECT project_id,
IF (SUM( time_worked )  '0.00', SUM( time_worked ),'NULL') AS total
FROM time_daily
WHERE user_id = 'clh' AND period_id = '27' AND total IS NOT NULL 
GROUP BY project_id;

That should work, though I haven't tested it.

Mike Johnson
Web Developer
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 886-5539

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Re: Question about IF statements...

2004-01-14 Thread Douglas Sims
Would something like this do what you want?

SELECT project_id, SUM(time_worked) AS total FROM time_daily WHERE 
user_id='clh' AND period_id='27' GROUP BY project_id HAVING total0;

Cory Hicks wrote:


I must be having a goober moment.I am running the following sql
query with no problems:
SELECT project_id,
IF (SUM( time_worked )  '0.00', SUM( time_worked ),'NULL') AS total
FROM time_daily
WHERE user_id = 'clh' AND period_id = '27'
GROUP BY project_id 

However, having 'NULL' appear where the total is 0.00 doesn't do me much
good :-) How do I write this query to only show me the results where the
total is where the results that total 0.00 don't appear at
I am sure I am missing something...thanks for any help!


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Question about IF statements...

2004-01-14 Thread Douglas Sims
Like this:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.13
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

umysql use test;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql create table time_daily (project_id int(3) primary key 
auto_increment, time_worked int(3), user_id varchar(3), period_id 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql insert into time_daily (null, 3, 'clh', '27');
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'null, 3, 'clh', '27')' at line 1
mysql insert into time_daily (time_worked, user_id, period_id) values 
(3, 'clh', '27');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.52 sec)

mysql insert into time_daily (time_worked, user_id, period_id) values 
(0, 'clh', '27');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql insert into time_daily (time_worked, user_id, period_id) values 
(5, 'clh', '27');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT project_id, SUM(time_worked) AS total FROM time_daily 
WHERE user_id='clh' AND period_id='27' GROUP BY project_id HAVING total0
   - ;
| project_id | total |
|  1 | 3 |
|  3 | 5 |
2 rows in set (0.18 sec)

Douglas Sims wrote:

Would something like this do what you want?

SELECT project_id, SUM(time_worked) AS total FROM time_daily WHERE 
user_id='clh' AND period_id='27' GROUP BY project_id HAVING total0;

Cory Hicks wrote:


I must be having a goober moment.I am running the following sql
query with no problems:
SELECT project_id,
IF (SUM( time_worked )  '0.00', SUM( time_worked ),'NULL') AS total
FROM time_daily
WHERE user_id = 'clh' AND period_id = '27'
GROUP BY project_id
However, having 'NULL' appear where the total is 0.00 doesn't do me much
good :-) How do I write this query to only show me the results where the
total is where the results that total 0.00 don't appear at
I am sure I am missing something...thanks for any help!


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Question about IF statements...

2004-01-14 Thread Cory Hicks
That did the trickthanks so much!


On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 12:50, Douglas Sims wrote:
 Would something like this do what you want?
 SELECT project_id, SUM(time_worked) AS total FROM time_daily WHERE 
 user_id='clh' AND period_id='27' GROUP BY project_id HAVING total0;
 Cory Hicks wrote:
 I must be having a goober moment.I am running the following sql
 query with no problems:
 SELECT project_id,
 IF (SUM( time_worked )  '0.00', SUM( time_worked ),'NULL') AS total
 FROM time_daily
 WHERE user_id = 'clh' AND period_id = '27'
 GROUP BY project_id 
 However, having 'NULL' appear where the total is 0.00 doesn't do me much
 good :-) How do I write this query to only show me the results where the
 total is where the results that total 0.00 don't appear at
 I am sure I am missing something...thanks for any help!
TRI International

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Question about LIKE statements and escaped characters

2001-09-13 Thread Michael Sims

At 07:55 AM 9/13/2001 -0500, Michael Sims wrote:

I posted this query to the list via the newsgroup mailing.database.mysql a 
few days ago but didn't receive any replies.

My apologies to the list...someone in alt.php was kind enough to point out 
that my question is answered in section of the MySQL manual.  Sorry 
for wasting time..

Before posting, please check:   (the manual)   (the list archive)

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