

If I got u properly, 


Follow these easy steps..


1.                   Send the output of your first query to another table
say t1

2.                   Send the output of finding min(Created) date to another
table t2

3.                   Replace the value to TYPE field with for all rows which
matches table t1 data

4.                   in the last replace the field TYPE those matches you t1
and t2 data with '' blank or whatever.


Seems it will solve your problem.. there are solution too, but this one is
simplest and easy to understand .


Cheers  :-)


Neeraj Black Bits






From: Ruben Goethals [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:54 PM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Selecting doubles in a table and setting all but the first


Hi, everyone,


This is something I can't seem to solve.  Does anyone know how to do this ?


I don't know whether I described this right.  Anyhow, jumping right in,  I
have the following query which gives me all the LicenseNumbers that have a
different Host-ID, but the same packageID (and with ValidThru < 3 which
means I don't want to count the ones where validThru is greater than 2).
What I want to do next is set another column "Type" for all the specific
rows with these LicenseNumbers from this first query,  EXCEPT the first row
(if ordered in time)!!!! 
The first can be found by a column Created, which is a date.

SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `HostID` ) AS am, licensekeys. *
FROM `licensekeys`
CHAR_LENGTH( `ValidThru` ) <3
GROUP BY PackageID, `LicenseNumber`
HAVING am >1

In practice: 
The above query gives me this (2068 results):

am LicenseNumber   PackageID  
8       049-02-00011835       100
8      049-02-00009949      100
8      049-02-00010117      903
7      049-02-00015799      112
7      049-02-00010117      905
7      049-02-00010767      100
7      049-02-00000382      100
6      049-02-00009949      112

Checking Lic. Nr 049-02-00011835 with PackageID=100 for example gives this
(8 results as given already above):
HostID         Created
803d2ed1      2/9/2004 14:26:30
cbac7a9      25/8/2005 9:22:35
9cb24cdd      8/2/2005 9:06:53
3453a0b0      2/9/2004 14:51:58
2cb4d794      15/9/2004 5:08:40
c0058a89      30/9/2004 13:21:39
94244c2f      6/1/2006 8:43:04
ac21b9ad      8/7/2004 8:38:26 

What I would want now is that from the last query (just above this sentence)
all rows, EXCEPT the earliest one (that would be the one with
HostID=ac21b9ad because its Created date is oldest), get Type="replacement".
The result would be then:

HostID         Created                        Type
803d2ed1      2/9/2004 14:26:30       replacement
cbac7a9      25/8/2005 9:22:35        replacement
9cb24cdd      8/2/2005 9:06:53         replacement
3453a0b0      2/9/2004 14:51:58       replacement
2cb4d794      15/9/2004 5:08:40       replacement
c0058a89      30/9/2004 13:21:39     replacement
94244c2f      6/1/2006 8:43:04          replacement
ac21b9ad      8/7/2004 8:38:26

How in the name of... can I do this for ALL license Numbers from the first
Query automatically ?
(Please don't give me the solution for 1 LicenseNumber, but for all the ones
form the first query at once or twice, but not in 2068 times)

Much appreciated any help!!!



Ruben Goethals 

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