At 15:15 -0500 7/18/03, Kyle Goetz wrote:
hey, i'm new to mySQL...this meaning that i have tried ~10000 times to
install it and get it working over the past few weeks...and it always gives
me the same error (scroll further down to see it) despite following the
manual's windows installation exactly

i have version 4.0.13 for windows and i used the installer

once i was done, i followed the instructions in the manual exactly

i have no firewall running

i am on windows XP

i am running the client and server on the same computer

i ran winmysqladmin and it starts up fine

the 'mysqld-nt' service is in my processes tab of task manager

i go to dos prompt and type net start and mysql is there running fine

You're sure? Look in C:\mysql\data for the .err file and take a look at it. Does it indicate any problems starting the server? The error you show below is typical for a situation in which the MySQL server is not actually running.

however, when in c:\mysql\bin and i run 'mySQL' i get this error: ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

i have tried devshed, mysql help, etc. and cannot figure out why mine
doesn't seems most people just reboot and it voile! works... but
i've rebooted over and over and over, and nothing changes...same error...

when i use mySQL Control Center v0.9.2-beta i get the same error when i
click Action->Connect

all i can say is ARGH!

all i can ask is "does anyone have any idea why this happens? or how to stop

i can telnet to port 3306, and get this readout (i have no idea how really
to use telnet...)

c:\telnet localhost 3306

 4.0.13-nt?;[EMAIL PROTECTED],?  ??ܶBad handshake

Connection to host lost. (this when i press backspace, so i understand you
don't do that in telnet...)
i guess it is getting to mySQL, cuz the 4.0.13 at the beginning is my
version of mySQL

i'll paste my my.ini (which is in c:\windows)

thanks so much,
\Kyle, who has been frustrated for a while now...

--beginning of my.ini

#This File was made using the WinMySQLAdmin 1.4 Tool
#7/18/2003 3:06:59 PM

#Uncomment or Add only the keys that you know how works.
#Read the MySQL Manual for instructions

#language=C:/mysql/share/your language directory
#slow query log#=

--end of my.ini

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