

            Very Simple, Slave A is all MyISAM tables and replicates
~15writes/sec for ~200k/s with a top load of 0.00.  I change 1 table(100mb
data 1.5writes/sec) to innodb and the top load changes to .3 .  I have set
innodb_trx_commit=0 and set noatime on the filesystem ( ext3 redhat linux
9.0 x86 xeon 2.4).  I understand innodb writes more data but something is
amiss. The load pattern drops slowly and the jumps every 30 seconds or so.
So it seems something is getting flushed to disk but I can not accept it is
this much worse then MyISAM.  Once I replicate the entire database my load
is > 0.5 add all I am doing is replication.   Any advice/suggestions/stabs
in the dark is much appreciated.



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