I have MySQL ver. 4.0.18 binarys for windows installation.  I just finished installing mysqld-max-nt as a service on a WinXP box yesterday afternoon.  Using the MySQL Administrator client/utility GUI, I configured the anonymous and root Users, then added a superuser level account for myself.  I have DHCP enabled on our LAN, with the DHCP server enabled on the cable router.  I created localhost and 1 workstation connections for my account.  Next I tested the localhost login for my account and was successful.  When testing the workstation connection however, I get a 1045 error: access denied for [EMAIL PROTECTED] name] message when using the password I created, in the Administrator, for the workstation connection.  When I login from the workstation via MySQL Control Center without the use of a password, the connection is successful.  I shows the connection exists when I check the server connection status window of the Administrator.
In checking the status window in the control center on the workstation, it reports the connection as connected=no.
What do I need to do with this?  I have a password set for the account, but when I use it from the workstation that 1045 code indicates I'm using the wrong password, yet it works fine from the localhost connection.
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