
im trying to make a DB for a message system.
the best way i have made is this:

*TABLE conversations        * (informacion de cada conversacion)
i*d_conversation      (bigint)
count                    (smallint)      updated every time a new message is
added to this conversation
lastmessagetime   (timestamp) **updated every time a new message is added to
this conversation**

*INDEX (id_conversation,lastmessage)**
**TABLE user_conversations*          (relacion usuario-conversacion)
*id_user               (int)
id_conversation   (bigint)
**read                   (bool)
**INDEX (id_conversation)
INDEX (id_user)*

*TABLE messages      * (mensajes on every conversation)
id_conversation   (bigint)
id_writer             (int)
message            (varchar)
time                   (timestamp)

INDEX (id_conversation,time)

my problem is that i need to query those things and i dont know how to do

"*Conversation list of a given user  with `read`, number of messages
(`count`) , date of last message  (i store this value on `conversation`
table) and who did it
Order by time of the last message of each conversation*"
i have tried everything i could but im not getting a good solution:

SELECT UC.id_conversation, UC.read, C.count, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) -
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( lastmessage ) , M.message, M.id_usr
FROM user_conversations UC, conversations C, messages M
WHERE UC.id_usr = 1
    AND C.id_conversation = UC.id_conversation
    AND M.id_conversation = UC.id_conversation
    AND M.time = C.lastmessage
ORDER BY C.lastmessage DESC
LIMIT 0,10

thats giving me an ALL in `conversations` as result
id select_type    table     type     possible_keys                 key
       key_len             ref                                         rows
1 SIMPLE         UC        ref        id_conversation,id_usr     id_usr
     4                      const                                     3
Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE         M          ref        orderbytime
orderbytime  8                       netlivin3.UC.id_conversation    1
1 SIMPLE         C          ALL      id_conversation               NULL
     NULL                 NULL                                    3 Using

im completely lost here, ill really appreciate any help.

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