I have installed 4.0.20a binary on my own PC to work with MySQL. I take my
PC home with me. The only thing I change at home is my IP address as my home
n/w is different from my work n/w IP range and I have a VPN link between the
office & home.

Since using this version (.17 was there before) everytime I change the IP
addresses of the machine I have difficulty in getting access to the MySQL
server with admin rights. I set a user & password but if I try and login as
"root" with the password using
mysql -uroot -p

I get the error
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

If I do not use the password with the command
I can login. It tells me that I have logged in with [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I
cannot see any of the tables that I could before. I also can't use or view
the "mysql" table.
I tried using the MySQL Administrator program. Again I have to login without
the password.. The window comes up . If I click on "User Administration" I
get "Could not fetch User names" MySQL Error Nr 1044 access denied for user
'root@ localhost' to database mysql

The only thing changed (done 3 days ago) was to Service Contol->Configure
Service add "Support for InnoDB" and "Named Pipes" which changed the
ImagePath entry from mysqld-nt to mysql-max-nt

Is there anything I can do to check the integrity of the mysql database to
see if it has corrupted? I have not long started looking at this so there
are no backups just my play area. I have a copy on a second machine but I
don't just want to copy directory structures over because I presume I need
to do more than that.

Any help to get my administration rights back gratefully recieved.


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