Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-05 Thread Karam Chand

Check out SQLyog at

Its FREE and very powerful.


--- leegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are
> some good ones? And
> importantly can they access and allow me to edit the
> db record fields
> themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field
> - I could go in
> there and edit the field.
> Thanks,
> lee G>
> -- 
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Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-02 Thread Andy Davidson
On 1 Nov 2004, at 22:57, leegold wrote:
newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And
importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields
themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in
there and edit the field.
I use one called YourSQL on the Macintosh, and I think it's absolutely 
superb.  I use it specifically for the purpose you describe, fixing 
minor blips in the error, where it would not be sensible to write a 
whole admin interface.

In a previous job I used to use one for Windows called MySQL-Front, 
this was very good.  I think Kmysql on Linux has a very similar 

There you go, take your pick depending on the OS you use !
Regards, Andy Davidson
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Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-02 Thread Martijn Tonies

> newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And
> importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields
> themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in
> there and edit the field.

Have a look at Database Workbench:

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: mysql admin clients

2004-11-02 Thread Gleb Paharenko


"leegold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And

> importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields

> themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in

> there and edit the field.


> Thanks,

> lee G>


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Re: mysql admin clients - But can I edit a column field?

2004-11-01 Thread ian douglas
But can I edit a column field? Can I go into a specific column in a
specific record and edit it just like I was in a text editor? That's the
action I want. None on the products specifically state they can do it(?)
phpMyAdmin will allow you to alter a column name within a table, yes.
can't speak for other tools though, but phpMyAdmin has been pretty 
stable for me for the last number of years.

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Re: mysql admin clients - But can I edit a column field?

2004-11-01 Thread leegold

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 01:12:37 +0200, "Polyakov Dmitryi"
> Hello leegold,
>  for what OS? or you need just web-based app?
> for win - MySQLFront
> web-based - phpMyAdmin (PHP required)
> Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 12:57:46 AM, you wrote:

But can I edit a column field? Can I go into a specific column in a
specific record and edit it just like I was in a text editor? That's the
action I want. None on the products specifically state they can do it(?)

> l> newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones?
> And
> l> importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields
> l> themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in
> l> there and edit the field.
> l> Thanks,
> lee G>>

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mysql admin clients

2004-11-01 Thread leegold
newbie question about mysql admin clients. What are some good ones? And
importantly can they access and allow me to edit the db record fields
themselves? eg. I see a mis-spelled word in a field - I could go in
there and edit the field.

lee G>

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