Here's a little script for the google cache and email archive engines to
store in case anyone ever needs this.

We have several servers (dev/test/prod) and replication setup too.
Sometimes we need to restore one server from another, however we have
different mysql user accounts setup on each for various web/scripts that
need varying levels of security.

This will cycle through each server and do a schema and data dump and
create a tarball for you. Useful for a weekly or monthly or even a

Use as you like:



# written by Daevid Vincent on 01/22/09

# This will harvest all the 'mysql' tables schema and data from each

# make sure we're running as root
if (( `/usr/bin/id -u` != 0 )); then { echo -e "\e[00;31mSorry, must be
root.  Exiting...\e[00m"; exit; } fi

# .01 Dev Master
# .02  Dev Slave
# .03 Test Master
# .04  Test Slave
# .05 Prod Master
# .06  Prod Slave

MYSQLRDBMS="01 02 03 04 05 06"

MYSQLDUMPOPTS="--skip-opt --add-drop-table --add-drop-database
--add-locks --create-options --complete-insert --quote-names
--disable-keys --extended-insert --quick --set-charset --comments"


set $(date)

for ip in $MYSQLRDBMS; do

        echo -e "\e[00;31m[DEBUG] `date`\e[00m"
        echo -e "\e[01;37m[DEBUG] mysql $CONNECTION\e[00m"

        echo -e "\e[01;32mHarvesting 'mysql' database on $HOST\e[00m"
        mysqldump $CONNECTION $MYSQLDUMPOPTS --databases mysql >

        echo -e "\e[00;31m[DEBUG] `date`\e[00m"

done #hosts

echo -e "\e[01;32mTarballing mysqldump of ALL databases to
/bin/tar czvpf
"$BACKUPDIR/$6-$2-$3_mysql_db.tgz" /tmp/$6-$2-$3_mysql_*.sql
rm -f /tmp/$6-$2-$3_mysql_*.sql

echo -e "\e[00;31m[DEBUG] `date`\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[01;33mCompleted.\e[00m"

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