Johan Heikkilä wrote:
I'm located in Finland and using the latest atrpms mythtv version. I
have one DVB card and I'm using the EPG. Everything works fine but the
thing that puzzles me is that sometimes the Program Guide listing is
in Finnish and sometimes in Swedish. I would like the EPG to stay in
one language only, or at least be consistent and list programs
broadcasted in Swedish in Swedish and programs broadcasted in Finnish
in Finnish.

At least my problem is xmltv grabber related. "tv_grab_dvb" seems to get the program info in both Swedish and Finnish, depending on the channel. The order seems to be random, and whichever language comes the last writes over the title and description.

I solved the problem by (not asking anyone and) making my own PHP script that chooses Finnish whenever there's a title or a description in Finnish. The script also tries to categorize movies as movies. The scrip is in PHP just because I've concentrated less on Perl lately.

In case you're interested, I can send it to you, along with a short installation instructions.

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