Re: [mythtv-users] Myth(TV)ology 4

2005-08-29 Thread Brian Meehan
Thanks for the update. Congrats on the newbie.

And now the question... Which OS is installed on your little one's
computers? (Of course they have their own computers... this is the
Myth mailing list, right?)

On 8/25/05, Joel Conover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jarod Wilson wrote:
 Fedora Myth(TV)ology 4 finally posted. Have at it, hopefully it isn't
 broken... :-)
 (No, I'm not dead, nor have I completely abandoned Myth, I'm just *really*
 busy with work and life...)
 mythtv-users mailing list
 Yeah! Hooray!  Thanks Jarod, you rock... I've been desparately waiting
 for two months.  Hope the new job is treating you well.
 Take Care.
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] Scientific Atlanta 3250 HD STB

2005-08-09 Thread Brian Meehan
So far as I've heard, only the SA3250 and the Moto6200 are supported,
but your mileage may vary. My tech was very nice in that he stayed
while I did my troubleshooting steps. Mostly, I think it was because
he was interested in the technology.

Best of luck! Please be sure to post which channels you can get.

Stupid TW fact that I learned through all this: The franchise fee
that is itemized on your bill is the amount that TW is charged by the
local utility pole owners in your neighborhood to run cable over the
poles or under the ground. Some villages/towns will subsidize the cost
down as low as $0.10, other will be as high as $8.00. Luck of the
draw, I s'pose.

On 8/9/05, Jon Kunze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well I'm hoping that when the Tech comes out on Saturday, he is half as
 helpful as the guy you got. He is supposedly bringing a Pioneer Box, so
 hopefully either it will work with Myth, or he ends up bringing a compatible
  TW in Columbus, Ohio (my TW provider) tells me that they don't provide
 SA3250HD with 1394, and that they don't provide the compatible Motorola box
 either. Has anyone gotten either of these boxes from Time Warner? I'm just
 curious, because three customer service people have told me that they don't
 provide these boxes, but of course they told me a week ago that they didn't
 have to provide me with a 1394 device (until I started reading the FCC
 On 8/9/05, James Colannino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  William wrote:
  Are Satellite companies bound to the same regulation?  If so, I think
  I'll be asking Dish Network for one of these.  Thanks for the info :)
  Sorry, no.  They do not have to provide any access other than licensed
  Ah well, that sucks then :-P  Just out of curiosity, how likely is it
  that out of all the satellite boxes out there I'll be able to get mine 
  working with an IR blaster?  I hope that isn't a dumb question.  I don't
  know much about IR blasters and Myth (other than an IR blaster will send
  a signal out like a remote.)  Thanks :)
  My blog:
  My homepage:
  You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth
 without it. --G. K. Chesterton 
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Re: [mythtv-users] Scientific Atlanta 3250 HD STB

2005-08-08 Thread Brian Meehan
A TW rep came over to my house to investigate my 3250's inability to
record anything but a few HD channels. The reps on the phone were
pretty clueless, and previous techs were also unhelpful. Since I was
home sick and didn't have anything better to do, I told them to go
ahead and send another person. I've been paying for HBO and can't
record it at all.

The tech that came over had only 2 other firewire installs under his
belt, and both of them were directly to TVs, and he'd also worked once
with a customer who had a digital cable card. He seemed genuinely
interested in the MythTV setup, so I explained it to him and ran the
test capture scripts. After a while, he understood that I was having a
problem. He patiently waited for me to test the channels, reboot the
box (3250), etc.

Then he got on the phone with his supervisor and was told to log into
the TW training website to read their information on the firewire
regulations and FCC compliance. He let me read it too (since he used
my laptop to check it). I of course made a copy of the text. Here it
is, pasted below. Pay special attention to section e.

My follow up with them is to make a list of every TW Rochester I can
successfully capture and then swap the box out and compare.

This is what I can record now (test captures  10 sec)
0009WGRC RNews
0110RNews Weather Now
1010NBC HD
1013WHAM (Ch 13) Rochester ABC
1030Discovery HD Theater
1033TNT HD


Due to a FCC requirement, cable companies are now required to provide
to customers, upon request only, a HD converter with a 1394 port that
allows the customer to connect to either a display device (TV) or
record high-def programming into another recording device (VCR, DVD,
etc.) for the purpose of archiving programming.  Please carefully
review the information on the following pages, as all CCP�s must be
prepared to answer customer inquiries.

The following are key points.  More detailed information follows.

�As stated previously, this converter allows recording of
high-def programs into a VCR or DVD with the playback also in high-def

�Customers must specifically ask for it, we are not required
to tell customers that this option is available.

�We do not anticipate a high volume of requests.

�There are several technical limitations with customers using
the 1394 interface:


a.  Customers will not be able to access the Interactive Program
Guide (IPG), any On Demand channel (Free, POD, MOD, AOD, etc.) or PPV

b. The 1394 interface is strictly a digital link, thus customers
will not have access to any channels on the analog tier, Basic 
Standard.  If a customer�s HDTV has an analog/digital switch, they can
view the analog channels.  This requires component or composite analog

c. HDTV sets will not display SA formatted Emergency Alert (EAS)
messages over the 1394 interface.  In addition, there are a number of
HDTV television sets that do not support the capability of switching
automatically to analog inputs to display the EAS message.  Such sets
are not compliant and will not receive content over the 1394
interface.  This is a requirement so the customer will not receive the

d. DVR service is also not available with the 1394.  Those
customers that are currently part of the HD-DVR trial would lose the
DVR service.

e.  The 1394 will be set to the following copy control (recording) settings:

�On Demand (Free, POD, MOD, AOD, etc.) � Copy Never.

�PPV � Copy never.

�Broadcast cable channels (Premiums, Basic  Standard) � Copy once.

�Over-the-air, unencrypted content (locals) � Copy freely.

�Only certain HD sets are compatible with the 1394.  While
some information is available via the Internet, CCP�s should not
attempt to verify compatibility.  A technician will confirm this
during the field visit.

�Customers must provide their own Fire Wire cable.

�A truck roll (field visit) must be scheduled for all orders. 
Customers do not have the option to pick up the equipment at a cable
store location.  We also will not mail the equipment to a customer.

�For upgrades: Use OT (points) category 817  equipment
category 795.  Please make sure to comment the work order that the
customer has requested the HD 1394.  For all other orders (installs),
key regular OT (points) category  equipment category 795.  Again,
please comment the work order.

�Technicians will leave a flyer with the customer.  The flyer
reminds customers not to change any of the box-to-device connections
once they are in place as well as a statement explaining non-capable
HDTV televisions.  See attached flyer.

�On the equipment (EQ) screen, the 1394 will be identified by
the item number 

Re: [mythtv-users] Scientific Atlanta 3250 HD STB

2005-08-05 Thread Brian Meehan
At least in Rochester, you have to specifically request the firewire
enabled boxes. And then, it's all luck as to whether you get all the

On 8/4/05, Jon Kunze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I currently have an SA 3250 STB and just recently got a linux compatible
 firewire card for capture. I'm curious if anyone could tell me where the
 Firewire port is on their STB. The only thing I have even close to it is on
 the front of my box, and it looks more like a USB port. I just got off the
 phone with Time Warner after about 30 minutes of them continually telling me
 my box had a firewire port, and that it was a USB-Firewire connection on the
 front of the box, and then I finally gave up on this poor unintelligent
 soul. I'm assuming the firewire port should be on the back of the cable box
 along with all the other input and output connectors. Any assistance anyone
 could give would be helpful, as I'd really like to get this up and running,
 especially if anyone knows of a schematic on the net that shows the various
 ports on the SA 3250. Thanks in advance.
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] OT: kernel disabling IRQ#7 (Sound Stops working)

2005-07-11 Thread Brian Meehan
I've been getting the same error, but instead of sound, I lose the 2nd
tuner on my PVR-500 card. It takes about 6-8 hours for it to disable
the IRQ. I've tried moving the cards around to no avail. I've decided
to reload the box and leave the 500 out until it's more stable, since
my 2x250 cards were working splendidly. I'll keep watching this for
other ideas.

On 7/11/05, Jonathan Link [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You don't mention the distribution you're using, but I've experienced
 this before on an FCx system.
 As I recall I installed using Jarod's fabulous guide, but forgot to
 install the kmdl for ALSA.  Sound would work, for a time, but sometime
 between 12 and 36 hours, I'd get the message you describe.
 On 7/11/05, Noel Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I realize this isn't mythtv specific, however it is happening on my
  box which is used specifically for mythtv.
  I have a weird issue where when I don't use the machine for awhile
  (say the whole weekend because I'm gone to the cottage) when I
  return, I have a Knotify message up on the screen telling me that the
  kernel has disabled IRQ #7 (Which I believe is the interrupt for the
  sound card). Then, when I try to watch any recordings or live tv, I
  get no sound.
  A reboot always fixes the problem (until the following weekend when I
  go away again).
  Anyone know why this is happening
  mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] Tour de France

2005-07-10 Thread Brian Meehan

A fellow Tour fan! My wife and I spend the month of June catching up
with hour 1hr dramas from the normal season viewing to have maximum
disk space for the tour stages. Some of those mountain stages take
6-9Gb per showing. Thanks for the idea with the custom record option.
I had set it up to record all, no repeats and it getting the 1st
(live) showing and then the evening re-broadcast.

Sadly, I'm rebuilding my system now, and I've had to watch the
prime-time Al Trouthead 8pm showing until we're back up (thanks Axel
for posting the kickstart tonight! We're loading as I type!). If you
read along with Velonews or Daily Peloton (.com) while you're at work,
the 5pm showing is pretty good for catching the most exciting bits,
and you still have Paul  Phil doing the commentary, not Bob and Al

On 6/27/05, Bruce Markey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A couple years ago I decided to record a bit of the Tour day
 Lance to see what all the fuss was about. I'm now hooked on
 this very tactical sport. Beginning this weekend, Lance Armstrong
 will be going after his unprecedented seventh straight win in
 the last race of his career. Once again the Outdoor Life Network
 will have something like live coverage of the entire race. All
 you have to do is wake up by 5:30am PDT and stare at the TV for
 six hours every day for a month... or use a DVR to fast forward
 through it at your own pace.
 OLN has a long version early in the morning where they start off
 delayed and have compressed highlights of the early hours then
 catch up with live events or something like that. They then edit
 it down to a shorter version and repeat the short version four or
 five times per day. OLN essentially becomes the Tour de France
 channel during July.
 For each stage/day the same subtitle and description is used for
 the live and edited version but the live versions have different
 programids than the replays. This means that if you set a Channel
 or All record rule, you would get the long plus one short version
 each day. This suggests two strategies; get all of the live or
 flexibly grab any one of the replays.
 To get the live versions only, go to the Custom Record page and
 create a rule like this:
 program.title = Bicycle Racing
 AND HOUR(program.starttime)  8
 For EDT, change the 8 to 11 (other timezones should know what to do =).
 You can cut'n'paste this or create it with Match an exact title
 and Not in primetime then edit. Either way, click the Record
 button to set options.
 As I recall the live versions can sometimes run over so it's
 probably a good idea to add an extra half hour or so. You may also
 want to use a lower resolution recording profile because the image
 quality from an antenna on a moving motorcycle with a hand held
 camera from half way around the world isn't exactly IMAX.
 The other approach would be to change the  to  which will
 then choose from any of the edited rebroadcasts. In that case,
 you shouldn't need extra time on the end and should probably set
 the priority very low so the scheduler can choose a showing that
 doesn't conflict with anything else.
 --  bjm
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: kickstart-26 and FC3

2005-07-09 Thread Brian Meehan
No luck installing apt. I get the same dependency errors. I was just
going to wait for Axel, but the WAF is plummetting as we miss each day
of the tour. Oh, why couldn't I have waited to reload until next

error: Failed dependencies: is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by is needed by
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: unreachable?

2005-06-14 Thread Brian Meehan
Looks like it's back up!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] adding a PVR-500MCE

2005-06-06 Thread Brian Meehan
I have been having issues with the 2nd tuner on the PVR500 board
dropping out because of a syslogd message that IRQ 7 is disabled. I
updated the bios, but I will try moving the cards around, per your
experience. This is an abit NF7-M board with the latest BIOS and a
PVR-250/empty/PVR-500/empty/Firewire Capture Card.


On 6/6/05, James Oltman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have built several mythboxes in the past.  I just didn't know if
 there was something in particular about the PVR 500 that made the BIOS
 updating necessary.  Thanks!
 On 6/6/05, Garry Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 6/6/05, James Oltman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Finally, I did initially have some trouble getting all three cards to
play nice (PVR-500MCE, PVR-250MCE, PVR250), there were some IRQ
sharing issues. It took me a few hours moving them from slot to slot
and updating my BIOS before they decided to work together.
Good Luck!
   What mobo are you using?  I managed to convince my friend that MythTV
   is the shiznite, and we are going to be setting up a FE/BE box for
   him.  Probably going to use all new parts and the PVR 500, maybe 2 of
   them so his GF won't be irritated if she tries to watch something on
   another TV in the house.  Thanks!
  The box is a Dell GX260. I didn't build it from scratch, I just used
  what I had lying around. I think there is a hardware guide at or
  linked from
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Re: [mythtv-users] Abandoned with Xbox?

2005-06-06 Thread Brian Meehan

If you haven't done *too* much customization to the debian install on
the xbox, just launch it into your favorite dashboard and blow the
directory away. Likewise, if you're booting directly to Xebian, then
just reformat and reload. The automated install with the 4.5 script
and 1.1.x (I used 1.1.3 on my last load) is so hands-off, that you can
almost walk away and have it done completely for you. (OK, there's a
few questions on which options, but apart from that!).


On 6/6/05, David Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you using mythtv-xbox-0.4.5.beta and Xebian 1.1.0?  This is the
 latest version of the scripts and it works well for me.
 On 6/5/05, Evil Barney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Guys for the suggestions.  I wish the ./ -u worked
  the magic.  I get failed dependancies.  on libsound2 and liblame0.  it
  says its installing woody1, but myth needs the other two.  I tried an
  apt-get on those two packages, and it seems they are not there
  anymore.  any suggestions on how to get these dependancy issues taken
  care of?
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] Xbox - Themes for .18

2005-06-03 Thread Brian Meehan
You can copy the themes off your backend server. I had to do that when
I upgraded to MythTV 0.18 and the scripts were still very fresh.

On 6/3/05, A JM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I noticed the themes packaged with the Xbox install is missing a few
 especially my favorite, Titivillus. Can I manually install this on my
 Xbox frontend? How can I do this if possible?
 Thanks to the group again for all the support...
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] Abandoned with Xbox?

2005-06-02 Thread Brian Meehan
I've upgraded several xboxes to 0.18 using the 4.5 script on

from the xebian command line, use:

./ -u 

after you extract the tar.gz file (to someplace like /tmp)

Really, that's it. It's so easy you almost feel like you're doing
something wrong. :)

On 6/1/05, Evil Barney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a nicely functioning .16 backend and a xbox front end running
 .16 built off this distro from Dennis Cartier. I
 used the .0.4.4 code.  I'd like to upgrade, but after reading the
 posts here, I'm not real confident that I can take the xbox to .18
 without losing major plugins.
 Whats the real deal? has Dennis abondoned this project?  has anyone
 really had success with xfedora and myth?  I don't see much detail on
 xfedora or Dennis' build anywhere in regards to .18.
 I've tried to upgrade the xbox per the upgrade doc with no luck and
 not real sure about trying again without someone from the project
 talking about a supported path.
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION

2005-06-02 Thread Brian Meehan
Dave, could you give us a little more information about your setup?

Which version of MythTV do you have installed?

Are you running a backend server separately, or a combination
frontend/backend system?

Do you get a list of recorded programs, and if so, can you watch them?

When did this event first occur? Was it near a software upgrade?

Finally, which distro are you using, and did you use one of the MythTV
setup guides?

The folks on this list should be able to help you more readily with
some of the information above. Cheers!


On 5/31/05, Dave Chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to set up a mythtv box but keep getting this error when trying to
 Watch Live TV
 Any help please.
  Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION
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Re: [mythtv-users] Master System Emulators...

2005-06-02 Thread Brian Meehan
I really like Meka - to the point where I stopped using SMS plus
completely. Plus, it's kept very well up-to-date.

 Meka (0.70)   : 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NES Emulators for use with MythTV

2005-05-31 Thread Brian Meehan
Although I don't use MythGame anymore, FCEUltra was what I used then.
I also use FCEU primarily on my laptop and desktop, with RockNES being
a strong second.

On 5/31/05, Jochen Khner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snip snip
 I Have created a list of Linux working NES Emulators.   
 Because I'm planning to Update the NES Emulation in MythTV I would be nice
 if anyone could help. 

 FCE-Ultra (0.98.13)

 RockNES (4.0) 

/snip snip
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Blogging a MythBox

2005-05-19 Thread Brian Meehan
Nicely done.

On 5/19/05, Graeme Wilford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been lurking on these lists for over a year now but only got
 around to ordering some kit last week. Partly for my own benefit but
 also to share with other newbies (and veterans), I thought I'd blog
 the whole process through to a working system...
 Feel free to leave comments, hints, experiences etc.
 mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv-xbox

2005-05-18 Thread Brian Meehan
It seems to be running fine for me now, but here's the script:

On 5/18/05, David Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's going on with the mythv-xbox scripts?  The site
 ( wasn't responding yesterday, and there are no
 files on it today.
 mythtv-users mailing list

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
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Re: [mythtv-users] Time Warner Firewire

2005-05-16 Thread Brian Meehan
When I got my Firewire-enabled 3250, (Rochester, NY) I had to go to
the office and call ahead first to let them know I was requesting one.
They only had a limited number of firewire-enabled ones. However, only
the HD channels output anything, and the moment I try to record HBO,
it stops outputting anything until I reset the cable box and the
firewire bus.

On 5/16/05, Craig Partin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/14/05, Tom E. Craddock Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mario Limonciello wrote:
   Tom E. Craddock Jr. wrote:
  Mario Limonciello wrote:
  Tom E. Craddock Jr. wrote:
  Had similar problems as well with TimeWarner/Brighthouse in Tampa Bay
  last year when I first wanted to get a 1394 box;  only way I got it
  was by going to the local office and waiting for about an hour in
  their lobby till I got a manager who knew what I was talking about.  I
  wouldnt trust that the tech tommorrow will bring a 1394 tech (they
  work on sundays up there?)  I just recently started as a cable
  installer for Brighthouse down here, and I can tell you at least from
  my experience, none of the contractors are aware of the 1394 box
  because TimeWarner/Brighthouse doesnt make us aware of it.  Hecked, I
  even asked the managers at 2 of the offices that all of the
  contractors for the county I work in about the 1394 box, and they had
  no idea about it; when I asked why they didnt being in such a
  position, I was told (by thier manager) that since it was such a
  specialty item TimeWarner/BH wont/doesnt go out of thier way to make
  them available (ie make the customer come to the local office to pick
  it up).  Weve been instructed to tell any customer that wants one to
  go to thier local office and speak to a customer service rep or office
  manager to get one.
  So best advice, go and camp out in thier office till you get the box
  in hand that you want.
  Well I guess I have to figure out where that local office is now.  The
  only places actually posted on the TW website seem to be the customer
  care centres.
  Further, looking the box they gave me is a Explorer 3250HD.  It does
  come in a firewire variation, just I obviously didn't get it.  Which box
  did you eventually end up getting from them?  An 8000 or 8300 series DVR
  box?  I'm planning on printing out some pics of these boxes with the
  firewire ports to show the tech tomorrow.  I'm still pretty surprised
  myself they work sundays, but hell I won't argue.  Not to intrude, but
  Tom - Being an installer for them, do you have any contacts up here you
  could help me pull strings with now?  I'd really hate to have to go
  through too many hoops getting this going, I'm only living in the area
  for 3 months, but still want to beable to enjoy summertime HD from
  myth :)
  I ended up with the 3250HD w/1394.  Now, they dont make that exact
  model available in all areas, but they will have SOME vs of a digital
  cable box w/1394 avail (could very well be the 3250HD w/1394, just
  dont want to say that it will be for sure, as I cant).
  Unfortunately, no I dont have any contacts up there.  I am just a
  subcontractor for a ANOTHER company that subs the work from
  When I say local office, I mean the office where you can pay your
  bill, and they should also have hardware (cable boxes, DVRs, Cable
  Modems etc) there as well.  If no one at the counter can help you
  (which they wont), tell them youll be sitting in thier lobby and they
  need to find someone that knows what your talking about, as if they
  dont you will be filing a complaint with the FCC for non-conformance;
  make sure you mention once again theyve had almost a year since the
  regulation when into effect. If the office youve been going to is no
  help, they SHOULD have another office somewhere in your area.  Either
  go to one of them, or call them up.
   Okay, if the office is open tomorrow, I'll head there tomorrow.  If not,
   I'll head during my lunch break from work on Monday.  I'm also
   considering grabbing one of these 3250HD's off ebay, only 30 or 60 bucks
   or, and then I never have to deal with this headache no matter what
   cable company I'm with down the road (Several moves up ahead).
  Wont work for TimeWarner/BH.  You have to get the cable box from the
  cable co.  The cable box has to be approved to run on their network, and
  they will only authorize boxes they distribute.
  mythtv-users mailing list
 I believe there is also an FCC mandate that forces the cable companies
 to allow you your own box.  AFAIK they have something akin to a MAC
 address and you have to get that to them.  It works that way with
 modems as well.

[mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-05-12 Thread Brian Meehan
Looks like Xbox myth packages are up. I checked today
and saw a bunch of 18's, but I haven't tried upgrading yet.

The name at the bottom of the page says Matt Zimmerman. Thanks Matt.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-05-12 Thread Brian Meehan
Just finished upgrading. It didn't get the themes package, so I tar'd
it up from my red hat backend and copied it over to the xbox. It's up
and working now. Thanks!

On 5/12/05, Brian Meehan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looks like Xbox myth packages are up. I checked today
 and saw a bunch of 18's, but I haven't tried upgrading yet.
 The name at the bottom of the page says Matt Zimmerman. Thanks Matt.
 mythtv-users mailing list

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[mythtv-users] PVR-500 vs PVR-250 volumes

2005-05-10 Thread Brian Meehan
I just got my PVR-500 (81-1, 81-2) working alongside a PVR-250 (81-0).
A couple of tips that I learned with the latest ivtv rpms from Axel's
bleeding section - Don't use the 2.6-11 kernel yet, as it didn't
have support for tuner #57 on the PVR-500s, but the 2.6-10 kernel did
just fine. After upgrading, I realized that Axel didn't have 2.6-11 on
his site anyway, so it must have apt-upgraded from one of the other

Also, I had a line in my modprobe file alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv.
That seemed to make the sound very tin-y sounding, metallic-like. I
removed that line and the sound is much better.

Has anyone noticed a difference in the volume levels for those of you
with a 250/350 and a 150/500 in the same box? The 500 on mine is 1.5 -
2x as loud as the recordings from the 250. Just a curiosity.

Thank Jared for your guide on the 500 install and Axel for his awesome
packaging - I've still never had to compile anything for mythTV. Also
thanks to the gurus on the ivtv dev team for cracking this card and
making it work on our systems.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 only got statics

2005-05-10 Thread Brian Meehan

I had to roll back to Axel's 2.6.10 kernel, as the 2.6.11 kernel
didn't have the appropriate tuner modules. I also found that the
msp3400 gave me bad sound, so I removed that. In the end, I just had
the lines that Jarod's guide suggests:

alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-1 ivtv 
alias char-major-81-2 ivtv
alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv  -- not sure if I took this one out or not.
options cx25840 no_black_magic=1
alias tuner tuner-ivtv

On 5/10/05, Xiaotian Sun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/10/05, Nathan Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Make sure the tuner module that is being loaded is the one from the
  ivtv drivers and not the one that comes with the kernel.
 That's another question I have.  pcHDTV-3000 driver comes with a set
 of tveeprom, msp3400, and tuner modules.  How do I make these two
 cards live together happily?
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Xbox - upgrade

2005-05-04 Thread Brian Meehan
The package maintainer is at a conference and has not been able to
update the Xbox Xebian packages for Myth 0.18 yet. I believe that he
said 10 days or so, and that was earlier this week. We should give
him the time he needs to get around to it.

As far as LIRC goes, unless you're using some custom rig over USB or
something, LIRC works out of the (x)box if you're using the xbox
mythtv scripts from Use the 4.5 beta one; it
works very well. I've loaded it onto a 1.0, 1.1 and 1.5 model xbox so
far without any issues. I've used Ed's Xebian loader 1.1.2.


On 5/4/05, a M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone upgraded an Xbox to the new Myth version 1.8? Any issues I should
 be aware of before proceeding?
 Also, I'm looking for a working LIRC for an Xbox runing Xebian. I'm
 assuming I need to modify the stock one?
 Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Xbox Versions

2005-05-04 Thread Brian Meehan
Just to clear up a few misconceptions for those about to dip thier
toes in the xbox pool

Use a software hack/mod if all you want to do is run linux/mythtv.
It's pretty easy to do and works across the versions.

All of the xbox frontends that I've put together for myself and
friends have been older ones. We shop eBay for dirty disc or disc
read errors broken systems. They usually run for $40 - $75. Take it
home and clean it out well. Often that will fix the DVD drive, since
many users take poor care of thier systems and dirt/dust/grime builds
up inside. Follow the directions at on cleaning the DVD

Buy a decent mod chip. the X3 is very nice since you can start it up
and flash it with the lastest bios without a DVD (instead it goes over

Burn Ed's xebian 1.1.x to a CD-RW (that's important! If it's a dirty
disc machine, it might not read a DVD, but it may still read a CD-RW.
If not, you can use a working drive from a firends xbox. I've also
heard that you can use a PC DVD-ROM drive to load Xebian, but I've
never tried it.

Get the MythTV installer script from the xbox mythtv page. Google it,
first link. The beta 4.5 has worked well for me on v1.0, 1.1 and 1.5

Currently, I'm enjoying a high WAF (wife acceptance factor) because we
now have a TV in the bedroom capable of watching shows from the Myth
backend, and she can still play Xbox games from the upgraded HDD I put
in it, as well as all the emulators loaded on it. Xbox Linux is
installed to the Game save partition (e:\apps\debian\default.xbe).

Xbox: $65 (inc. shipping, eBay)
Mod Chip $40 (bought from a firend who accidentally bought 2)
Remote IR: $10.79 (inc. shipping, eBay)

Future purchase... wireless controller and a better remote. Probably
another Radio Shack 2115.


On 5/4/05, Mudit Wahal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 SD = Standard Definition/Analog.
 HD = High Definition
 But SD can also be considered as Standard Digital which is quite
 notches above Standard Definition, and a few notches below HD.
 AJM, did you a separate remote for the xbox ?
 I'm in same boat, I've one HDTV and 2 analogs. For HDTV frontend, I
 need a beast box (p4 3ghz+). But for analog, I'd like to get a
 cheaper/quiter front end. I just bought the media mvp after reading
 some comments about it on this mailing list. Haven't plugged it in
 yet. Still struggling with the backend.
 Media MVP doesn't run a full fledge mythtv frontend, but if all you
 want is watch tv/recording/music (and dont care about other stuff),
 then the basic mvp should be fine. For under $100 bucks, it comes with
 a functional remote, 10/100 ethernet port, svideo output, h/w decoder,
 plays mpeg2 (for mythtv only) and divx (if you run their backend on
 windows). But someday, someone will write a on-the-fly transcoder from
 mpeg2 to mpeg4 running on linux.
 Not advocating mvp/hijacking this thread, just there are some other
 options if the requirements are limited.
 On 5/4/05, a M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'll second that Shaun.
  I'm running a ver 1.4 with a software hack, Xebian and myth 1.7. The hardest
  part was getting the software hack on the xbox for me, I ended up buying a
  memory card as opposed to making one.
  The second hardest was digesting the how to Doc on the xbox distro, I'm not
  a Linux user...
  Shaun, what's SD?
  From: Shaun Bryant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv
  To: Discussion about mythtv
  Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Xbox Versions
  Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 11:18:51 -0600
  Why did you do a hardware hack for you where just going to run it as a
  I have 5 Xboxes running now all with Xebian, each runs very well with SD
  video (forget HD). My suggestion would be to pick one up used, this is how
  I bought mine and thus did not have to stress as much about the version.
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mark Knecht
  Sent: Wed 5/4/2005 10:34 AM
  To: Discussion about mythtv
  Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Xbox Versions
  I'm am currently going through XBox mod hell. I wouldn't recommend
  this to anyone feint of heart.
  There are at least 7 versions of the XBox, starting with 1.0, 1.1,
  1.2, ..., 1.6. There is also (apparently) a 'sub-version' of 1.6
  called 1.6b. There are also a truly scary number of possibly mod
  chips. Choose one carefully. I'm using the cheapest. It would likely
  had been OK if it came preinstalled with the Cromwell BIOS. Some of
  them do. I suggest looking for that.
  I purchased a new XBox last Friday for a Myth frontend machine. I
  knew it would be difficult. I won't be heartbroken if it doesn't work.
  Here's the status so far.
  I got the XBox modified by a nice guy here in San Jose. He
  installed a DuoX2 chip and put some sort of bootable BIOS on it. I had

Re: [mythtv-users] Feature - backend available through xml http://ip:6554/xml?

2005-05-03 Thread Brian Meehan

The easiest way to add or check up on recordings while your on the
road is with Chris Petersen's MythWeb. It talks to the backend for

On 5/3/05, Larry W [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 does anyone know what is feature is? It's listed under
 New Features and Fixes for 0.18. Is it a web api to
 control the backend (that would be cool, adding
 recordings when on the road)? What is needed to get it
 to run?
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Will MythTV-Xbox(Debian) pooch the rest of my xbox functionality?

2005-04-12 Thread Brian Meehan
It's not so scary, really. The installer (4.5, at least) is quite
clear about what it will do.

My Xbox is set up with a 17.5GB drive. C: is the system partition, E:
is for save games (TDATA, UDATA, 90x26), apps (XBMC and Avalaunch) and
a 2GB linux file in a folder called debian. F: is where all my
emulators live.

Select the option in the installer marked Install to Game Save
partition. It's really very straight forward. I use XBMC as my
dashboard, so I modified the My Videos link on the main screen as a
shortcut to launch E:\Debian\default.xbe

I've done 3 xboxes like this already, and have 3 more in line for when
I get home next week. You won't be disappointed. Buy a decent remote,
though. Don't cheap out and get the crappy 42 button one. Also, don't
forget to share out your /video partition as NFS (/etc/exports) on the
MythBackend, and make sure that you assign permissions in MySQL to let
all clients on your network access the mythconverg DB. That's on the
archives, if you need help. It's also in Robert K's documentation on and probably somewhere on the wiki

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV on Xbox - praise

2005-03-04 Thread Brian Meehan
I'm using FC3 (stock per Jarod's guide) as the backend. I read a quick
NFS tutorial and really only made a quick edit to the exports file. I
told the xbox installer to take /video, and I made an NFS share on the
backend at that point, thus making /video/recordings and /video/buffer
available. (rw, of course!)

I also had all the Xbox partitions mounted in /mnt/C - /mnt/F in my fstab.

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 16:00:00 -0800, Nav Jagpal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now Xebian is freezing when
 .. . Mounting remote filesystems ...
 Guess I didn't setup NFS correctly.
 I installed nfs-user-server on debian and added a directory int he
 exports file, restarted the nfs server, and opened 2049 port on the
 machine's firewall.. still no go..
 ANy ideas?
 On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 15:49:56 -0800, Nav Jagpal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Indeed there was a spot in the evox.ini file that I could manually add
  the e: drive.
  On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 15:35:57 -0800, Nav Jagpal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
C: System crap and XBMC XBE  XML file
D: (This is the active XBE's home folder)
E: Apps and Game saves. Also had my Emulators on here, but no ROMs. 
is here in E:\Apps\Linux
F: Game images and movies
   Problem is my apps are on F and savegames are on E.
   So when I tried to install Xebian, it installed to E:\debian.. and Now
   i can't launch it from EvoX
   Maybe there is something in the EvoX config fiel that will allow me to
   launch applications from E as well as F... I'll look into that as soon
   as I finish installing Xebian (again)

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythTV

2005-03-02 Thread Brian Meehan

There's a slight delay when changing channels due to the nature of live TV
on Myth. It has to buffer before it can begin playing. Many people on this
list use browse mode instead of normal channel changing via surfing...
In fact, Issac posted last week about changing the default mode to Browse.

I think that option to change is under SetupTV SettingsPlayback, but I'm
not in front of my system, so I can't be sure. 

Another thing that may speed up the menus in Recordings is to switch to
Thumbnail instead of Live Preview. It's another setting in the menu. This is
good for older hardware.

Welcome to the MythTV community!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jonr
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 6:32 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV

Caleb wrote:
 I recently downloaded and installed MythTV.  The documentation clearly 
 and concisely guided me through the initialization and configuration 
 of both the required MySQL database and the Myth Backend itself.  I've 
 rarely had such a good software installation/configuration experience 
 :).  The first time I ran the Frontend, everything ran smoothly.
 However, since then, any time I run the Myth Frontend, there is a 
 several-second lag in between screens.  Additionally, whenever I must 
 scroll through a list (such as in the Program Finder) there is about a 
 one-second lag going from entry to entry.  This makes it take 
 ridiculously long to get where I need to go.  I have tried running the 
 program in both Gnome and KDE, as well as XFCE, which is very 
 lightweight.  What should I do?  Thank you in advance for any help 
 that you can provide with this problem.

Hi Caleb,

Have you tried running 'top' on the command line to see what, if anything,
is slowing you down?

mythtv-users mailing list

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mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythTV on Xbox - praise

2005-03-02 Thread Brian Meehan
A word of thanks to the maintainers of the Xbox distro for MythTV. A friend
of mine came over this past weekend and we converted his Windows MCE2005
system to a MythTV backend and his Xbox to a MythTV frontend. Of course, he
was concerned about the stuff on his Xbox already (boots to XBMC CVS
2/08/2005, and many saved games, modded w/ X3)

Well, we installed according to the instructions on bltblk and it was
beautiful. It pulled down MythTV v0.17 like a champ (looks like it's hosted
at RIT.. Yeah Rochester!). I missed a few settings on the backend (
is not the server address to use!) and in MySQL (add permissions!). NFS
how-to was really easy as well. And we didn't loose a thing off his Xbox.

All in all, a very excellent experience. I've used Jarod's guide many times
to build frontend/backend combos for other folks here in Rochester, so this
time I helped this linux newbie walk through it himself while I configured
the Xbox.

Again, thanks to everyone who makes MythTV possible. The time you commit to
this project - coding, documentation, and simply answering questions on the
mailing list - really make MythTV the great project that it is.


BTW: My wife thinks it's very odd that I refer to the people on this list
(at home, in conversations about Myth) on a first-name basis. It sounds
like you're talking about people we met over dinner last week, and not some
person on the Internet.

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mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] question on movies

2004-12-20 Thread Brian Meehan
Welcome to Myth, Mark.

What you're referring to is a plugin/feature called MythVideo. Video files
are stored in a designated location on the backend/frontend (you'll learn
that later...check this list). This is /var/mythvideo by default, I think,
but you can change it in the configuration menus. Mine is at

Mythvideo uses mplayer as its external video player, so it will play back
the formats it supports. The video manager GUI for MythVideo is rather nice,
in that it displays the movie poster and Imdb info when avail (if you setup
your video manager properly).



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Beaver
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 9:43 PM
To: 'Discussion about mythtv'
Subject: [mythtv-users] question on movies

If I have movies recorded somewhere else and I want to copy them to be
viewable in MythTV, (divX,Xvid,Mpeg,etc...) is there a way to do that, even
in theory? 

I haven't got all of my hardware compiled to build the box yet so I haven't
had a chance to look at it.


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