On 8-Aug-05, at 2:37 AM, Reza Naima wrote:

ok, this auto-db-update thing is driving me nuts. every time i quit and
restart mythtv, it wants to upgade the db.  i have to go in manually,
and update the database to reflect the version change, then mythbackend
starts.  but when mythbackend quites, and i try to restart it, it
thinks it's the old version again.  anyone know why?

By chance did you upgrade the 0.18 OSX frontend binary dated 05/28/05? I installed it recently overtop of the 0.17 build and ran into the same errors you describe in your email. Manually dropping the columns throwing the errors on the backend box seems to have fixed the errors.

But if I fire up the frontend on my powerbook it breaks the DB each time.


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