Re: [mythtv-users] OSX client editing problems...

2006-01-24 Thread David Snider
> I had the same problems (on .18.1) and once I started running/ 
> compiling
> SVN regularly along with the nightly OSX binary builds that are posted
> on's dloads section (which I really do appreciate)

I'm glad they are helpful, I know the .18.1 build I have has had  
mixed reviews

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth - Mplayer focus

2006-01-21 Thread David Snider
> Rather than twm, why not try blackbox?  Out-of-the box  
> configuration for
> blackbox works pretty well.
I use blackbox on my asus digimatrix and it works like a charm.  I  
never have focus issues.  I had to tweak the xorg.conf to allow it to  
boot up without a mouse, and I changed my inittab as follows:

#c5:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty5 linux
#c6:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 tty6 linux
c6:12345:respawn:/bin/su - mythtv -c "source /etc/profile; /usr/X11R6/ 

the mythtv .xinitrc follows:

# Set DPMS off
xset -dpms s off

irxevent /etc/lircrc &

# Unmute audio
v4lctl volume mute off

#Reset Log file and start mythtv
mythfrontend > /var/log/mythfrontend.log 2>&1 &

#Start an xterm for troubleshooting when necessary
#xterm &

#Start the blackbox window manager

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DVD playback on macos X

2006-01-15 Thread David Snider
I just use the Apple DVD player.  With the Keyspan Express Remote,  
it's great.  I use mplayer for anything in mythvideo.

On Jan 15, 2006, at 6:28 PM, Tomas Edwardsson wrote:

> Hi
> I'm wondering what software people are using on MacOS X frontends,  
> I've
> been trying to get xine working cause I'd like to be able to use the
> menus but I'm not able to pass command line arguments to xine on  
> macos.
> - Tommi
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X & MythFrontend 0.18.1 with plugins

2006-01-11 Thread David Snider
> I'm just glad it isn't just me! I will try to get you that info  
> tomorrow
> night, Dave.
Ok, there are now two new 0.18.1 versions at  One  
is the vanilla 0.18.1 and the other is the 0.18.1-fixes branch from  
SVN.  Let me know if you try them and what your status is

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X & MythFrontend 0.18.1 with plugins

2006-01-11 Thread David Snider

> This didn't work for me. I'm running a straight-up 0.18.1 backend. It
> looks like this was compiled with some other branch. Version claims
> "0.18.2, MythTV project,"
> However, your 0.18.1 without plugins works ok for me.
Yeah, it's the 0.18-fixes that were put in..  For some reason it  
lists as 0.18.2 even though there isn't an official 0.18.2 version.   
What didn't work?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X & MythFrontend 0.18.1 with plugins

2006-01-11 Thread David Snider

On Jan 10, 2006, at 6:17 PM, Jens Baumeister wrote:

> On 1/11/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No, sorry, I don't, as I currently use the frontend build without the
>> plugins. (IIRC it always crashed upon launch - I
> Clarifying myself here: The "" build *with* the
> frontend crashes for me - that's why I use the one wihtout the
> plugins.
Well, that's a bummer.  It sounds like we have a mixture of people  
who it works for and who it doesn't.   I did compile a new 0.18.1  
with plugins today.  I replaced the one on my site with that build.   
I tested it on my Mac Mini and it worked like a charm.  That probably  
doesn't say much though, since the last one did too..   For those of  
you who can't get it working, let me know.  I'd be interested to see  
the output of uname -a, env, set, contents of .profile and others...   
The more information the better.

Anyway, if anybody wants to try again, the new build of 0.18.1 is @ 
option=com_remository&Itemid=36&func=select&id=2 Feedback as usual is  
always appreciated.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X & MythFrontend 0.18.1 with plugins

2006-01-10 Thread David Snider

On Jan 9, 2006, at 9:24 PM, Matt Hannan wrote:

> Well, sir, you may want to check that build of the frontend. I
> downloaded it twice and they both seem borked up.
> Are there any other locations to get frontend with the plugins? I'm
> looking for 0.18.1 stable.

Hmm..  What happens?  I'm running it right now with no problems on  
Tiger.   You can check   
gkruse has a site as well as another gentlemen.If it really is  
borked up, let me know what it is doing so that I can either remove  
it or fix it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OSX frontend mouse?

2006-01-10 Thread David Snider
What do you use for a Mac remote?  I bought the keyspan remote and don't like it too much.  very small and flimsy feeling...   ToddI also use the Keyspan remote.  But I had a Sony learning remote so I programmed the buttons from the Keyspan into the Sony.   Still not enough buttons, but not as flimsy...___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X & MythFrontend 0.18.1 with plugins

2006-01-09 Thread David Snider
Thanks for downloading the binary.  I'm very interested in your  
feedback, if a build doesn't work, I'll want to pull it off the site..

As for me, I use mplayer, but until recently, DVD VOB's with AC3 had  
noticeable static feedback.  However, I found that you can download  
the CVS version of mplayer and it compiles just fine on MacOSX.  It's  
much faster than previous versions (Uses the CoreVideo services now)  
and there is NO static feedback.

I don't know this for certain, but I installed mplayer first via fink  
(to get a lot of the dependencies, may or may not have been  
necessary) then downloaded the CVS version and compiled and installed  
to /usr/local/mplayer instead of /usr/local/bin.

My Video player settings are setup as /usr/local/mplayer/bin/mplayer %s.

My .mplayer/config contents are:

I like the closed captions and full screen mode...

Never used Xine on Mac, found a link to a binary on Wikipedia, but  
could never get it to download.  To be honest, I just use the Apple  
DVD Player, no offense to the developers of MythDVD.

On Jan 9, 2006, at 8:49 PM, Matt Hannan wrote:

> OK, so I have reloaded OS X and am currently installing MythFrontend
> 0.18.1 from This build includes some plugins, like
> MythVideo and MythDVD.
> I have tried this build before, but always gave up on it because I  
> could
> never figure out the player commands for the plugins.
> Do any of you Myth-on-Mac folks  think you can help me out?
> The first question is about mplayer.
> Where do I get it?
> DarwinPorts? Installing it now.
> After that, what is the command that I put into Setup?
> The default has never worked for me.
> The second question is about xine in MythDVD.
> I prefer it, because of the menu support.
> Is anyone using it? If so, how?
> Thanks for your help, everybody.
> Matt
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] fc4.ppc, Mac Mini and MythTV

2006-01-06 Thread David Snider
Do keep in mind, the frontend software that gets compiled will be  
useless against a 0.18.1 backend because of the protocol mismatch

The osx-packager script has options for a specific revision or  
branch so you can easily/hopefully build a frontend for any  
arbitrary backend version.

In any case mythmusic isn't currently one of the supported plugins  
for osx (they're mythcontrols, mythdvd, mythflix, mythgallery,  
mythnews, mythvideo & mythweather). The last time someone mused  
about this on the lists they were thinking of integrating myth with  
itunes in some way. That was quite a while ago.

Just my two cents, but I run the OSX frontend on my Mac Mini with  
great success.  I  modified the main menu xml file and added an  
option that launches itunes via a command "open -a iTunes".I use  
the USB Keyspan Remote to control both MythTV and iTunes.  I  
programmed one of the keys on the remote to do a "command+tab" so  
that I can cycle between MythTV and iTunes.  But it works great...
mythtv-users mailing list