Re: [mythtv-users] Help Developing MythWeb

2006-01-28 Thread Garth Benedict
I just installed mp3act this morning. Extremely fun. I have the streaming and jukebox mode working perfectly after a couple tweaks for permissions. This in mythweb would be a dream. I will never go back to mythweb or even myth music now that this is working. Need my laptop handy but it is worth it. Maybe once this new mythweb in 
0.19 comes out I will see if they can be integrated for those wanting/needing something like this.On 1/25/06, Big Wave Dave 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:For those that may be interested... I use:'s a great AJAX frontend that has a MySQL backend.It isn't aplayer but provides .m3u files that can be streamed. Almost allmedia players that I've seen support m3u playlists.
Just my 2 cents...DaveOn 1/25/06, Kerry Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Music Player is currently being used in the Jinzora Media Player.So it
 should be alright, just in case, I emailed the developers.So the new featuresmythweb music needs is: * Browser Based Music Player * .M3U Download ( for use in ITunes, Winamp and other MP3 players )
 * Playlist Editor Chris Petersen wrote:  Really, I have no idea about how all the licensing works.Any  flash/actionscript gurus care to recreate something like musicplayer?
Ah, if it's flash-based, it's probably fine.   The issue with BSD is that it requires attribution, and the GPL  explicitly forbids clauses that require you to do anything to the code
  other than keep it GPL.   -Chris  ___  mythtv-users mailing list   ___
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[mythtv-users] FYI: G.A.N.T. theme adjustment

2006-01-08 Thread Garth Benedict
If anyone is running G.A.N.T. from the rpms, I suggest, as root, cd /usr/share/mythtv/themes/G.A.N.T./bkg/cp grey.jpeg grey.jpeg.origcp -f grey.jpeg.svnfixes grey.jpegG.A.N.T. has been 'broken' for months, and the above makes the background look right again. If you update the rpm, the commands probably need to be rerun. 

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Re: [mythtv-users] control MythTV with my gamepad?

2006-01-08 Thread Garth Benedict
I also have the P3000. Fun joystick except one of my batteries died. I use qstick/kbstick as described It turns the joystick moves into keyboard strokes, kind of like lirc. You configure what you want all the buttons to do. Mine are linked to up/down/home/end, etc. The downside is that unless you come up with a kill/restart mechanism, you need to convert xmame (or whatever you are using), to use those keybindings and NOT the joystick directly. You actually need to force joystick=0 or whatever or else xmame will croak. The below script lives in my /usr/local/bin/ and I link to it in Autostart to start on boot. I have heard of native joystick support in myth but do not knows its status.
Here is my qstick:[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# cat /home/mythtv/.kde/Autostart/qstick#!/bin/sh# This shell script part of the QStick package, which uses the KBStick# program to translate joystick messages into keyboard messages which
# are sent to an X server, to the end of adding joystick support to# keyboard-and-mouse or keyboard only games.## KBStick is released under the GNU Public License, please see the# source code, Makefile and README file for more information.
# Assign X KeyCodes to shell variables. This is small number of the# X keyboard KeyCodes (corresponding to the keypad keys).##KP_Up=80#KP_Down=88#KP_Left=83#KP_Right=85KP_Up=98KP_Down=104
# GWB AdditionsKP_Escape=9KP_0=19KP_1=10KP_2=11KP_3=12KP_4=13KP_5=14KP_6=15KP_7=16KP_8=17KP_9=18KP_I=31KP_P=33KP_S=39KP_M=58KP_PGUP=99KP_PGDN=105
# Assign KeyCodes to the joystick axes.# Axes 0 and 1 should be the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axes of the# stick itself. Axes beyond these will correspond to rudder, throttle, etc.# controls.
# KBStick supports up to 6 axes, though altering the source code# to support more would be a trivial exercise.## *If you un-comment any of these be sure to un-comment the exports below.*#KBS_Axis_0_Plus=$KP_Right
#KBS_Axis_5_Minus=# Assign KeyCodes to the joystick buttons.# Location and order of buttons/button number will vary from joystick to# joystick. Choosing the KeyCodes of unused keyboard keys to assign to
# joystick buttons makes moot the matter of which button sends which KeyCode# since one can run QStick and _then_ run and configure the games you wish# to play, rather than configuring the games first then trying to match
# button messages to your game configuration.# KBStick supports up to 12 joystick buttons, but once again altering the# source code to allow more would be a minor task.##KBS_Button_0=$KP_Home#KBS_Button_1=$KP_End
KBS_Button_7=$EnterKBS_Button_8=$KP_EscapeKBS_Button_9=$KP_EnterKBS_Button_10=$KP_PKBS_Button_11=$KP_Escape# Assign a quit button.# Setting the environment variable KBS_Quit_Button makes the assigned button
# (actually any button that sends the assigned KeyCode) cause the KBStick program# to exit after 3 consecutive quit button presses. Any other button press resets# the quit count to 0, but it would probably be good to choose a seldom
# used button to be the quit button lest in the fever of a Deathmatch you# turn off your joystick support. B)# Though KBStick issues a warning if you don't you need not assign a quit# key at all.##GWBKBS_Quit_Button=$KBS_Button_7
# Assign a Dead Zone around the center all your joystick axes.# This is really better done with a calibrator like jscal from the# Linux Joystick Driver distribution.##export KBS_Dead_Zone=500
# Export the shell variables to the environment...#export KBS_Axis_0_Plus KBS_Axis_1_Plus#export KBS_Axis_2_Plus KBS_Axis_3_Plus#export KBS_Axis_4_Plus KBS_Axis_5_Plusexport KBS_Axis_0_Minus KBS_Axis_1_Minus
#export KBS_Axis_2_Minus KBS_Axis_3_Minus#export KBS_Axis_4_Minus KBS_Axis_5_Minusexport KBS_Button_0 KBS_Button_1 KBS_Button_2 KBS_Button_3export KBS_Button_4 KBS_Button_5 KBS_Button_6 KBS_Button_7
export KBS_Button_8 KBS_Button_9 KBS_Button_10 KBS_Button_11#export KBS_Quit_Button# ...And run KBStick in the background.# This command line assumes KBStick is in your path and that /dev/js0 is the# joystick that you are using.
#kbstick /dev/input/js0 # The EndOn 1/8/06, CykoDuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to use my Saitek P3000 to control the main menus of MythTV.Is this possible?

Re: [mythtv-users] control MythTV with my gamepad?

2006-01-08 Thread Garth Benedict
Wow. First I have ever heard of this! Cannot wait to try it out. Seems a considerably easier setup.On 1/8/06, Steve Hodge 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Native joystick support works fine in MythTV 0.18
. Using it saves youhaving to reconfigure xmame. Just stick a joystickmenurc file in.mythtv/. Mine is attached. Note I've got two joysticks configured inthere and IIRC MythTV doesn't currently support that - it just ignores
the second one.Steve___mythtv-users mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] Wireless Keyboard Questions -- Belkin MediaPilotworth it?

2006-01-03 Thread Garth Benedict
I have the MediaPilot and it is great. I keep the base station in a closet, with some of my other components and there is never an issue with events. The keyboard/mouse aspect work Out-Of-The-Box on my FC3 system. The only thing I have never setup is the IR remote control aspect. That needs Windows software I never got around to testing. My Harmony remote does everything I need. I bought mine on Only downside of the keyboard is the plastic squeaks. The battery life is very very good as well. I put it in the charger maybe once a month. 
On 1/2/06, Ow Mun Heng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 22:13 -0500, Abre Chase wrote: I'm curious about the Media Pilot as well.I posted to the list about a month ago, but got no feedback.It looks like a nice setup - rechargeable and all.
Well, I just got a hold of this - it works quite nicely (USD40 on offer). Nice range too. There's
another one which goes for USD10 but it uses PS2 and is IR based. Hasmost of the same features, but RF should be better.Works under linux. (gentoo) but Have not tried out any of the(multimedia) buttons. Will try emerging lineak and see if it will work.
haven't tried out xev with it yet though but I do know that it doesn'tautomatically generate a unknown keycode when I press it.--Ow Mun HengGentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz 1.5GB RAM
98% Microsoft(tm) Free!!Neuromancer 11:30:43 up 1 day, 26 min, 6 users, load average: 2.07,1.31, 1.06___mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] MythDVD offline Archive or Catalog?

2005-11-25 Thread Garth Benedict
This thread has recently got a little spotlight here I
played around with the scripts and think I have something to add.
I think these scripts are must haves for anyone not ripping their
DVDs. Excellent scripts.


 Automatically removed '_'s, which I have in my filenames. 
 Added -xrm xterm*allowSendEvents: true to the xterm command so it can support mouse events.
 Changed font/geometry to better fit my hi-def
screen. (If anyone has success getting an even bigger font
displayed, please write)

 Eject the DVD tray
 Added some spaces to pretty up the display

 No change, just attaching for convenience

 Simple scipt to call mousemove after calling xine
 Force irxevent to start up before mythfrontend (amongst a couple of other things too)

All but the last script I put in /use/local/bin/. I updated the
DVD Play command to force /use/local/bin/xine (make sure all the
scripts chmod a+x). To get the remote keypress to work, I needed
to switch as many lirc events to use irxevent as possible. 

lirc snip
# Escape/Exit/Back
 prog = irxevent
 button = BACK/EXIT
 config = Key Escape CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = CH+
 config = Key Up CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = CH-
 config = Key Down CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = VOL+
 config = Key Right CurrentWindow
 repeat = 5

 prog = irxevent
 button = VOL-
 config = Key Left CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = UP
 config = Key Up CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = DOWN
 config = Key Down CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = RIGHT
 config = Key Right CurrentWindow
 repeat = 5

 prog = irxevent
 button = LEFT
 config = Key Left CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3

 prog = irxevent
 button = OK
 config = Key Return CurrentWindow
 repeat = 3


 prog = irxevent

 button = 0

 config = Key 0 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 1

 config = Key 1 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 2

 config = Key 2 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 3

 config = Key 3 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 4

 config = Key 4 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 5

 config = Key 5 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 6

 config = Key 6 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 7

 config = Key 7 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 8

 config = Key 8 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3



 prog = irxevent

 button = 9

 config = Key 9 CurrentWindow

 repeat = 3


/lirc snip
I was getting double events for some of the buttons so I commented out
my original mythtv/xine/mplayer configs for the above buttons. 

I would love to see this functionality included in core myth.
Maybe a DVD RIP option to 'Symlink Only', and have a special directory
for 'DVD Library' to put it.
On 9/24/05, Craig Tinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Michael T. Dean wrote: Michael T. Dean wrote: Roman Romaniuk wrote: I have a fairly large DVD collection, but nowhere near sufficient disk space to be able to host all of it on my backend server. Is
 there any way to maintain the DVD listing within mythdvd, but have a note pop up requesting that the user insert the appropriate DVD (and possibly noting the DVD's location)into the drive when it is
 selected for play? As of now, there's nothing within Myth to handle it.However, it's not too difficult to fake it... Forgot--some people use spaces in their filenames.Updated
 prompt_for_media properly parses DVD name even when it includes spaces.I guess that just means you shouldn't write code--even what seems like simple code--at 3:00 in the morning... Mike
#!/bin/bashMEDIA_TYPE=$1FILE_NAME=$2# Find the name of the disccase ${MEDIA_TYPE} in
DVD)DISC_NAME=`basename $FILE_NAME .dvd`;;CD)DISC_NAME=`basename $FILE_NAME .cd`;;VCD)DISC_NAME=`basename $FILE_NAME .vcd`
;;esac# Prompt the user to insert the discxterm -bg NavyBlue -fg White +sb -fs 18 -geometry 40x6 \-e prompt Please insert ${MEDIA_TYPE}: ${DISC_NAME}
# Play the disccase ${MEDIA_TYPE} inDVD)xine --no-splash --auto-play=fhq --auto-scan dvd;;CD)xine --no-splash --auto-play=fhq /mnt/cd
;;VCD)xine --no-splash --auto-play=fhq --auto-scan vcd;;esacmovemouse
___mythtv-users mailing I first started playing with MythTV (about 2 years ago! wow -doesn't seem that long!) this 

Re: [mythtv-users] IR Keyboards

2005-11-22 Thread Garth Benedict
Belkin MediaPilot

works like a charm for me on FC3. I keep the base station in a
closet and it only needs charging once a month or so.On 11/22/05, Steve Hodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 11/22/05, Gary Manning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: My keyboard is a BTC 9019URF.It's RF not IR, but it seems to work fine so far.It has a joystick that has a mouse mode and joystick mode, and the receiver plugs into a USB port.I have used it as a joystick under Linux
 yet, but no problems with the mouse.I've got one of these too. Very happy with it. The joystick works finein both mouse and joystick mode, though I don't rate it for Mame.Steve___
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Re: [mythtv-users] Video lasts for only 1 second on live TV

2005-10-09 Thread Garth Benedict
I had this problem and it was a driver loading issue. Restarting
just the backend on boot fixed it for me. Had to add
/sbin/service to my /etc/sudoers file as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cat .kde/Autostart/
# Load nVidia driver custom settings
#nvidia-settings --load-config-only 
# Restore audio settings
/usr/sbin/alsactl restore
# Launch irexec for myth power button stop/start
# Launch myth frontend
sudo /sbin/service mythbackend restart
mythfrontend ~/mythfrontend.log 21 
On 10/9/05, Alberto Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just tried running both the backend and frontend as root. Theproblem still persists.There are some more messages related to prebuffering pausebut nothing that would indicate what the problem actually is.
Any other suggestions?Thanks,AlbertoOn Sun, 2005-10-09 at 00:33 -0400, Stewart wrote: There is also an option for using priority threads.Disabling this is a second option, but running the backend as root is the better choice.
 Stewart Larsen It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. ~ Ben Franklin Hackers do for love what others wouldn't do for money.
 If you think technology will solve your security problems, you don't understand the technology and you don't understand the problems. ~Bruce Schneier George Nincehelser wrote:
  I had this problem.However, it went away when I started running  mythfrontend as root instead as of a user.   I figure it must be a problem with permissions. 
  George  ___  mythtv-users mailing list mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] Recommended GUI dimensions/setup to deal with overscan @ 1920x1080i

2005-08-21 Thread Garth Benedict
Any tips are obviously of help, thanks.  I second the request to treat
overscan as the norm.Any actual help on this in the doc with a
couple recommended set of options would suffice.

Any chance you had the downside of severe pin-cushion on your 510? 
That is something else I am dealing with with any input NTSC.  I
believe it to be
but I have been a little lazy and fearful getting someone to come in
and tinker with it.

Does your myth box have enough juice with the visualizations?  Work around?

On 8/21/05, Joe Barnhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Garth Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have not been able to find much documentation for resizing the
  to deal with overscan.  Has anyone had good results with that at
  1920x1080i?  I have seen one or two examples for NTSC.  I cannot see
  any checkboxes and normally cannot see parts of the bottom row of
  buttons.  I can deal with the overscan on TV/Videos, but the menu
  system is rather hard.  Appreciate any offerings.
  Pioneer Elite 610HD, via VGA
  FC3 using the atrpms
  Asus A7N8X-D for video and audio.
 I have pretty much the same setup as you (PRO-510D w/VGA).  Sadly, I'm
 away from home right now and I don't know how to read my setup via SSH
 (since it's on the X screens used to config myth).  I can send a
 message to you when I'm back in front of my system next Saturday.
 It would be REALLY NICE if the person maintaining the setup screens
 would accomodate the fact that all TVs overscan, making the setup next
 to impossible when viewing on a TV.  (Someday I will figure out how to
 create setup screens on my own and revamp them all, but I know nothing
 about Qt so this will take awhile.)
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[mythtv-users] Recommended GUI dimensions/setup to deal with overscan @ 1920x1080i

2005-08-19 Thread Garth Benedict
I have not been able to find much documentation for resizing the menus
to deal with overscan.  Has anyone had good results with that at
1920x1080i?  I have seen one or two examples for NTSC.  I cannot see
any checkboxes and normally cannot see parts of the bottom row of
buttons.  I can deal with the overscan on TV/Videos, but the menu
system is rather hard.  Appreciate any offerings.

Pioneer Elite 610HD, via VGA
FC3 using the atrpms
Asus A7N8X-D for video and audio.

As a side question, I see lots of people who have the visualizations
in mythmusic tax there system more than anything when running at
1920x1080i.  My TV only supports the one resolution so I cannot switch
done between applications.  Is there any trick to lesson the detail
the visualizations try and display?  I would be perfectly fine with it
being a little blocky.  It is the only ONLY thing I miss from the NTSC

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