Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 users - how did you do it?

2005-05-22 Thread MB

I just got mine working yesterday. Works great so far using an antenna.

1) Yes.

2) I have Tuner1 as an option as well. But use Tuner0 per Jarod's guide.

3) This is some issue with the way setup/mythbackend are running. Try this:
-Stop mythbacked (/etc/init.d/mythbackend stop)
-run mythtvsetup deleting all card info and channel/provider info
-setup everything again... make sure you choose tuner0
-start mythbackend (/etc/init.d/mythbackend start)
-also, make sure 720x480 is set as the resolution under your recording 
profiles in mythfrontend

-check dmesg for any info if this doesn't work

Hope this helps. My card seems to be running pretty stable. I love that 
no matter how bad the signal gets it still spits out 2.2 GB per hour.

Mark Knecht wrote:

  Thanks very much. I think this is helping. After many problems
today I'm back to having at least the test method for the PVR-150
correctly storing files using cat and then playing them back using

  Now I'm trying to get mythsetup done correctly. I'm guessing a bit
here. Can you tell me how you set yours up in the backend?

1) Since the PVR-150 is supposed to be a cost reduced version of the
250 I've chosen my capture card type to be a PVR-250/350. Is this what
you did?

2) I've set the video device as /dev/v4l/video0 and the tuner as
Tuner0. (Do you also have 'Tuner1' as an option?)

3) Under input connections I've set Tuner0->Adelphia (The name of my
cable TV service at this location.

  This all makes basic sense, but when I try to watch TV I only get a
black screen, no audio, and I have to Ctrl-C out of the terminal to
get back. I cannot hit escape to exit the watch TV screen.

  Help! I think I'm pretty close!


On 5/22/05,  Childe Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here's what I used for mine (can't think of the ivtv version right now):
alias char-major-61 lirc_i2c
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
options cx25840 no_black_magic=1
options ivtv ivtv_std=0 tuner=50 tda9887=0 ivtv_debug=1

options cx25840 i2c_enable=1
options saa7127 i2c_enable=-1
install ivtv /sbin/modprobe tuner; /sbin/modprobe msp3400;
/sbin/modprobe saa7115; /sbin/modprobe –ignore-install ivtv
remove ivtv /sbin/modprobe -r –ignore-remove ivtv && /sbin/modprobe -r
saa7115 && /sbin/modprobe -r msp3400 && /sbin/modprobe -r tuner

On 5/22/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I'm trying to set up a PVR-150 in a new backend machine. I use a
PVR-250 in another machine already so I have some experience in doing
this, although not a lot. How did you ge your PVR-150 to work?

1) I'm using a CVS tarbal of ivtv-0.3.3k

2) I'm running an Athlon XP machine on an NForce-2 MB using Gentoo and
trying to use udev but so far I'm not getting any /dev/v4l devices. I
didnt have to do anything to get /dev/v4l devices on our P4 backend
machine that uses the PVR-250.

3) When I first set this up yesterday I didn't get any video when
doing the simple command line test of the hardware. (cat /dev/video0 >
test.mpg and then mplayer test.mpg) However I added an option for mpeg
buffer and it started working:

alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
#alias char-major-61 lirc_i2c
options ivtv ivtv-debug=0 mpg_buffers=90
#options tuner type=2
#options msp3400 once=1 simple=1 debug=0
#add below ivtv msp3400 saa7115 tuner
#add above ivtv lirc_dev lirc_i2c

Without the options line I got no video.

  Any ideas how I can get this going?

mythtv-users mailing list


 Childe Roland
"I will show you fear in a handful of jellybeans."


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Re: [mythtv-users] 20+ GB .nuv files

2005-03-04 Thread MB
Garry Cook wrote:
Well, it looks like I tweaked something that I shouldn't have,
probably in the setup/utilities, maybe in mythtvsetup, or this could
possibly be due to the apt-get dist-upgrade that I did the other day.
My .nuv files are now sized at about 20GB per hour. I've got one that
is a half hour show which is taking up 14GB of space.
I'm sure that I saw a thread about this recently, but searching the
archives I just can't seem to find it, just not using the right
keywords I guess.
Any idea what might be causing this? Could it be a simple setting, or
will I need to roll back a package? Anyone know the subject of the
old/existing thread?
Any insight is appreciated.

mythtv-users mailing list

Just a thought: Is your signal poor quality? A lot of fuzziness? This 
could cause the compression algorithms to not work well. I have this on 
a few stations that don't come in well and the file size gets up to 
around 10GB for a 30 minute show.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] FC3, lirc and irman

2005-03-03 Thread MB
Thanks from me too. These posts help me get lirc up and running with the 
irman and the radioshack 15-2116 remote.

hondaman wrote:
Thanks Andy, Jerod and Jeff.  That will give me enough information to 
beat my head against for a while :)

Jeff Wormsley wrote:
hondaman wrote:
I got my irman in the mail today, and have had no luck getting it to 
do anything.  I have this in my modprobe.conf (as per Jarod's guide)

options lirc_serial irq=3 io=0x2f8
install lirc_serial /bin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none ;\
   /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install lirc_serial
When I do lsmod, i dont see any lirc drivers listed.  If I do depmod 
-a, still nothing.  If I do modprobe lirc_serial, then I get
Module  Size  Used by
lirc_serial11424  0
lirc_dev   11148  1 lirc_serial

lircd then starts ok.  When I run irw, however, I get no response 
from my remote.  I am using the pvr-250 remote (grey top, black 
bottom, with the red,green,yellow, and blue buttons along the 
bottom) with the corresponding lircd.conf.  I imagine Im doing a 
hundred things wrong.  Could someone please offer some advice?  I'm 
seriously stuck.

A few things to look for:
1. You don't need anything in modprobe.conf
2. Edit /etc/init.d/lircd and change the daemon line to read as follows:
daemon lircd --driver=irman --device=/dev/ttyS0
(Change ttyS0 to ttyS1 if you are on COM2)
3. Make sure you have the right lircd.conf file.  If IRW shows no 
button names, chances are you have the wrong one (or the wrong serial 
port selected).

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