[mythtv-users] OT: Hooking up to my HDTV using DVI

2005-07-16 Thread Mark Frey

I'm having no luck at all getting my Myth to display on my HDTV. I'm using
the DVI out on my FX5200 to connect to the HDMI on my TV using a DVI-HDMI
cable. I've tried all the modelines listed by Jarrod, and many other
modelines I've found searching around the web (see xorg.conf stuff below).
I've tried several different versions of the Nvidia drivers, all to no
avail. The X logs show X switching to the appropriate modes, but I never get
a picture. The TV acts as if there is no signal at all. I've tried
1920x1080i, 1920x540p, 960x540p, all with several different timings.
Nothing. No rolling picture, no offset picture, no picture period.

Is this normal? I know that few if any have gotten 1080i to work with the
Nvidia drivers, but from reading around it seems like people have usually
gotten 540p to work.

What I'm wondering is if I'm missing something really obvious. I could get
one of the AudioAuthority 9a60 converter, but before I spend $130 I want to
make sure I'm not doing something stupid.

My TV is a Sony KP-46WT520, it's EDID reports 540p as the resolution. I've
tried with "IgnoreEDID" both on and off, etc.

Does anyone have any hints for me?

Has anyone similarly had no luck at all using DVI and gotten the
AudioAuthority or some other converter to work?

Here are the relavent portions of my xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log:

xorg.conf (note that this is not the whole
Section "ServerLayout"
 Identifier "X.org Configured"
 Screen  0  "ScreenHDTV" 0 0
 InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
 InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Module"
 Load  "extmod"
 #Load  "dri"
 Load  "dbe"
 Load  "record"
 Load  "xtrap"
 Load  "glx"
 Load  "type1"
 Load  "freetype"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier  "HDTV Out"
VendorName  "Sony"
ModelName   "46 inch"
Option  "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"
Option  "IgnoreDisplayDevices" "CRT,TV"
#Option "dpms"
VertRefresh  59-61
#Modeline "540pw" 79.912 1920 2040 2200 2368 540 550 551 563 +hsync
#Modeline "540p" 39.956 960 1020 1100 1184 540 550 551 563 +hsync +vsync
#Modeline "540p" 39.956 960 1020 1100 1184 540 550 551 563

Modeline "A540" 37.26 960 976 1008 1104 540 542 548 563 +hsync +vsync

ModeLine "1080i" 73.943 1776 1920 1976 2208 1000 1038 1043 1125
interlace +hsync +vsync
Modeline "1920x1080" 74.250 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1124
interlace +hsync +vsync
Modeline "540p" 39.0 960 984 1016 1136 540 550 556 580 +hsync +vsync
ModeLine "ATSC-480-59.94i" 11.958 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525
ModeLine "ATSC-480-60i" 11.97 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525 Interlace
ModeLine "ATSC-480-59.94p" 23.916 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525
ModeLine "ATSC-480-60p" 23.94 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525
ModeLine "ATSC-480a-59.94i" 11.958 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525
ModeLine "ATSC-480a-60i" 11.97 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525 Interlace
ModeLine "ATSC-480a-59.94p" 23.916 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525
ModeLine "ATSC-480a-60p" 23.94 640 664 736 760 480 484 492 525
ModeLine "ATSC-1080-59.94i" 74.176 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088
1125 Interlace
ModeLine "my540" 74.176 1920 1960 2016 2200 540 541 544 563 +hsync
ModeLine "ATSC-1080-60i" 74.25 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125
ModeLine "my540b" 74.25 1920 1960 2016 2200 540 541 544 563 +hsync
ModeLine "ATSC-1080-59.94p" 148.352 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088
ModeLine "ATSC-1080-60p" 148.5 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125
ModeLine "ATSC-720-59.94p" 74.086 1280 1320 1376 1648 720 722 728 750
ModeLine "ATSC-720-60p" 74.16 1280 1320 1376 1648 720 722 728 750


Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "DigitalVibrance" # 
#Option "NoFlip"  # []
#Option "Dac8Bit" # []
#Option "NoLogo"  # []
#Option "UBB" # []
#Option "Stereo"  # 
#Option "SWcursor"# []
#Option "HWcursor"# []
#Option "VideoKey"# 
Option "NvAGP" "1"  # 
Option "IgnoreEDID" "1" # []
Option "NoDDC" "1"   # []
#Option "ConnectedMonitor"# 
#Option "ConnectedMonitors"   # 
#Option "TVStandard"  # 
#Option "TVOutFormat" # 
   #Option "RenderAccel" "1" # []
#Option "CursorShadow"# []
#Option "CursorShadowAlpha"   # 
#Option "CursorShadowXOffset"  # 
#Option "CursorShadowYOffse

[mythtv-users] Auto(?) scanning of QAM channels

2005-03-27 Thread Mark Frey

Well I have just finished rebuilding my Myth machine with a PVR-150MCE
and a pcHDTV 3000. It's finally all working but I have one remaining
problem. I'm using the pcHDTV to tune QAM channels over my Comcast
cable. One of the channels is the Kids channel which only seems to
broadcast a couple of hours a day, and if I tune that channel any other
time Myth freezes with messages from the backend saying waited to long
to read data from the card (I assume the dvb driver is crashing). I
don't care about this channel anyway, so I just use myth-setup to remove
it from the channel list. The problem is, Myth seems to periodically
re-add this channel. Does anyone know how I can delete this channel

  Mark Frey

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