[mythtv-users] no fast-forward + no commercia flagging -- frustration

2006-01-30 Thread Matt Price
Hi folks,

I recently switched my functioning mythtv system (which runs the ubuntu
breezy 18.1 packages on a pentium-III system with a hauppauge pvr350
doing all the heavy lifting) over to a new hard drive (old one was too
small).  I had a little trouble at first getting the filesystems synced,
but pretty much thought I had worked out all the kinks until I started
watching programs with commercials.  Then I found two problems, which I
imagine to be mroe or less unrelated, but which combine to make watching
tv a whole lot less fun:

1)  For some reason no commercials are being flagged.  Even if a program
is set up with flag -- use all  in the database, attempts to skip
forward or backward result in a not flagged message flashing on the

@) This in itself is a bummer.  But there's also a problem with the fast
forward button.  Sometimes it works fine.  But often , pressing the fast
forward button (to play at 3x, 5x, or 10x) results in a wierd stall --
the pictures stays almost still, perhaps flickering a bit, and the
position indicator will remain stuck at the same moment -- say, 18:32.
It might flicker around a bit too, say 18:31, 18:35, 18:32.  Meanwhile,
the indicated LENGTH of the clip will sluctuate wildly -- so the video
will apear to GROW and SHRINK as the picture stays fixed.  OFten after
doing that for a wile, and in response to some other button press, this
wierd behaviour will cease all at once and suddenly the fast worward
will work again, at least for a little while.  

Anyway, it's bizarre and frustrating.  I'd very much appreciate any
suggestions on e.g. where to look to diagnose the problem further.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] lircrc questions -- was: playslist for recorded tv?

2006-01-18 Thread Matt Price
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 07:57:14PM -0500, Chris Pinkham wrote:
  in the watch recordings menu, it's possible to select a recorded
  program, push the right button, and then select add to playlist.
 After you tag a few recordings, hit the MENU key and you'll find a
 few things you can do with the playlist.

ah.  Now I understand what was going on.  The Menu key was named
improperly in my lircrc -- lirc sees it as Menu/i and it was called
Menu (this is on a pvr-350 w/ a black/silver remote).  Now that
I'ver enamed it I'm getting the playlist menu when I'm in the watch
recordings screen.  Thanks everyone!  I still don't see a way to move
things around in the playlist etc, but this is already a major improvement.

while we're on the subject of lircrc...  I have a couple of questions
about it.  I'd really like to map my play button to the play
function, which is currently mapped to Ctrl+P in the mythweb
bindings interface.  But I can't seem to figure out how to write
control-P properly in the lircrc file.  Ctrl-P, Ctrl+P, and
\P, all seem to fail.  There are a couple of other control keys in
the standard keybindings; I'd like to be able to map them as well, if

in addition...  

I've had to reboot several times lately (mostly because of a buggy
power cable, I think), so I've noticed something I mightn't otherwise.
When I boot up, I autologin the mythtv user from gdm, which runs a
minimal wm  starts mythfrontend directly.  The first time I do
this after booting, mythfrontend doesn't seem to receive any
keypresses from the remote (though I can check with irw that the
remote is in fact sending, and lircd is up and receiving).  If I 
/etc/init.d/gdm restart
then things seem to work fine again.  Anyone know what the deal is
with that?  Do I need to modify my init scripts somehow perhaps?

thanks again,


History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] playslist for recorded tv?

2006-01-15 Thread Matt Price
in the watch recordings menu, it's possible to select a recorded
program, push the right button, and then select add to playlist.
does anyone know 
a) what this playlist is?  -- I've never seen it actually activated.
b) whether there's some way to manipulate the playlist more directly
(e.g. change the order in which shows are viewed, etc  
c) escape into the playlist while viewing, etc...

The playlist would be very useful for me as my kids watch shows that
are 12-19 minutes long -- I'dl ike to set them up with an hour of TV
in such a way that I don't have to run upstairs to the TV every 10
minutes.  However, I haven't been able to use the playlist in a useful
way at all.  And while the docs talk about playlists for mythmusic,
I don't see any such discussion for straight mythtv.  

failing a builtin playlist generator, anyone have any ideas for
command-line playlist generation?



History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] cut commercials only, no transcoding

2006-01-13 Thread Matt Price

I need to save some space on my l'ill old drive but I am running a
pretty slow system (PIII-450, with a PVR350 doing all the heavy
lifting).  can't play dvd's on this system, for instance.  So I don't
think that transcoding will work well with this CPU.  Is it possible
instead just to cut comercials automatically?  that would at least
save me some space on the (relatively few) recordings we make on
commercial TV.



History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cut commercials only, no transcoding

2006-01-13 Thread Matt Price
On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 05:37:09PM -0800, Mudit Wahal wrote:
 There is a commercial_cut program available which can read the cutlist
 from the myth database and do a good job for removing the commercials.
 I use that regulary to remove commercials from my HD programs. Its a 3
 step process.
 Run mythcommflag to find the detect commercials. Then run mythcommflag
 -gencutlist to load the cutlist. And then, run commercial_cut to
 remove the commercial.
 I do this all from a single script without actually looking/editing
 the commercial points. I trust mythcommflag is doing very good job and
 I do detect almost all the commercials. Only one time, it deleted
 everything of the Lost episode after the first commercial.

this sounds excellent.  would you mind posting the script?  Just as a
reference point...

I find the commerc ial flagging is great on shows that actually have
commercials.  On shows recorded from public broadcasters it sometimes
flags parts of the program itself.  not sure what's doing that...

anyway thanks.


 On 1/13/06, Matt Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to save some space on my l'ill old drive but I am running a
  pretty slow system (PIII-450, with a PVR350 doing all the heavy
  lifting).  can't play dvd's on this system, for instance.  So I don't
  think that transcoding will work well with this CPU.  Is it possible
  instead just to cut comercials automatically?  that would at least
  save me some space on the (relatively few) recordings we make on
  commercial TV.
  History Department, University of Toronto
  (416) 978-2094
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History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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Re: [mythtv-users] color adjustments to pvr-350

2006-01-08 Thread Matt Price
hey jeff,

On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 05:25:48PM -0500, Jeff Simpson wrote:
  find register 006C, you follow the 0060 line across until it hits the 0C
  column, you see that fe is the value it holds.
 I mean in my register map you see that fe is the value it holds. Your
 results may vary.
 ivtvctl -j reg=0x6c,val=0xFE -d/dev/video0
  (replace val with the value you want to set it to).
 I meant to say replace 0xFE with the value you want to set it to, as in

this is very helpful, thanks.  my register map was identical to yours
with the exception of this one register (set to fa in mine, not
fe).  So, even though fa should have had green set to zero by your
reckoning, I just switched to fe and now it works great.  thanks so much!

 curses to not having a wiki or forum for this! Maybe I should post this to a

I think it would be great to have in a wiki.  don't know which one
would be best though...

thank s much for your help -- sorry for the delay geting back to you.


  - Jeff

 mythtv-users mailing list

History Department, University of Toronto
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Re: [mythtv-users] optimizing speed/power consumption [was: slow startup, channel change]

2006-01-05 Thread Matt Price
THanks robert,

On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 21:29 -0600, Robert Johnston wrote:
 On 1/4/06, Matt Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know this is a slow system, but I have a hauppauge pvr-350
  installed, so most of the heavy lifting should be taken care of.  Are
  there any tweaks I can apply to speed up the funcitoning of the gui?
 The Prescaling Images IS what's done to speed up the GUI. If we
 didn't do that (And it's cached for following runs, so it shouldn't
 take near so long the second time) then we'd have to re-scale the
 images every time you change screen.

I see.  As you suggested I built a slightly less complex theme.  Since I
know nothing about myth or xml, I just deleted al lthe buttons from
theme.xml in the default /GANT theme, which produced a noticable speedup
both in the initial startup and in the screen redraws when flipping
between options.  There's still a short delay between rescaling images
and the appearance of the main menu -- not sure what causes that, as
it's not reported in the onscreen messages.  But all in all this seems a
pretty good solution.  

 As the besic premise is that the Myth box is kept running 24/7, you
 should only have to see the Prescaling Images prompt once in a blue

eventuallyv I do want to go to 24/7 usage -- though I was htinkinga bout
giving the system a break a few hours a day to save electricity.
failing that, it would be nice to be able to greatly diminish power
consumption when system is idle by spinning down the drive, reducing cpu
activity, etc. Since my system is noisier than I'd like that'd have
multiple bonuses.  I figure this must be a trick other people have tried
-- what techniques do folks use?

 Another suggestion would be to make sure that the 350 is in the
 highest PCI slot you can, not a shared PCI/ISA slot, as that will
 enable the card to use BusMastering, which will speed things up
 some. Also make sure you have enabled DMA transfers on your hard-drive
 with HDParm (If they're supported on your motherboard).

DMA is on, but I will look in to the slot -- I think I may have the card
in the scond slot, not the first, and can easily change that.  

 Unfortunately, as it's only a PIII system you have, manipulating
 fullscreen graphics will be slow. The only thing I could recommend is
 to perhaps change the rendering method, or build yourself a Theme
 that has only basic colours in (No fancy images to scale and resize =
 performance boost). That's about it, though. Sorry.

thanks for hte hints.


 Robert Anaerin Johnston
 mythtv-users mailing list
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[mythtv-users] color adjustments to pvr-350

2006-01-05 Thread Matt Price
hi folks,

myth is running great, but the recordings look funny when played on my
pvr-350 (kinda green and a little washed out).  Tried copying one of the
files to another computer and playing via mplayer on a normal (crt
monitor) xsession, and the color distortion doesn't appear.  It also
seems to me that 

dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16

that is, playing the pvr-350's video-in directly to its video-out, also
doesn't give the color distortion (though I have to experiment with that
more extensively -- it's difficult b/c it won't work when mythfrontend
is running).  

can't find documentation re: how to adjust colorsi n myth or using ivtv
-- can anyone help?  anyone seen this problem before?  



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] color adjustments to pvr-350

2006-01-05 Thread Matt Price
hi jeff,
 can't find documentation re: how to adjust colorsi n myth or
 using ivtv
 -- can anyone help?  anyone seen this problem before?
 yes, I've definitely seen this problem before, to fix it you need to
 change some registers in the PVR350:
 depending on which revision of the 350 you have, the registers are
 different, but those are the ones I reverse-engineered. 

ok, great, thanks.  looks a ibt hairy to me, but I will give it a go.
esp with regard to the first of the registers you discuss in this
thread: if I don't want to mess with the screen position (yet) do I just
recet the last digit of the register?  I don't read hex and actually
have almost no idea what you're saying in that post...



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[mythtv-users] slow startup, channel change

2006-01-04 Thread Matt Price
I've got mythtv running and am loving it.  My main complaint is that,
on my pentium-III system, it is veyr slow to start up; prescaling
images takes a long time, after which there's a long (1 minute?)
pause until the menu comes up.  switching betweem menu items can be
slow too.  

I know this is a slow system, but I have a hauppauge pvr-350
installed, so most of the heavy lifting should be taken care of.  Are
there any tweaks I can apply to speed up the funcitoning of the gui?

thanks very much,


History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] mythdvd -- use pvr350 audio out?

2006-01-02 Thread Matt Price
Hi folks,

I have myth working great now, can watch tv, hear the sound(!),
record, etc.  The onboard audio on my computer works poorly, so I use
the audio out on my pvr350 capture card when watching tv.  works great
there.  But now I have difficulty watching dvd's.  So I wondered
whether I could output the audio stream via the pvr350's native
audio.  I suppose them ain thing would be to identify the device used
by hte msp3400 driver theat runs the pvr350's audio.  Anyone kow how
to do that?



was wondering whether it was 

History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] starting X on tv-out from Hauppauge pvr-350

2005-12-31 Thread Matt Price
hello folks, 

apologies for the cross-posting, I'm not exctly sure where this
question belongs.  

I am trying to get a mythtv setup working under ubuntu breezy, using a
hauppauge pvr-350 as my capture card; other hardware is old generic dell
pentium-III -- may well move to something more substantial if I can
get the system working otherwise.  

Following instructions from varioys places
http://www.quietglow.com/docs/ubuntumythtv.html especially) I have had
moderate success:  ivtv modules load fine, I can watch tv on a monitor
using mythtv, and using 
 dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16 bs=64k
I can see television on the tv using the pvr-350's tv-out.  

so all of that's gret.  However I would like to use this system
exclusively from the tv, andi n order to do that I need to set up an
xserver on the tv.  I feel like I'm getting close, having conquered
several problems already, but I'ver run up against something I've
never understood, related to the framebuffer. 

I have the following in xorg.conf:

Section Device
Identifier Hauppauge PVR350
Driver ivtvdev
Option fbdev /dev/fb1
# Option fbdev /dev/fb0
BusID 0:13:0 # this is the PCI ID you got earlier.

Section Screen
Identifier TV
Device Hauppauge PVR350
Monitor NTSC Monitor
DefaultDepth 24
DefaultFbbpp 32
Subsection Display
Depth 24
FbBpp 32

obviously lots of stuff is snipped out, and you can see I'm
alternating on t he /dev/fb line (/dev/fb0 vs //dev/fb1)

the problems with xorg seem to relate to this line.  Everythign works fine --
drivers load etc -- until this point:

(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 6.8.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.4
(II) IVTVDEV_TST: driver for framebuffer: PVR-350
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Chipset PVR-350 found
(EE) open /dev/fb1: No such file or directory
(EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
(II) UnloadModule: ivtvdev
(EE) Device(s) detected, but none match those in the config file.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

I notice that the Primary Device listed here is my onboard video
card, not the pvr-350; not sure why that information comes up, and
also not sure it's relevant.  Also, I checked for /dev/fb1 and in fact
there is no such file.  so I tried changing that line to /dev/fb0,
which does exist, and got this instead:

(II) IVTVDEV_TST: driver for framebuffer: PVR-350
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(--) Chipset PVR-350 found
(EE) ivtvHWProvbe failed to do IVTVFB_IOCTL_GET_STATE for device
(EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
(II) UnloadModule: ivtvdev
(EE) Device(s) detected, but none match those in the config file.

Fatal server error:
no screens found


Since I still, after several years, don't really understand the
framebuffer, I feel stumped.  Can anyone tell me how I ought to
investigate further?



History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] starting X on tv-out from Hauppauge pvr-350

2005-12-31 Thread Matt Price

On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 01:21:28PM -0500, Matt Price wrote:
  I need to set up an
 xserver on the tv.  I feel like I'm getting close, having conquered
 several problems already, but I'ver run up against something I've
 never understood, related to the framebuffer. 
 I have the following in xorg.conf:
 Section Device
 Identifier Hauppauge PVR350
 Driver ivtvdev
 Option fbdev /dev/fb1
 # Option fbdev /dev/fb0
 BusID 0:13:0 # this is the PCI ID you got earlier.
 the problems with xorg seem to relate to this line.  Everythign works fine --
 drivers load etc -- until this point:
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
 (II) Module mouse: vendor=X.Org Foundation
 compiled for 6.8.2, module version = 1.0.0
 Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
 ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.4
 (II) IVTVDEV_TST: driver for framebuffer: PVR-350
 (II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
 (--) Chipset PVR-350 found
 (EE) open /dev/fb1: No such file or directory
 (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
 (II) UnloadModule: ivtvdev
 (EE) Device(s) detected, but none match those in the config file.
problem ws that ivtv wasn't being loaded, so the fb1 device was not
created.  dded ivtv-fb  to /etc/modules, and everything works
smoothly!  now on to audio (see next thread)...


History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] audio out on a Hauppauge pvr-350

2005-12-31 Thread Matt Price
hi folks,

trying to get audio out to work on a hauppauge pvr-350.  This is on a
dell optiplex gx1, running ubuntu breezy's mythtv packages (18.1-5).
I have an xserver running on the tv-out, working fine, and I have
tried the dd test :
dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16 bs=64k
which successfully produced audio and video.  

howver when I run mythtv I get no sound output, despite having checked
the use pvr-350' audio in the mythfrontend setup utility.  video is
also slightly off, with the edges of the screen vanishing (very
frustrating when I'm doing the settings!).  bur for now I'm
concentrating on the lack of audio, which is crippling b/c the onboard
sound card does not seem to be recognized by ubuntu (apparently I'm
not the only one with this problem, see
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=388581 ).  

Can someone direct me to some info on this?  I've googled around but
am getting worn out after many defeats.  I tried this solution: 


adding the following to /etc/modules.d/ivtv

alias char-major-61 lirc_i2c
alias char-major-81 videodev 
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv 
options ivtv ivtv_std=2 tda9887=0 ivtv_debug=1 
options msp3400 once=1 simple=1 
options tuner pal=1 
install ivtv /sbin/modprobe tuner; /sbin/modprobe msp3400;
/sbin/modprobe saa7115; \
  /sbin/modprobe saa7127; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ivtv; \
  /usr/local/bin/ivtvctl -j reg=0x6c,val=0xfa; /sbin/modprobe
lirc_i2c; \
  /sbin/modprobe ivtv-fb; \ /usr/local/bin/ivtvfbctl /dev/fb0
-noglobalalpha -localalpha

but no luck, no change.  

can anyone offer some advice?  hanks,


History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] audio out on a Hauppauge pvr-350

2005-12-31 Thread Matt Price
On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 06:26:13PM -0800, Brad DerManouelian wrote:
 Do you get an error from Myth when you watch something? How are you  
 hooking up your audio? Out from your 350 and into your sound card or  
 direct from your 350 to speakers/receiver?

I was getting a no such device error earlier, before I found the
setting which let me use the pvr-350's audio-out.  I think this is
because the main onboard sound card isn't detected, and thus /dev/dsp
isn't created.  (no sound in ubuntu either).  

no there aren't any errors that I can find, though I will look

I'm trying to use the direct audio out, so am not hooking up through
the sound card.  


 On Dec 31, 2005, at 6:21 PM, Matt Price wrote:
 hi folks,
 trying to get audio out to work on a hauppauge pvr-350.  This is on a
 dell optiplex gx1, running ubuntu breezy's mythtv packages (18.1-5).
 I have an xserver running on the tv-out, working fine, and I have
 tried the dd test :
 dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16 bs=64k
 which successfully produced audio and video.
 howver when I run mythtv I get no sound output, despite having checked
 the use pvr-350' audio in the mythfrontend setup utility.  video is
 also slightly off, with the edges of the screen vanishing (very
 frustrating when I'm doing the settings!).  bur for now I'm
 concentrating on the lack of audio, which is crippling b/c the onboard
 sound card does not seem to be recognized by ubuntu (apparently I'm
 not the only one with this problem, see
 http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=388581 ).
 Can someone direct me to some info on this?  I've googled around but
 am getting worn out after many defeats.  I tried this solution:
 adding the following to /etc/modules.d/ivtv
 alias char-major-61 lirc_i2c
 alias char-major-81 videodev
 alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
 options ivtv ivtv_std=2 tda9887=0 ivtv_debug=1
 options msp3400 once=1 simple=1
 options tuner pal=1
 install ivtv /sbin/modprobe tuner; /sbin/modprobe msp3400;
 /sbin/modprobe saa7115; \
   /sbin/modprobe saa7127; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ivtv; \
   /usr/local/bin/ivtvctl -j reg=0x6c,val=0xfa; /sbin/modprobe
 lirc_i2c; \
   /sbin/modprobe ivtv-fb; \ /usr/local/bin/ivtvfbctl /dev/fb0
 -noglobalalpha -localalpha
 but no luck, no change.
 can anyone offer some advice?  hanks,
 History Department, University of Toronto
 (416) 978-2094
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History Department, University of Toronto
(416) 978-2094

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