[mythtv-users] audio issues

2005-09-20 Thread Micah Wedemeyer

I just set up a remote frontend using Jarod's guide and FC4.  I've got
everything working except for audio.  I've tried cranking up all the
settings and un-muting everything in alsamixer, but to no avail.

According to lspci, I've got a:
Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 Audio (rev a2)

So, if there's anyone else out there with this same sound controller
(onboard sound for an nForce3-150 board), I'd love some help.  If you
could send me your /etc/asound.state file or just give advice on what to
do, that would be great.

Note: I've been testing it with aplay, and I get nothing.  So, it's not
a mythtv problem, but some sort of underlying mixer issue or something.

Thanks again to all the developers!

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] machine lockups and random sound cut-outs

2005-05-15 Thread Micah Wedemeyer

My Myth box is up and running, but it's pretty unstable right now.  It
won't stay up for more than a day or two and usually goes down in about
12 hours.

First off, here's my setup:

Myth .18 (combined frontend/backend)
Fedora Core 3, kernel 2.6.11_(something like FC 14 or something)
AOpen MK-89L (nForce3-150 mATX mobo)
AMD Sempron 2600+
256MB of RAM
NVidia GeForce4 Ti4200
Netgear WG311 wireless card

I followed Jarod's guide to put it together, and I think I followed it
pretty much to the letter, except for the wireless card.  I use(d) the
acx100 drivers since it's a Texas Instruments chipset.  The drivers
worked really well, but I quit using them since I thought they might be
causing the lockups.  Well, it's still locking up...

Here's my symptoms:
1) At seemingly random points, the entire system locks up.  So far, I've
only seen it happen when mythfrontend is running.  This could be because
I usually have the frontend running all the time.  I'll try leaving it
on overnight with the frontend off.  This is really annoying, and I'm
kind of stuck.  If anyone has any advice on troubleshooting crashes (ie.
Logs to look at, settings to tweak, etc.) I would really love to hear

2) While watching (either LiveTV or recordings) sound will cut out.  I
hear a static-hiss for a while, then sound comes back.  The static will
rise in volume, stay for a while, then slowly fade to nothing, then
sound suddenly comes back on.  This seems to happen at random, but my
wife says it happens much more frequently during the middle of the day.
I checked that the cable cord was plugged in tight.  What else could it

Anyways, I would greatly appreciate any advice people have!  The WAF is
starting to fall pretty fast, and I don't know how much time I have
before the axe drops and I have to go buy a TiVo...


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Anyone happy with wireless?

2005-05-01 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Well, it seems that all respondents are pretty unhappy with wireless
support.  As for me, my wife and I will be moving in a month or two, so
I'll try to limp along until then.  At that point, I'll see if I can
position my TV near the wireless router, so I can run CAT5 from the
router to the Myth box.  My Windows box and her Mac are doing wireless
just fine. 

If _ANYONE_ has had a good experience with Linux wireless, please post
it along with your specific setup.  It could go a long way to helping
noobs like me pick out components.

Some keywords to get this thread flagged by searches:

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Anyone happy with wireless?

2005-04-30 Thread Micah Wedemeyer

I thought I had a good setup this time, but I just hosed everything.  I
think I'll probably have to reinstall (again...)

Anyways, I think a lot of my problems are due to my wireless card.  I'm
using the infamous Netgear WG311v2 with the acx100 chipset.  I tried a
D-Link card, but it wouldn't work at all, so I was stuck with swapping
out the WG311v2 from my Windows machine.

Is anyone out there using a PCI 802.11g card that they're happy with?  I
want something that is well supported under Linux.  I am not using it to
stream video, only to reduce cable clutter (for higher WAF).

So, if you've got a PCI 802.11g card that you love, please tell me about
it.  I need make/model/chipset/you-name-it.  If you could give me the
output of lspci that would be even better.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Filesystem problems and now X won't start

2005-04-30 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
I am running FC3 for my MythTV box. I am a Linux newbie when it comes to
all this stuff, so please bear with me.

My machine was running fine, but I was having problems with my wireless
networking. I'm using the acx100 drivers from sourceforge. The wireless
stuff has been pretty flaky (causing random crashes after a couple
hours), so I leave the driver modules unloaded unless I need wireless.

This time, just as I brought the drivers up, things went to hell. My
root filesystem (ext3) went read-only. I looked at dmesg and there were
lots of errors about "Journal aborted" Praying, I restarted. Since the
FS was read-only, there were lots of errors on shutdown. When I
restarted, it said there were FS errors and that I should run fsck
manually. I did, asking it to repair everything.

After that, it booted up fine, and I got to the FC login screen (I think
I'm using KDE, not sure). When I typed in my login credentials, it seems
like it's going to log in, and then I get an error message. It says
something like: "Your session lasted less than 10 seconds. If you did
not deliberately log out, then you may have an installation problem or
be out of disk space." Not exactly that, but close. When I click on the
button to view ~/.xsession-errors, it seems that the error is that it
cannot find /usr/share/dbus-1/services

So, what should I do? I can log in at the terminal, and I have plenty of
disk space (I checked with df).

Also, what can cause a FS to go read-only? This has happened to me
before, usually after I insert a CD-ROM or use my USB flash drive. The
entire thing goes read-only and requires fsck when I shut it down and
bring it back up.

Any help/advice would be appreciated!


Note 1: When I log in at the terminal, I looked for ~/.xsession-errors,
but I could not find it. Perhaps it is deleted when I successfully log
in using the terminal?

Note 2: Is there any way I can keep it from mounting the root
filesystem?  I'd like to run fsck on it and see if there are any errors,
but I don't want to run fsck on a mounted filesystem.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: PVR-250 is hot! hot! hot!

2005-04-22 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Thanks for all the good input from people.  I guess I'll just have to see if I
can reach an acceptable balance between noise and airflow.  I've got a few
ideas, but I'm afraid I will just have to crank the 60mm fans on the back up to
speed.  As we all know 60mm fans are just plain noisy.

Does anyone here have their Myth box inside an armoire or A/V cabinet?  How do
you keep it from overheating?  That is my main problem, I think.  It sits in my
TV armoire and stews in its own juices, rather than being in the open air that
circulates at least a little.  I asked my wife if we could put it on top of the
armoire, but she said she'd rather deal with the noise of the fans on high.

Anyways, I might try to post some pics of my system layout for recommendations
on cooling, but you'll all laugh at my horrible cable routing, so maybe not. :)



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Sounds woes, FC3 Install using Jarod's Guide

2005-04-20 Thread Micah Wedemeyer

> I'm currently stuck at the sound part of Jarod's guide. I think it's a
> simple problem, but here it is. I can't seem to get sound from the
> computer. I think it has something to do with the settings you have to
> turn on and off in Kmix. I seem to remember having to do something to
> the IEC settings in my old FC2 install. I'm currently using the
> Chaintech board with nvidia sound. I was wondering if someone with
> this same sound setup could let me know what settings they have
> checked/unchecked in kmix so that I can get past this step with
> alittle more ease. I've tried every combination I can think of, and
> still the test sound doesn't make sound. I know it's playing, because
> I get no error, but no sound comes from the speakers. Thanks in
> advance.

I just finished install Myth using Jarod's guide, and I had a similar problem.
I could never get it to work by using Kmix.  However, I was able to get things
working using alsamixer.  It's not very pretty, and it forgets all my settings
on reboot, but at least it works.  I think it should be installed by default,
but I'm not sure.

IIRC, I have to enable 2 settings: duplicate something-or-other and one other
thing.  Once those are on, sound plays fine.  One thing to do is just play an
mp3 or something.  Then switch to a terminal window and fire up alsamixer.  Play
around until you can hear the music.



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 2 questions: BIOS flashing and temp sensors

2005-04-16 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
I just put my new nForce system together, but I'm have a little trouble.

First off, the motherboard does not recognize the chip (even though it seems to
run just fine).  It's an AMD Sempron 2600+, and these were released after the
motherboard was.  My plan was to flash to the latest BIOS and see if that fixes
it.  I don't have a 3.5" drive, so I'll have to make a DOS boot CD.  Anyone have
any tips on how to go about doing this?

Secondly, does anyone know how to get temp readings from the motherboard
sensors?  It's an nForce3-150 AOpen MK89-L, if that helps.  I'm running FC3 with
kernel 2.6.11-something

Thanks in advance,
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: gave up on the Epia

2005-04-13 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
> I don't use EPIA for myth but I don know that the C3 is not a single
> core and some C3 processors actually compile better as i586...
> So does this mean there's a mini-ITX board for sale, or were you just
> getting discouraged?

Yup, I tore everything out of it and am presently putting together a machine
based around an nForce3-150 mATX motherboard.  I've heard from a lot of people
that the nForce boards are rock solid.  Plus, I'm getting a little extra
horsepower under the hood with an AMD Sempron 2600+.  The C3 had me pulling my
hair out any time I had to compile anything.

And yes, there is a mini-ITX board for sale, but I didn't think this was the
place to advertise it.  If you're interested, look for my posting on Anandtech's

Also, someone asked about the symptoms of the DMA problems.  The only symptom I
ever got was a total lockup whenever I tried to send large files over the LAN
from my desktop machine to the Epia.  Small text files, no problem.  Large data
files, lockup in less than 5 seconds.  I had plenty of other lockups too, but I
don't know if they were DMA related.

FTP lockups meant that using my Myth box as a media server was out of the
question, which was one of my hopes from the beginning.  Hopefully, the nForce +
 AMD route will help on this.


On 4/13/05, Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2005, at 11:15 AM, James Stembridge wrote:
> > On 4/13/05, Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The issue was that I compile for epia with -march=c3, and the
> >> offending
> >> package built a utility for itself, and then failed running it since
> >> the desktop
> >> didn't have the c3 magic.
> >
> > Does using -march-c3 make any noticable performance difference?
> Dunno, I've never done it any other way. I just figured since I was
> compiling from source anyways, I would set the appropriate arch.
> > I just use standard debian packages (which afaik will work on an
> > i386), even my kernel is just a standard i686 version.
> >
> I started with Debian sarge. Trying to work through my tv out problems,
> I switched to a self compiled Xorg, and not being a deb wizard, I then
> had to compile everything that depended on X. I'm sure if I took the
> time, I could have found a deb for Xorg 6.8.2, and learned how to use
> deb sources so I could do the unichrome patches. Or even just found
> unichrome debs. But even though it has been frustrating, sometimes I
> like to build the stuff myself so I know more about how it works.
> >> Regarding giving up on epia, I don't have any of the DMA problems, or
> >> even FF/REW problems (although the machine is diskless, so I suppose
> >> there are fewer DMA contentions),
> >
> > I have a disk and haven't see any issues. How might they manifest
> > themselves?
> >
> > The only stability problem I've had was lockups caused by the longhaul
> > cpufreq module, since I've stopped using that it seems pretty solid.
> I never installed longhaul, and I've never had DMA issues. I'm just
> referring to the constant stream of via dma complaints, system lockups
> I believe. I imagine you could be right, that longhaul has a large part
> in it. Also, I know the ivtv people recently discovered they had been
> letting a bad default value exist for dma timeouts, and this somehow
> affected via more than other chipsets (via chipsets had a different
> default dma timeout value?).
> But, since I don't seem to have any dma issues, I'm just worrying about
> the problems I do have. I'm thinking .18 will fix my XvMC VLD, and then
> I need to find a job, so I can pay someone to come and tune up my TV!
> -Michael
> ___
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[mythtv-users] gave up on the Epia

2005-04-11 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Hi all,

Well, I've finally given up on my Epia frontend/backend.  It worked reasonably
well for about 8 months and I got TV and DVD playback to finally work, but it
was a very flaky platform.  About a week ago, I was trying to rip a DVD while
watching TV at the same time, and it locked up (DMA bug is my best guess).  On
reboot, I found that there was something wrong with the superblock of the XFS
partition where all my recordings were stored.

To make a long story short, when I tried to repair things, I screwed up the
whole partition table and it no longer boots at all.

Anyways, I don't want to bore you any more with my sad tales, but I do want to
put out some warnings to potential Myth builders looking at the Epia platform.
Like me, you will doubtless plunge in anyway, but at least you'll have a litte

(My) Issues with the Epia:
* Getting the Unichrome drivers to work could take a good amount of work.  It
may have gotten easier in the last few months, but I sure had a lot of trouble.
 If you're going for a trouble-free install of Linux/Myth, then the Epia is
probably a bad idea.  (Note: This is not a critique of the Unichrome drivers.  I
used them and loved them.  It just took a lot of effort to get everything

* The Epia has a known issue with DMA.  Check some of the postings at
forums.viaarena.com  I never had a problem when recording TV, but I definitely
had a problem when transferring files over the LAN.  If I tried to scp a file
from my desktop to the Myth box, it would lock up hard in about 5 seconds.  So,
if you're hoping to use your Myth box as a media server (like I was), then Epia
is definitely a bad idea.  Again, this is personal experience backed up by
others on the viaarena forums.  YMMV

* Many of the Epia MII boards have a bad PCMCIA slot (at least under Linux).
When I plugged in my wireless card, dmesg would say that the slot refused to
respond to requests to apply power to the card.  I was able to find a workaround
by using Linuxant's driverloader, but it was still a big hassle.

* Getting the on-board temperature sensors and dynamic CPU clocking to work will
take a kernel-recompile.  At least it did the last time I checked.  So, if you
want the clock frequency to dynamically adjust to CPU load and/or temp, get
ready for some work.

* The slow speed leaves little headroom for mistakes and halfway kludges.  By
this I mean: with a fast system, you don't have to get everything working
perfectly.  Who cares about hardware decoding when you've got 2+ Ghz and
software decoding barely registers on the CPU?  I have a lot of respect for the
people running the Epia ME6000s.  If they can't get hardware decoding to work,
then they're pretty much SOL.  Besides, even if everything works, working with a
slow machine can be quite painful.  Try compiling a kernel 10 times on one of
these things and you'll see what I mean.

I guess my bottom line here is that getting an Epia/Linux system up and running
can be a lot of work.  Plus, in some cases (like the DMA issue), you may never
find a solution.  I finally got mine to work, but it was never 100%, and I was
too afraid of screwing up what I had in order to tweak it more.  So, if you're
like me, and you just want a Myth box that works, take my advice and skip the

I know a lot of people will disagree with me, and please feel free to voice your
opinions.  I just wanted to play devil's advocate for all the people out there
that are eyeing the Epia as their Myth platform.  They need to know that it will
not be a cakewalk in order to get it set up.

Now, let's just see if I sing this same tune after I've tried putting together a
Myth box based around a AMD Sempron and an nForce-3 150 motherboard.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] anyone using a K8M800 chipset?

2005-04-03 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
I just want to know if anyone is using a K8M800 chipset-based motherboard.  I'm
looking to get a socket 754 micro-ATX board, and it seems like my choices are
the K8M800 and a SiS chipset that I've never heard of.

Also, can the K8M800 take the Sempron chips?  VIA's website only lists Athlon
64, but perhaps a BIOS update has changed this?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] good mATX socket 754 mobo

2005-04-01 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
That's it!  I'm sick and tired of messing with my Epia.  I finally got most
things working, but the DMA issues on the PCI bus are killing me.  Any time I
put a strain on the thing (like copying files over scp), it locks up.  Last
night it died bad enough to kill my XFS partition holding all my .nuv files.

So, I'm thinking of moving to a mATX board with a Sempron.  I want a good board
with S-Video out and oboard sound.  I also want to stay away from a VIA chipset,
since the whole Epia thing has soured me towards VIA.

If I cannot find anything with S-Video out, I have an old GF4 that I could use.
 I'm trying to avoid using it because I want to minimize the number of fans in
the system to keep noise down.

Also, if I ever decide to try HDTV, could an Athlon 64 3000+ handle it?  What if
I used xvmc with the GF4?  I have a 3000+ in my desktop machine right now and I
could switch it out to the Myth box when I upgrade my desktop.

Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated!



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Limiting file transfer speed (to combat Epia system lockup)

2005-01-21 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
My Epia Myth box ALWAYS locks up whenever I do a file transfer (scp, ftp, etc.)
across my local LAN at home.  However, it does fine when downloading files from
the Internet.  I've read a few posts that say the Epias have trouble with DMA
and such, and so I'm guessing that if I could reduce the transfer speed, then I
might be able to keep it from locking up.

So, does anyone know a way to limit transfer speeds?  The best would be options
that I could pass to FTP or SCP.  For HW/SW, I've got a Netgear WG511 and I'm
using Linuxant's driverloader, since Prism54 had problems with powering the
PCMCIA socket.

Any suggestions on how to limit network speeds would be great!

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] System crashes when I try to do data transfer over ethernet

2005-01-09 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
I've got an Epia MKII-10k running FC2 as my Myth frontend.  Whenever I try to do
a big data transfer (like SCP) the entire system hard crashes after about 2
seconds of data transfer.  However, this only seems to happen when transferring
across the local network.  I can use wget to download files from the Internet
onto the Epia system.

My home network is a 802.11g wireless network with a Netgear router.  The Epia
box uses a PCMCIA Netgear WG511.  For drivers, I'm using the Linuxant
driverloader, since the Prism54 drivers wouldn't work for me.

Anybody have any ideas?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: problems with recordedmarkup

2005-01-01 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Quoting Micah Wedemeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I'm having problems with the recordedmarkup table in the database.
> Something with wrong with jobqueue and recordedmarkup.  Commercials were no
> longer being flagged.  When I tried to look at the tables, I got ERRNO 1016
> or
> something like that (I can't re-create it...see below)  So, I've tried to
> trouble-shoot the problem.  Here's what has happened so far:
> 1. I tried re-running mythtvsetup and mythfilldatabase.  Both ran but did not
> fix the problem.
> 2. I tried running repair table on recordedmarkup (using the mysql shell).
> It
> just ran for about 20 minutes and did nothing (that I can tell).  I finally
> hit
> Ctrl-C and aborted everything.
> 3. I dropped the jobqueue table, with intent to re-create it.  I then
> attempted
> to drop the recordedmarkup table.  However, it will not drop.  The shell just
> hangs.  I can Ctrl-C and abort, but the table is causing a lot of problems
> now.
>  Any time I try to access it in any way (desc, select, drop, etc.) the mysql
> shell hangs.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Micah

OK, well I was able to finally drop the offending tables.  Now, how do I
re-create them?  I don't have any backups (yes, dumb, I know).  I do know SQL
and could run the CREATE TABLE statements, if I knew where to find them or if
someone could post them.

And, if I'm getting this correctly, `mythcommflag --rebuild` should help in
re-creating the information in the recordedmarkup table.  Anything analagous for
the jobqueue table?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] problems with recordedmarkup

2005-01-01 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
I'm having problems with the recordedmarkup table in the database.

Something with wrong with jobqueue and recordedmarkup.  Commercials were no
longer being flagged.  When I tried to look at the tables, I got ERRNO 1016 or
something like that (I can't re-create it...see below)  So, I've tried to
trouble-shoot the problem.  Here's what has happened so far:

1. I tried re-running mythtvsetup and mythfilldatabase.  Both ran but did not
fix the problem.

2. I tried running repair table on recordedmarkup (using the mysql shell).  It
just ran for about 20 minutes and did nothing (that I can tell).  I finally hit
Ctrl-C and aborted everything.

3. I dropped the jobqueue table, with intent to re-create it.  I then attempted
to drop the recordedmarkup table.  However, it will not drop.  The shell just
hangs.  I can Ctrl-C and abort, but the table is causing a lot of problems now.
 Any time I try to access it in any way (desc, select, drop, etc.) the mysql
shell hangs.

Any ideas?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT: Happy New Year!!! (3 seconds late...)

2004-12-31 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Just a reminder to all fellow MythTV watchers to pop the champagne when they
count down to 3, not 0, if you're watching a New Year's celebration on LiveTV.

Anyways, happy new year!
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: EPIA-M Unichrome xvmc vld

2004-12-15 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Are all the X colors wrong, or is it just MythTV that has wrong colors?  I had a
problem where the unichrome driver caused a "photo-negative" type effect in
MythTV.  People looked like smurfs (ie. blue faces).

To get rid of this, I had to go into the TV playback options and unselect "use
Xv picture controls" (I think that was what it was called).  Then, restarting X
seemed to fix things.

Tell me if this fixes anything...


 I finally tried to use the cvs/unichrome driver and managed it to have it
compiled with X.org release (6.8.1) sources, but when I start X with this
driver all colours are wrong, switching back to the original via_drv.o the
colours are ok again.

Anyone with the same problem?

Am Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2004 16:32 schrieb Steven:
> Adam Felson wrote:
> > unichrome is now part of Xorg. I got it simply by building getting
> > X/cvs from x.org.
> Does CVS xorg include the (recent) via unichrome driver and the xvmc
> libs as well?
> Won't there be a conflict with the drm kernel module included in the
> kernel patchset?
> Steven
> ___
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> http://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users
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[mythtv-users] Re: HDTV, Myth, and Cable television -- basic questions

2004-12-13 Thread Micah Wedemeyer
Well, apparently I wasn't searching with the right keywords.  I switched a few
things around and found that, yes, these questions had been asked and answered
many times.

So, as punishment, I'll go ahead and post some archive links:

If anyone has any new comments on the subject, I'd be happy to hear them,


Quoting Micah Wedemeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> OK,
> I'm sure these questions have been asked and answered 100s of times already,
> but
> I couldn't find much by searching the forums.  Moreover, I couldn't find good
> answers searching around the web, either.  Basically, I'm totally confused
> and I
> want to get straighented out before the broadcast flag thingy goes into
> effect.
>  So, these are some rambling thoughts/questions that I am tossing out there:
> 1. HDTV and Cable television
> Right now, I have Comcast Cable in Atlanta, GA (USA).  I mostly watch special
> interest channels (Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, SciFi, etc.)  These are
> not
> Hi-Def, as far as I know.  Plus, they will probably be the last to go Hi-Def
> (nothing to support this, just a hunch.)  So, I don't really need HDTV right
> now, especially since I don't have a Hi-Def TV-set.
> But...in the future, I expect that eventually I will want HDTV.  But, I will
> still  want to watch mostly cable channels.  So, finally, a question: What is
> necessary to watch HDTV for cable television?  Do you think Myth will be able
> to
> do this, or will the channels be encrypted in such a way to make this
> impossible?  Note: I'm not talking about stealing cable, I'm talking about
> paying for a subscription and getting some sort of decryption key or hardware
> decryption interface.
> 2. pcHDTV and Broadcast flag - (Non-USA users: ignore this)
> Considering that I want to watch cable HDTV, would it be wise to get a pcHDTV
> 3000 card?  If I buy one before June, then I can forget about this broadcast
> flag nonsense.  However, I don't currently have the capability to do HDTV
> encode/decode (ie. Epia 10k).  So, I'd buy the card and shelve it until
> mini-ITX
> systems are fast enough or hardware MPEG-2 acceleration is good enough to do
> HDTV.  Maybe it is already and I just don't know.
> The main question is: Will the pcHDTV 3000 allow for HDTV over cable?  Note:
> I'm
>  not asking for a guarantee here, just a "It's in the works..."  Mainly, I
> don't
> want to buy a card that is only for OTA HDTV and has no plans for cable.
> 3. MythTV and broadcast flag - (Non-USA users: ignore this)
> Assuming I miss the June date and buy a HDTV tuner card after that, what of
> the
> broadcast flag?  Anyone have any ideas how this might interact with MythTV?
> I
> understand that it is a hardware issue, but perhaps it can be disabled by
> hacked
> drivers?  More basically, what is the point of it?  Can content providers
> send
> out a signal and force all copies of tv-show X to delete themselves?
> That about covers it, at least for now.  Sorry if I'm rehashing old
> territory,
> but it's still new to me.
> Thanks,
> Micah
> Some keywords to help this get flagged in archive searches:
> QAM Quadrature amplitude modulation
> pcHDTV 3000
> broadcast flag
> cable television
> --


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] HDTV, Myth, and Cable television -- basic questions

2004-12-13 Thread Micah Wedemeyer

I'm sure these questions have been asked and answered 100s of times already, but
I couldn't find much by searching the forums.  Moreover, I couldn't find good
answers searching around the web, either.  Basically, I'm totally confused and I
want to get straighented out before the broadcast flag thingy goes into effect.
 So, these are some rambling thoughts/questions that I am tossing out there:

1. HDTV and Cable television
Right now, I have Comcast Cable in Atlanta, GA (USA).  I mostly watch special
interest channels (Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, SciFi, etc.)  These are not
Hi-Def, as far as I know.  Plus, they will probably be the last to go Hi-Def
(nothing to support this, just a hunch.)  So, I don't really need HDTV right
now, especially since I don't have a Hi-Def TV-set.

But...in the future, I expect that eventually I will want HDTV.  But, I will
still  want to watch mostly cable channels.  So, finally, a question: What is
necessary to watch HDTV for cable television?  Do you think Myth will be able to
do this, or will the channels be encrypted in such a way to make this
impossible?  Note: I'm not talking about stealing cable, I'm talking about
paying for a subscription and getting some sort of decryption key or hardware
decryption interface.

2. pcHDTV and Broadcast flag - (Non-USA users: ignore this)
Considering that I want to watch cable HDTV, would it be wise to get a pcHDTV
3000 card?  If I buy one before June, then I can forget about this broadcast
flag nonsense.  However, I don't currently have the capability to do HDTV
encode/decode (ie. Epia 10k).  So, I'd buy the card and shelve it until mini-ITX
systems are fast enough or hardware MPEG-2 acceleration is good enough to do
HDTV.  Maybe it is already and I just don't know.

The main question is: Will the pcHDTV 3000 allow for HDTV over cable?  Note: I'm
 not asking for a guarantee here, just a "It's in the works..."  Mainly, I don't
want to buy a card that is only for OTA HDTV and has no plans for cable.

3. MythTV and broadcast flag - (Non-USA users: ignore this)
Assuming I miss the June date and buy a HDTV tuner card after that, what of the
broadcast flag?  Anyone have any ideas how this might interact with MythTV?  I
understand that it is a hardware issue, but perhaps it can be disabled by hacked
drivers?  More basically, what is the point of it?  Can content providers send
out a signal and force all copies of tv-show X to delete themselves?

That about covers it, at least for now.  Sorry if I'm rehashing old territory,
but it's still new to me.


Some keywords to help this get flagged in archive searches:
QAM Quadrature amplitude modulation
pcHDTV 3000
broadcast flag
cable television

mythtv-users mailing list