I'm running Gentoo, using mythtv-svnsnapshot 8642 as it is distributed as a
gentoo unstable package.

DVB-T recordings are recorded as MPEG-TS and these are replayed on the OSD
of the PVR-350. This results in very jerky motion, as the OSD is nowhere
near fast enough for this purpose. When watching recording made from the
PVR-350 itself (MPEG-PS) the hardware decoder is employed and it works

It used to work (somewhat) with mythtv-0.18.1, but that was probably due to
the fact that it was setup to convert MPEG-TS to MPEG-PS while recording. I
have noticed a ticked (#222) saying that this was forced off, as it ruined
too many things.

How do I get mythtv to output MPEG-TS to the hardware decoder on the PVR-350
and not the OSD? I have been searching the frontend and setup for options
related to this but to no avail.

Morten Grouleff.
Mythtv on Gentoo with 2xPVR-350+1xNova-DVB-T

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