Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-21 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 22 December 2005 02:01, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > Been out all day, so I've only just caught up on this thread. My God! You
> > "'mericuns" don't half make things complicated!!!
>  *Cough* I'm Canadian, but some of our channels are American based ;)

They might as well put "But I'm Canadian!" on my flaming headstone. I never 
fail to mistake Canadians for Americans. Sorry, but I'm crap at accents, and 
to be fair there weren't really many clues that you're from north of the 
border as you were only talking about us icons :-)

>  Plus I've been doing some tests against a few American friends channels
> lists.
> > 3. Attempt a (fuzzy?) match against the callsign of a channel.
>  I'd definately see this as a big one as it is likely to find most
> channels, at least in North America, maybe falling back to a name match if
> nothing is found.
> > 4. Add a "Processing web pages, please wait..." message.
>  You might also consider putting a "Item 13 of 26" type marker next to the
> name or callsign being checked.  If only to tell a user just how much more
> they have to go through :)
>  One thing I also found was that hitting s to skip was a bit of a pain when
> you are comparing several hundred channels. maybe enter/blank moves on
> to the next comparison? Even if a user accidentily hits enter more than
> they ment they can just run the app again.

Both good suggestions. Added to my list.

> > situations. i.e. the command line parameter is a comma seperated list of
> > master lists that are all loaded at once. Any thoughts guys, as this is a
> > feature you need, not me?
>  That sounds good to me.
> > I can just see me trying to figure this little lot out with a belly full
> > of turkey and "several" beers inside of me 8-P
>  Sounds like a good time to me...well the turkey anyway :)
>  One thing I tripped across tonight is something I completely forgot about.
> There is a callsignnetworkmap and networkiconmap table in the mythconverg
> database That can be populated with mappings of callsign to URL so that
> mythfilldatabase will try to download the icons for you for any callsign
> you have in your channel list. I think a little script to take the data
> I've gathered and import it into those tables would make it much easier for
> most as myth will pull in the icons for them. And of course the more
> comprehensive that data is the less people will have to do manually.
>  I see this tool as a great way to come up with that data. Might be
> more work for me, but should make it much easier for others.

Okay, so the callsign in the channel table is looked up in the 
callsignnetworkmap table, and then the network is looked up in the 
networkiconmap table. Two areas of concern:
1. What would network be set to? Something similar to the name field in the 
channel table???

2. I don't know if or how mythtv utilises these tables, so I'm a bit wary of 
changing them. Are these dominant or recessive over the icon field in the 
channel table? Are these tables used to update the icon field?

I'm not sure if you're asking for a feature added to mythalsig, or just 
pointing out how mythalsig is useful for obtaining the raw data to get 
inserted into these tables.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-21 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 22 December 2005 01:38, Stephen Boddy wrote:
> Been out all day, so I've only just caught up on this thread. My God! You
> "'mericuns" don't half make things complicated!!!
> I'll be away from my main system for the next week, but I'll take the guts
> with me on the lappyb and see if I can't make some progress. I'm going to
> try and list the outstanding requests here:
> 1. Seperate out the country/state code specific parts. I think it is
> additionally a good idea to move the country/state specific settings to
> here too. Then an command line option will be added to pass a country
> code/state field to the program. These files will just be a python file
> containing variables that get imported. It's very easy, and I don't have to
> go making up config file formats ;-) If not passed program will default to
> a country/state code defined in main the program file, as it does now.
> 2. Add a command line option to restrict to the channels of a particular
> source id. If not passed program behaves as it does now.
> 3. Attempt a (fuzzy?) match against the callsign of a channel.
> 4. Add a "Processing web pages, please wait..." message.
> 5. I can sort of see a way to build composites to deal with us(-il|--in)
> situations. i.e. the command line parameter is a comma seperated list of
> master lists that are all loaded at once. Any thoughts guys, as this is a
> feature you need, not me?
> 6. Fix the program from wigging out (line 200) when the country code does
> not exist. This will probably be substantially changed anyway, going to
> seperate file master lists/settings.

Just thought of another:

7. Ability to restrict channels processed from country/state composite. At the 
moment if you want to just change entry 79/80, but it already has an entry, 
then autospeed won't get you to it quickly. Maybe another fuzzy match, with a 
configurable number of results?

Tack on any additions here, but for my sanity keep the full list, and try to 
maintain a single clean list. Cheers guys :-)

> I can just see me trying to figure this little lot out with a belly full of
> turkey and "several" beers inside of me 8-P
> While we're piling on ideas, does anyone have anymore before I lose my nice
> threaded, sorted mail lists over the next week?
> Just a note on perl that Steve A. made. Might be easier for you, but I
> simply never liked the syntax :-) If it wasn't in python, it wouldn't have
> gotten written. Don't mean to come off a zealot, but I find python very
> quick and easy to read and write, very quick and easy to debug (except when
> it is I myself that is the bug ;-) and very featureful (batteries included)
> meaning I don't have to fart around tracking down libraries, installing
> them, then figuring out how to use them. They're included, and very well
> documented. And finally, when I come back to a piece of python after an
> extended period, I grok what it's doing and how as I read it. With perl I
> just see gibberish.
> I would seriously recommend taking the hour or so to work through the
> tutorial. It is staggeringly easy to become productive with python in a
> very short period of time.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-21 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 16:26, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > ""; and the
> > station name "WSET 13 Lynchburg" but doesn't find eityher.
>  Ok, this was my fault. I  was pointing at "us" and not at the various
> states as I assumed "us" would include all of them.   I've wipped all of my
> existing icons, and modified my source to to also store the URL in my
> channel table of the icon it found for easily generating a list of them
> when I'm done.
>  I also got channel dumps from a few friends with dishnet and have filled
> in several hundred of those channels. So if we use external "master files"
> , say with a default file and a command parameter override to point to a
> specific file then it should be system to pull the callsign name and URL
> out  and generate the files.   I've got about 80% of the icons done from
> the dishnet 110w satellite as well as almost all of the stations available
> on my local Cable ISP.

Been out all day, so I've only just caught up on this thread. My God! You 
"'mericuns" don't half make things complicated!!!

I'll be away from my main system for the next week, but I'll take the guts 
with me on the lappyb and see if I can't make some progress. I'm going to try 
and list the outstanding requests here:

1. Seperate out the country/state code specific parts. I think it is 
additionally a good idea to move the country/state specific settings to here 
too. Then an command line option will be added to pass a country code/state 
field to the program. These files will just be a python file containing 
variables that get imported. It's very easy, and I don't have to go making up 
config file formats ;-) If not passed program will default to a country/state 
code defined in main the program file, as it does now.

2. Add a command line option to restrict to the channels of a particular 
source id. If not passed program behaves as it does now.

3. Attempt a (fuzzy?) match against the callsign of a channel.

4. Add a "Processing web pages, please wait..." message.

5. I can sort of see a way to build composites to deal with us(-il|--in) 
situations. i.e. the command line parameter is a comma seperated list of 
master lists that are all loaded at once. Any thoughts guys, as this is a 
feature you need, not me?

6. Fix the program from wigging out (line 200) when the country code does not 
exist. This will probably be substantially changed anyway, going to seperate 
file master lists/settings.

I can just see me trying to figure this little lot out with a belly full of 
turkey and "several" beers inside of me 8-P

While we're piling on ideas, does anyone have anymore before I lose my nice 
threaded, sorted mail lists over the next week?

Just a note on perl that Steve A. made. Might be easier for you, but I simply 
never liked the syntax :-) If it wasn't in python, it wouldn't have gotten 
written. Don't mean to come off a zealot, but I find python very quick and 
easy to read and write, very quick and easy to debug (except when it is I 
myself that is the bug ;-) and very featureful (batteries included) meaning I 
don't have to fart around tracking down libraries, installing them, then 
figuring out how to use them. They're included, and very well documented. And 
finally, when I come back to a piece of python after an extended period, I 
grok what it's doing and how as I read it. With perl I just see gibberish.

I would seriously recommend taking the hour or so to work through the 
tutorial. It is staggeringly easy to become productive with python in a very 
short period of time.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-21 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 17:16, Matt wrote:
> Channel "AMC" is currently set to "/home/mythtv/.mythtv/channels/amc.jpg"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 200, in ?
>     assign_icons(channel_list, icon_dict)
>   File "", line 127, in assign_icons
>     if master_list[lyngsat_country_code].has_key(channel_set[0]):
> KeyError: 'us-in'

Ah, I see. Yes, that needs a one line fix, prob:
if master_list.has_key(lyngsat_country_code) and  
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 02:36, Matt wrote:
> Sure, I can comment out everything.  What exactly do you want me to do
> and I'll get it for you.

The bit I'm interested in is the bit that should look similar to the following 
that is printed to the console after the program errors out. This will tell 
me exactly which line is causing the problem for you. You shouldn't have to 
do anything special for python to print this this, it's the normal output 
when a program causes an exception. Just cut and paste it to the list.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 2, in my_func
TypeError: exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not 

Like I said, this is a quick hack, and is likely to be fragile. :-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 01:53, Matt wrote:
> I was able to get it working by adding the following to the master list:
> 'us': {
> },
> 'us-il': {
> },
> 'us-in': {
> },
> }
> If you are going to use a country code, it MUST be in the master list
> or it will error out.

Actually Matt, I don't suppose you've got a copy of the stack trace that 
should have been produced. I think I know where this might have happened, but 
the trace would save me a bit of experimentation time.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 01:53, Matt wrote:
> I was able to get it working by adding the following to the master list:
> 'us': {
> },
> 'us-il': {
> },
> 'us-in': {
> },
> }
> If you are going to use a country code, it MUST be in the master list
> or it will error out.

Okay, another wee buggette to sort tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 23:38, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > As I'm sure you've sussed out I've included the master list in the main
> > file as a dictionary (or hash in perl parlance)
>  I see that.   I just figured that by using external files the script
> wouldn't grow to outrageous sizes plus the user could replace/update the
> master file without having to replace the script itself.

OK, I'll look at that tomorrow some time.

> > "search term" is tested against for a best match. There is a threshold
> > and a max of the 10 best matches.
>  I imagine for most of the channels that would be fine.
>  One thing I've noticed is that I have some channels with different channel
> numbers but identical "names". You might consider checking the list for
> duplicate names and only pass through a name once.   For example I've
> got several channels named "PPV"  and have to go through and skip through
> each one at a time :)

That should be a sort and uniq on the list from the db, then possibly a tweak 
to the SQL statement that updates the db. Again, a job for tomorrow.

> > > station name "WSET 13 Lynchburg" but doesn't find eityher.
> >
> > Strange, that name should be a good match against the base filename of
> > the icon on LS?!?
> >
> > Does it give you incorrect possibilities? Or is it an empty list? All
> > entries get converted to upper case for matching purposes.
>  It returns incorrect options. In fact I've run accross several instances
> of it now . For example the Channel Name "KAFT" doesn't find a match with
> the station "KAFT PBS Fayetteville" with a url/filename of

If I'm understanding you, The channel name in the db is only 4 characters, but 
there is 21 in the LS stripped name (kaft_pbs_fayetteville) I think because 
of the low character count in the name, other names stripped names have "more 
in common". i.e. funkay_trippin would have more in common because there are 
less incorrect letters.

Hopefully neither of us is mixing up name and callsign in the channel table. 
If instead of "KAFT" the channel name was "KAFT PBS Fayetteville" then you'd 
have an almost perfect match.

I think the fuzzy function is probably really dumb, and I'm glorifying it with 
a name it doesn't deserve. All I can suggest is that the first time you set 
these with the "f" option and enter a tougher match like "fayetteville". If 
you set them up as defaults, then you won't have to worry in future... Once I 
change that master_list to suit at least :-)

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 21 December 2005 00:08, Matt wrote:
> On 12/20/05, Greg Estabrooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Maybe it's just me, but I'm not seeing anything.  I've downloaded it,
> > > set the variables, and when I type python nothing
> > > happens, it just sits there.
> >
> >  I assume you editted the script to point it at your database,
> > icon storage locations and set your country info ?
> yup
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Okay, cut and paste you settings section. Another idea is to try and run 
ethereal. So; Are you seeing traffic to the machine with the db? I'm assuming 
you're running the script on a different machine. If you are, did you allow 
remote machine access to the db with the grant commands from the MythTV docs? 
Are you seeing traffic to Lyng-Sat website? It can take several seconds, even 
with the less profligate UK logos. Only once all this is done will you see a 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 22:45, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > I like the idea of the master list, and I'll have a think of the best
> > way. Probably have to be seperated by country in case there are
> > equivalent channel names with different logos.
>  Yeah that's basically what I was thinking.  A Plain text format with
> something like
> "TEXT" = filename(or URL)
>  Where TEXT could be a callsign or a full station name.
>   For example :
> "WSET" = file1.jpg
> "WSET 13 CityName" = file1.jpg
> "ATV" = file2.jpg
> "ATV Halifax" =

As I'm sure you've sussed out I've included the master list in the main file 
as a dictionary (or hash in perl parlance)

> > getting exact matches. If people have assigned there own names it's
> > likely to be somewhat ineffective.
>  I'm not very familiar with Python

I'm not bad with it, and as you can see it's pretty good for hacking up 
versatile little scripts.

>  but are the matches done on the 
> filename, the station name  or both?  I've had many incidents where I
> didn't get a fuzzy match but where the callsign I was matching against
> should have easily matched either and they aren't found. And yeah I've
> updated the lyngsat_page_count value as well as the country code.

Okay, the name field in the channel table is used as the "search term". A list 
of all the available URL's for icons for a country is built. This is 
basename'd (discards the folder) and splitext'd (to lose the suffix) and a 
list of these stripped down icon filenames is created. This list is what the 
"search term" is tested against for a best match. There is a threshold and a 
max of the 10 best matches.

> For example I'm setting up a box for my uncle which will have a channel
> with the callsign WSET  which would match both the file name
> ""; and the
> station name "WSET 13 Lynchburg" but doesn't find eityher.

Strange, that name should be a good match against the base filename of the 
icon on LS?!?

Does it give you incorrect possibilities? Or is it an empty list? All entries 
get converted to upper case for matching purposes.

Two options. Manuall add an override in the master list. It's the entry in the field to the full URL off of LS. Look at the UK one and you'll 
get the idea.

Otherwise if you need further help I'll have to send one with some basic debug 
lines to figure out what the problem is.

> > BTW, what's the policy on attachments to the mail list? Don't want to be
> > on the receiving end of an Isaac lashing <:-(
>  Can't say I've seen any complaints about small attachments of small
> scripts or patches.  Larger stuff should of course be put up on a webserver
> with a link to it.

Good to know I won't need my flame retardent clothing ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 22:50, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > I'll give it a few days, and if all is well I'll see if it can be added
> > to contrib or something.
>  I don't see that as a problem :) If it works well I'll add it.
> > I've compressed it so Isaac doesn't come after me with a big stick :-)
>  I'll host it for you if you like for now.
>  One suggestion though would be a flag/parameter to specify at runtime
> a sourceid for those who have more than one.

Thanks for that. I don't have any reason to run a web server here, and it 
would be a bit OTT to run one for a 2k file :-)

Not sure I understand the need for a source id flag?!? Unless you're trying to 
narrow down the number of channels processed in one hit, the source id 
wouldn't come into it AFAICT. But then I do have a pretty limited 30 or so 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 21:33, Stephen Boddy wrote:
> Okay Greg, I've got the bones of a master list set up. The first time you
> run the script, uncomment the last pprint statement. This gives you the
> fundamentals of the master list for your provider (assuming constant
> names). Still needs a little massaging, but it's not hard.
> The question is when to use the master list. Now I don't want it to
> download all icons every time, So I suggest using the master only if there
> is 'none' in that field. This way, those of us with hundreds of channels
> don't hammer the LS server everytime we run the script. If you want to do a
> full fresh icon retrieval, set all your icon fields to none.
> To get around stepping through all assigned channels, I'm thinking of an
> option to skip all entries that have something assigned, be it from the db,
> or allocated by the master list (i.e. only stop when icon is 'none' and no
> entry exists in the master list). That should speed up entry once the
> master lists start getting fuller.

OK, last one I promise ;-)

Here you go with a working master list and autospeed feature. If the entries 
have been created enter "a" and it will auto fill-in all the entries it has a 
master entry for without waiting for user input. It skips over existing 
entries. It only pauses on 'none' entries. You could even dummy that by 
having a blank icon and adding a master entry for it.

I'll give it a few days, and if all is well I'll see if it can be added to 
contrib or something.

I've compressed it so Isaac doesn't come after me with a big stick :-)
Steve Boddy
Description: BZip2 compressed data
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 20:57, Stephen Boddy wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 December 2005 20:21, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > > UK. Let me know if you have probs (or even better, fixes) and I'll help
> > > out where I can. It's not commented, and probably fragile in places,
> > > but it works
> >
> >  I just tried this out and the first thing I noticed was that the loop to
> > go through the list of channels/icons doesn't actually skip the rest if
> > you hit "." as you are resetting the end variable before the while loop
> > starts again. Moving the "end=0" to just before the for loop worked for
> > me.
> >
> >  Now if only we can get the name matches to find more of them. For me
> > it takes a while with a few hundred channels :)  Or better
> > come up with a master list(s) for each country that could be distributed
> > with it? Maybe check the master list for a match, if no match then try
> > the fuzzy match?
> Rats. I was play around with the flow since I had that bit working. I was
> so focused on testing the fuzzy stuff that I never tested that again. It's
> actually exit=0 that needs to move, but thanks for catching that one. I
> also changed the text for the f option. The program replaces the string
> that is used for the fuzzy match, and the prompt now better reflects that.
> I like the idea of the master list, and I'll have a think of the best way.
> Probably have to be seperated by country in case there are equivalent
> channel names with different logos.
> In my case my channel names come from a DVB scan, so the chances are good
> for getting exact matches. If people have assigned there own names it's
> likely to be somewhat ineffective.
> The only other concern I have is having read the Disclaimer on their site,
> I'm not too sure of the right or wrong of using their icons in the first
> place. I know the wikipedia has a lot of the UK channel logos, but from
> what I've seen they would be harder to make use of, as the pages wouldn't
> be so easy to parse.
> BTW, what's the policy on attachments to the mail list? Don't want to be on
> the receiving end of an Isaac lashing <:-(

Okay Greg, I've got the bones of a master list set up. The first time you run 
the script, uncomment the last pprint statement. This gives you the 
fundamentals of the master list for your provider (assuming constant names). 
Still needs a little massaging, but it's not hard.

The question is when to use the master list. Now I don't want it to download 
all icons every time, So I suggest using the master only if there is 'none' 
in that field. This way, those of us with hundreds of channels don't hammer 
the LS server everytime we run the script. If you want to do a full fresh 
icon retrieval, set all your icon fields to none.

To get around stepping through all assigned channels, I'm thinking of an 
option to skip all entries that have something assigned, be it from the db, 
or allocated by the master list (i.e. only stop when icon is 'none' and no 
entry exists in the master list). That should speed up entry once the master 
lists start getting fuller.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 20:21, Greg Estabrooks wrote:
> > UK. Let me know if you have probs (or even better, fixes) and I'll help
> > out where I can. It's not commented, and probably fragile in places, but
> > it works
>  I just tried this out and the first thing I noticed was that the loop to
> go through the list of channels/icons doesn't actually skip the rest if you
> hit "." as you are resetting the end variable before the while loop starts
> again. Moving the "end=0" to just before the for loop worked for me.
>  Now if only we can get the name matches to find more of them. For me
> it takes a while with a few hundred channels :)  Or better
> come up with a master list(s) for each country that could be distributed
> with it? Maybe check the master list for a match, if no match then try the
> fuzzy match?

Rats. I was play around with the flow since I had that bit working. I was so 
focused on testing the fuzzy stuff that I never tested that again. It's 
actually exit=0 that needs to move, but thanks for catching that one. I also 
changed the text for the f option. The program replaces the string that is 
used for the fuzzy match, and the prompt now better reflects that.

I like the idea of the master list, and I'll have a think of the best way. 
Probably have to be seperated by country in case there are equivalent channel 
names with different logos.

In my case my channel names come from a DVB scan, so the chances are good for 
getting exact matches. If people have assigned there own names it's likely to 
be somewhat ineffective.

The only other concern I have is having read the Disclaimer on their site, I'm 
not too sure of the right or wrong of using their icons in the first place. I 
know the wikipedia has a lot of the UK channel logos, but from what I've seen 
they would be harder to make use of, as the pages wouldn't be so easy to 

BTW, what's the policy on attachments to the mail list? Don't want to be on 
the receiving end of an Isaac lashing <:-(
Steve Boddy
Description: application/python
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 19 December 2005 23:26, Stephen Boddy wrote:
> On Monday 19 December 2005 23:02, James Oltman wrote:
> > I wish I could do that!  I am relatively to fully useless when it comes
> > to writing any kind of software.  Given enough time, I am sure I could
> > READ some code, but write it, definately not.  Haha.
> >
> > Jim
> It's OK, I was just pulling your leg.
> I was thinking about a python program (coz I'm good at python, lousy at C)
> that would fuzzy string match the channel name against the web site icons,
> retrieve them and amend the db. Should be doable.

Okay, find the first cut attached. You need python and the python-mysql libs. 
Go through the settings at the top, and change them for your situation. Then 
just run the program. It's all self explanatory. I've only tested it for the 
UK. Let me know if you have probs (or even better, fixes) and I'll help out 
where I can. It's not commented, and probably fragile in places, but it works 
for me!

Oooh my first contribution back to Myth. It may be small, but I've got a warm 
fuzzy feeling ;-)

Have fun...
Steve Boddy
Description: application/python
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-19 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 20 December 2005 01:01, Brad Fuller wrote:
> James Oltman wrote:
> > Forgive the stupidity, but how can I import those new icons into my
> > setup?
> Can the icons be shown when changing channels? I have them in the EPG,
> but I thought that I also saw them in my older version of mythtv while
> changing channels.
I think that rather depends on the OSD theme. Try some of the others...
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-19 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 19 December 2005 23:31, James Oltman wrote:
> I just looked through my DB and couldn't see any existing channel mappings.
> There was a table for what looked like icons, but there was no data in
> there for me to compare with.

In the "mythconverg" database, in the "channel" table, there is a field 
"icon". That has to have the full path to the icon. 
i.e. /home/mythtv/.mythtv/icons/bbc1.gif
All of mine are gifs btw. I don't know if other formats are supported.

And in response to Phill, it is easier in the channel editor, but tedious and 
slow. I just find knoda quicker for doing these kind of manual interventions.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-19 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 19 December 2005 23:02, James Oltman wrote:
> I wish I could do that!  I am relatively to fully useless when it comes to
> writing any kind of software.  Given enough time, I am sure I could READ
> some code, but write it, definately not.  Haha.
> Jim

It's OK, I was just pulling your leg.

I was thinking about a python program (coz I'm good at python, lousy at C) 
that would fuzzy string match the channel name against the web site icons, 
retrieve them and amend the db. Should be doable.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Video card recommendation for 24" LCD (1920x1200)

2005-12-19 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 19 December 2005 08:48, Andy Leung wrote:
> Now I could go with a higher end Nvidia card. But I've
> also read that newer Nvidia cards have dropped support
> for Xvideo hardware scaling (do I need that?). Also
> I'd prefer to have a fanless card if at all possible.
> Any card you'd recommend for my situation? Thanks a
> lot.

I'd love to see a quote on that. It sounds like rubbish to me. My myth box has 
a 6600GT in it, and it's not doing xv scaling in software.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Great source for channel icons (was --> "")

2005-12-19 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 19 December 2005 19:23, James Oltman wrote:
> Forgive the stupidity, but how can I import those new icons into my setup?

Save them locally, then use mythtv-setup to add the full path to the channels 

Personally I find it easier to edit the entry in the db using something like 

If you want to go about writing a script for semi-automating this, that'd be 
nice ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Attractive cases

2005-11-13 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 12 November 2005 22:11, Nathan Allen Stratton wrote:
> > >I think the advantages of the Silverstone cases is they have so
> > >many options when it comes to size, expansion, and looks. For
> > >example, Silverstone offers the only HT-style case I found that
> > >supports 3 full-height expansion slots (1xAGP, 2xPCI) in a low-profile
> > >design, such as the LC-11M, which is also very quiet.
> > >Not everyone wants those boxy-like Shuttle cases, or the
> > >full-size monster PC cases, like the Aristec HT-400 with 6+ expansion
> > >slots in their home-theater.
> Anyone know if you can drive the display of the SilverStone LC10M in
> linux?
> -nathan

Yes you can. I have the LC14M (same equipment, just a different fascia.) These 
cases come with an iMon VFD and IR remote. Check out Venky's site for all the 
info you need to get these to work under Linux.

One thing to be aware of with this remote/receiver combo is that it uses a 
different IR protocol compared to pretty much anything else out there. RG6 
vs. RG5 or something like that. If I recall it means that the remote and 
receiver communicate much quicker. So for example, you can't replace the 
remote with a whizz bang back-lit universal. As the iMon remote is not 
back-lit, I consider it a bit of a dud remote for a home theatre PC.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Development update

2005-11-13 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 28 October 2005 16:09, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
> Steve Adeff wrote:
> Is it still basically the same though?
> I've been reading bits and pieces about a new frontend daemon/frontend
> client architecture and other
> things like OpenGL UI rendering that seem to change Myth's core.
> Are these changes in the next gen, or the next next gen?

From the Trac tickets, it looks like the new and improved GUI has been put 
back to 0.20. This is a shame, as I have a friend who keeps banging on about 
how slick Apples Frontend interface is. (Yes I know it's apples and oranges, 
but it'd be nice for MythTV to be /that/ slick.) Mind, the same friend was 
around last night, and he was impressed with the MythTV interface, but the 
speed and functionality more than the visual impression, I think.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Transcoding, mpeg-2, mpeg-4 ASP vs. AVC

2005-10-22 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 22 October 2005 16:47, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> Note the part that says:
> For now, if all you want to do is save space, just transcode to mpeg4
> with mythtv (keep in mind, it's optimized for encoding speed, not
> quality) ...

Damn, that doesn't sound good.

Looks like I need to stick with the original files, and either watch more TV, 
or start building one mother of a storage server!
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Transcoding, mpeg-2, mpeg-4 ASP vs. AVC

2005-10-22 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 22 October 2005 17:20, Niels Dybdahl wrote:
> > 1. Should I be seeing a drop in quality when I lower the bitrate?
> Yes. Lower bitrates result in lower quality.

Probably didn't phrase that correctly. I meant that if I have a better 
compression codec, then should reducing the bitrate reduce the quality.

> > To illustrate: A 1.5 GB mpeg-2 recording, transcoded to mpeg-4 with a 2200
> > kilobits/sec has roughly the same filesize and quality as the original
> > mpeg-2.
> As the filesize is proportional with the datarate, this indicates that your
> original MPEG2 also was at 2200 kb/s, which is quite low for MPEG2 (I
> record with a PVR-250 at 4500 kb/s and transcode to 1400 kb/s), so the
> starting point for your compression is not very good.

Thinking on this, I never actually checked to ensure that the mpeg-2 stream 
was at 2200 kbps. It is just whatever the incoming DVB-T stream is. But I 
would have thought that regardless of the codec, the same length of content 
at the same bitrate will give a pretty similar filesize. If I have a more 
efficient codec, then surely I should be able to lower the bitrate without 
losing quality.

> > Lowering that to 1600 kbps with high quality and 4mv enc. reduces the
> > file size (prob. to about 70%) but the quality suffers quite badly.
> 1600 kbps should be enough for MPEG4, but it also depends upon the number
> of pixels. I do record at 480x576 pixels but as you are recording from
> DVB-T you are probably at 720x576, so you would need 2100 kbps to get the
> approx same quality as I have at 1400 kbps, because you have more pixels.
> Mythtranscoding has settings to choose a different resolution, but it does
> not seem to work on my system.
> Noise is poison for MPEG compression, so as long as you are compression new
> films you should be ok with a completely digital flow. Older film that from
> analog media will probably have more noise and need higher bitrates.

Yes, I suspect it is 720x576. Again, it boils down to an mpeg-2 of size x 
should be able to be reduced in size to y using the more efficient mpeg-4 
codec, without losing quality.

> > Background areas (like trees) that are fairly clear in the original become
> > smeared blurry blobs that pan in jerky little steps. Movements of
> > foreground
> > objects (i.e. a shoulder and head shot) result in a blocky pixelating
> > effect
> > as the face moves quickly, but then settles down once the movement stops.
> These are typical artifacts from MPEG4 encoding.
> 4. If not, what is the high-quality encoding for? Is it a two-pass vs.
> > one-pass?
> I do not think that mythtranscode can do two pass encoding, but I am not
> sure.
> I would keep the recordings at MPEG2 at 2200 kbps or check if mythtranscode
> can reduce the number of pixels. You might try to go as low as 400x288
> pixels, especially if you are watching on a CRT TV.

Unfortunately it's a big-ass DVI fed HiDef DLP Rear Projector. Losing res is 
not really an option. ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Transcoding, mpeg-2, mpeg-4 ASP vs. AVC

2005-10-22 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 22 October 2005 04:33, Phill Edwards wrote:
> I'm recording with DVB-T cards (therefore MPEG2) and transcode to
> MPEG4 with great results.
> My transcode settings are:
> Video - Bitrate:2500, Max Quality:2, Min Quality:15, Max Quality diff
> bt frames:3, none of the other checkboxes ticked.
> Sound - MP3, Samplg Rate:32000, MP3 Quality:5.
> I think this is reducing the files to about 60% of the MPEG2 size.


Well, I tried your settings. I did see a reduction in file size, which is 
strange as you use a bigger bitrate than I did. (2500 vs. 2200). I turned off 
the other settings including the "Scale bitrate for frame size". I still 
think I'm losing quality that I'd expect the more advanced codec to retain.

Are you scaling the video? And also, do you use playback filters of some form?

Just in case it makes a difference, I've got a very large screen, so I really 
notice artefacts.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Transcoding, mpeg-2, mpeg-4 ASP vs. AVC

2005-10-21 Thread Stephen Boddy
I'm getting a little bit confused as to what MythTV is doing on the 
transcoding front.

I'm recording UK SD DVB-T mpeg2 streams. I'm struggling to keep up with the 
stuff I'm recording, so I'd like to transcode where possible.

I've got the system transcoding files, I know it is using the "From MPEG2" 
profile. (When I change the bitrate the transcoded filesize changes.)

I understood mpeg-4 ASP to require approx. half the bitrate / filesize that 
mpeg-2 does for an equivalent quality file. Then mpeg-4 AVC is even better, 
requiring perhaps a third what mpeg-2 does.

I tried adjusting the settings, but I'm seeing a significant drop in the 
quality, even with a modest reduction in bitrate.

From this I have a few questions for anyone willing to give it a shot.

1. Should I be seeing a drop in quality when I lower the bitrate? To 
illustrate: A 1.5 GB mpeg-2 recording, transcoded to mpeg-4 with a 2200 
kilobits/sec has roughly the same filesize and quality as the original 
mpeg-2. Lowering that to 1600 kbps with high quality and 4mv enc. reduces the 
file size (prob. to about 70%) but the quality suffers quite badly. 
Background areas (like trees) that are fairly clear in the original become 
smeared blurry blobs that pan in jerky little steps. Movements of foreground 
objects (i.e. a shoulder and head shot) result in a blocky pixelating effect 
as the face moves quickly, but then settles down once the movement stops.

2. So why am I not able to get better compression for the same quality when I 
transcode to mpeg-4?

3. Does the transcode process actually use the better AVC codec? I took a look 
at the details on the ffmpeg site (home of libavcodec) and according to: they don't appear to 
support H.264 which is essentially what AVC is.

4. If not, what is the high-quality encoding for? Is it a two-pass vs. 

Thanks in advance for any explanations.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] diskless backend?

2005-10-14 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 10 October 2005 18:11, Sonni Nørløv wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a setup with a backend/frontend running on a diskless server in
> my living room, and a 24x7 server  running mysql and nfs, and the daily
> tv channel update.
> Main reason for this is setup is that I have no antenna at the 24x7
> server location, and did not want or needed the idle power consumption
> of the tuner card when not in use. Also I could then use the remote on
> the prv250 tuner.
> This setup has been running ok for over a year now, the main issue is
> that I have no mythweb on the 24x7 server unless the backend is running,
> which requires it to be booted.

Hmmm. Must admit that this is similar to my thoughts on a slightly odd 
frontend/backend configuration. I'm curious why you can't run MythWeb on your 
24x7 server though. I undestood the web pages and db updates are served by 
apache/php/mysql. Why does the backend need to running?

If the backend does have to be running, could you possibly turn the 
frontend/backend in the frontroom into a slave, then run a master backend on 
the 24x7 server without any local tuners?
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Large-scale myth farm

2005-10-08 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 04 October 2005 20:52, Robert Tsai wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 07:24:29PM +0100, Stephen Boddy wrote:
> > Just a quick note that, depending on your system and set-up, the
> > transcoding may take longer than you expect. I have an Athlon 64,
> > and the cool-n-quiet means that when idle it roughly halves the
> > processor speed. Niced processes (i.e. the transcoding) do not cause
> > the processor to ramp up to full speed. I found this out when I
> > niced the MythTV compile and wondered why it was taking so long.
> If you are using cpufreq:
> The default value is "0". To change it:
>   # echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice
> This means that the CPU will run at full throttle even for "nice"d
> processes.

Nice to know for the future. Thanks Rob
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Large-scale myth farm

2005-10-04 Thread Stephen Boddy
Just a quick note that, depending on your system and set-up, the transcoding 
may take longer than you expect. I have an Athlon 64, and the cool-n-quiet 
means that when idle it roughly halves the processor speed. Niced processes 
(i.e. the transcoding) do not cause the processor to ramp up to full speed. I 
found this out when I niced the MythTV compile and wondered why it was taking 
so long.

On Monday 03 October 2005 18:06, Derek Meek wrote:
> one quad opteron system could easily commflag and transcode four at
> once - and probably capture at least one and display one at the same
> time
> trancoding is niced at 17 so if something like capture and/or display
> is going on it looses CPU to the more important process and simply
> takes longer to complete.
> Trancoding 640x480 29.97 fps RTJpeg .nuv to MPEG4 runs at about 1/2 to
> 1 hr of time for each 1hr of video when no other tasks are running on
> my Athlon XP 2500+ with 1GB of RAM.  my MPEG settings are something
> like 1200bps with all three settings recommended for internlaced and
> mp3 quality at like 6
> comm flagging happens in about 1/2 the time
> On 10/3/05, Illtud Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rob Willett wrote:
> > > Intersting to see a UK government org taking an interest in MythTV.
> >
> > ...Welsh government org, if you please! We're doing this on
> > behalf of the National Screen & Sound Archive of Wales, who have
> > agreements with broadcasters about recording reference copies of
> > broadcast material pertaining to Wales.
> >
> > >>>UK DVB cards/receivers - which would you recommend?
> > >
> > > I persoanlly use the Nebula DVB card, though other people report
> > >
> >  > success with the Avermedia 771 card.
> >
> > Nebula have some linux pages on their website - can people
> > confirm that they're linux friendly?
> >
> > > You can setup the system to record the EPG information provided by the
> >
> > DVB
> >
> > > stream. This works pretty well, though only has a week in advance. I've
> >
> > never
> >
> > > used Subtitiles so can't say if they work.
> >
> > Anybody out there with experience of DVB subtitle capture on mythtv?
> > Does mythtv only do 'live' subtitle decoding from the stream as it
> > plays, or does it capture the subtitles to somewhere else (SMIL?
> > MPEG7?).
> >
> > > Mythtv does not support FM radio nor does it easily support DVB radio
> > > e.g.
> >
> > BBC 7
> >
> > > without a patch. This is because there is no video send with the audio.
> >
> > This is
> >
> > > a majot pain in the butt and I wish they would change MythTv to
> > > properly
> >
> > support
> >
> > > Radio.
> >
> > We'll need audio-only capture, either from an internal tuner or
> > a simple audio-in. We currently have an audio digitization
> > application, so it's not essential that we build this into Myth,
> > but it'd make sense to have it all in one. The BBC (I think
> > we very rarely record non-BBC radio) have some radio listings
> > on:
> >
> > > Since there are 30 or so channels you wou would need around 5-7 servers
> > > depending on the hardware specs.
> >
> > We'd only be recording some programmes. We've enough experience of
> > enterprise systems to build a resilient backend (though we'd have
> > to look at how we'd do failover on the master backend - the SPoF
> > of the system). How many quad opterons (Sun do the nice v40z)
> > would it take to transcode say four programmes simultaneously?
> > Could one server handle 4 DVB capture cards? What's the first
> > bottleneck people hit - the PCI bus? hard drive speed?
> >
> > --
> > Illtud Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau   Senior Systems Analyst
> > Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru  National Library of Wales
> > Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not for NLW
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] help..mythbackend.."failed to bind port"

2005-09-26 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 26 September 2005 16:54, Greg Woods wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 08:51 -0700, Nada De nada wrote:
> >  I run the "netstat -l -n
> >
> > | grep 6543" to see if something else was using the
> >
> > port and I got this message
> >
> > tcp   00* LISTEN
> Try running "lsof | grep -w 6543" to find which process is listening on
> that port. I'll lay odds you already have a mythbackend process running.
> --Greg
or pass the -p option to the netstat command for the PID & process name.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mounting two hard drives to single mounting point

2005-09-25 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 23 September 2005 22:24, Tony Godshall wrote:
> According to Jim Reith,
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > >I'm not sure if this has been asked before or if its even possible,
> > >but is there any way to mount two HD's to a single mounting point in
> > >Linux?  I just added a second HD to my mythbox and was hoping there
> > >might be a way for /video to point to both of them.  Thanks.
> > >
> > >Azmat
> >
> > Search for LVM for how to create a multiple disk logical volume
> Also search for "union mounts", a bleeding edge feature in
> the 2.6 kernel.

That would not be appropriatefor this use case. The unionfs stacks the disks, 
and would fill up the first one available with write access, and never 
actually touch the "lower" disk. LVM or RAID 0 is the way to go for disk 
concatenation, though he would be better off to get a third drive, and RAID 5 
them. This would give him the smallest drives capacity * 2, with resilience 
if one disk went bad.

Funnily enough I have been reading up on the unionfs with the idea that a set 
of network booting diskless clients would all use a single read-only nfs 
served OS, with a machine specific read-write filesystem stacked on top. That 
way you maintain one system instead of 3 or 4. Marry this up to a backend, 
and you have a single centralized backend and server, then you can hook a new 
frontend into the network, tell it to network boot, and hey presto, another 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythburn... GUI? Or just web interface?

2005-09-17 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 18 September 2005 02:03, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
> Hello,
> On this page, I see mythburn with
> what looks like an on-screen interface:
> But when I installed mythburn from
> here:
> All I got was a mythweb interface.
> Does the latest version of mythburn
> come with a GUI interface? Or do I
> have to use the web interface?

Hmmm... maybe the line:
"New interface coming soon..."
directly above the picture should give you a hint... ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MYSQL - editor

2005-09-12 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 11 September 2005 02:14, A JM wrote:
> Is there an opensource MYSQL database editor that someone could recommend?
> I want to modify some of the descriptions on my recordings and am not great
> with SQL and I thought a GUI would be a great help.
>  Thanks,

I didn't see knoda or rekall mentioned. They don't just work with MySQL (so 
may not have all the features of dedicated apps) and they are still a little 
rough around the edges sometimes. They are both native KDE apps.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Using DVI Output

2005-08-12 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 12 August 2005 14:19, Marius Schrecker wrote:
> Ooops! Tell me in plain Ingalaish if I should avoid a 64 bit os for MythTV,
> I'm busy setting up 64 bit Debian, but will abort if everyone agrees that
> 32 bit is still the way to go. There is a 32 bit emulation that seems to
> work for some things, but if stuff like win32 codecs are going to break
> then I guess 64 bit still hasn't hit primetime.

Well, there may be a way around it by compiling mplayer/xine as 32 bit apps. 
I've something similar for flash on 64bit. Basically, firefox has to be 
compiled as 32 bit. I have no idea if this will work, but frankly it's far 
too much like hard work for my tastes.

The nVidia drivers might be a version thing. I'm using the 7667 set, and I've 
heard somewhere that they don't work, but that might have been a 32/64 bit 
issue too.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] stoooopid question

2005-08-11 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 12 August 2005 00:01, Robin Gilks wrote:
> Greetings
> Here's a good Friday morning silly question for you...
> I'm running a diskless Epia as a frontend and a backend with a crappy
> BT848 card. I'm about to put a pvr-150 into the Epia box - does this mean
> I'll have to run the backend code on the Epia machine to do recording?
> I assume I only require the one instance of mysql to handle the backend
> database stuff so the next question, as a consequence, is how to I ensure
> the Epia box (assuming it has to run the backend code) becomes a slave
> backend and not the master...

Yes, you will have to install mythbackend. You will only need the one mysql 
instance. You will probably have to fiddle with DB user priviledges to get 
the remote backend accessing the DB.

When you run mythtv-setup on the newly installed backend, there is an option 
for defining as a master. Keep it unchecked, and configure everything else 

> Can't find any good architectural descriptions of the functionallity split
> twixt front and backends :-((

What do you want? Pretty pictures! ;-P This stuff is in the docs, but you have 
to read it and grok it before you go off half-cocked.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Using DVI Output

2005-08-11 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 11 August 2005 03:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am also running a 6600 GT over DVI to an HDTV.  Do you have any
> experience getting Xv or XvMC to work with mythtv in this setup.  My DVD
> playback looks awesome with xine but I am having problems cleaning up
> standard def playback in Myth.

Well I kind of goofed. I installed SuSE 64 bit on my Athlon 64. Great except I 
can't get the win32 codecs working (duh!) and the nvidia drivers don't play 
nice with mythtv. I see errors in the stdout of mythfrontend when it tries to 
do XV and OpenGL. I'm in the middle of a retrofit of 32 bit SuSE, but it is 
hard to find gaps between the programs I'm recording. I'll let you know in a 
week or two.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Using DVI Output

2005-08-10 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 11 August 2005 01:20, Jesse D. Guardiani wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 20:01 -0400, Gerald J. Berg wrote:
> > I am considering an nVidia GE Force 5200 AGP video card for my
> >
> > MythTV front end box.
> >
> >
> >
> > There are a few brands that offer s-video, VGA and DVI output ports.
> >
> >
> >
> > I especially like the idea of using the DVI output to drive my
> > projector
> >
> > directly, but I understand there have been issues with some TV-Out
> >
> > products and I do not want to have a problem at this level.
> >
> >
> >
> > Has anyone used the DVI output on the XFX, Chaintech, Gigabyte or
> >
> > other cards?
> I don't know how the DVI works, as I don't have a digital monitor,
> but I own a 5200, and I've used the TV Out with MythTV. The quality
> is significantly worse than my PVR 350's output, for what that's
> worth. Grainy and pixelated is how I would describe it. Maybe the
> DVI output is better?

Well I'm running a Gigabyte 6600 GT over DVI. If anything, the quality is too 
good! I'm driving a 50 inch RP DLP. When you blow standard def DVB widescreen 
up to that size, you do sometimes notice compression artefacts (blocking and 
ringing). I know there are some filters that should be able to reduce this. 
Also some of the channels over DVB-T have a bit too much compression. Other 
than that the picture is fantastic.

Put a HD clip on (The DivX Sharks Tale trailer is a cracker) and you'll 
fracture your jaw on the floor!
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fanless HDTV backend on EPIA SP 8000E Vs.EPIAPD6000E

2005-06-01 Thread Stephen Boddy
Unfortunately my speakers are about the size of my head, and though I've been 
accused of being big-headed before, nothing quite on that scale.

The only thing I have thought of is that a few people mention using the 
chimney (sp?) effect with the Reserator. This could be silver to match the 
speakers and stands, hiding the blue. It'll break the symmetry, but not half 
as much as a big bright blue phallus.

On Wednesday 01 June 2005 21:39, Dean Collins wrote:
> They provide a hell of a lot of tubingrun it to the corner
> behind your speakers?
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Boddy
> > Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 4:25 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Fanless HDTV backend on EPIA SP 8000E
> > Vs.EPIAPD6000E
> >
> > Ah...
> >
> > Well my case will (when it finally arrives) be a Silverstone LC14M, so
> > internally no worries. I just have to figure out how to disguise a
> half
> > meter
> > bright blue tube in my neutral/earth tones lounge ;-)
> >
> > On Wednesday 01 June 2005 20:35, Dean Collins wrote:
> > > No no just a storage issue, those tanks are pretty big, also some of
> the
> > > super small case designs might have an issue fitting in the hoses
> and
> > > cooling plates themselves, those cpu coolers are pretty big.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Dean
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Boddy
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 3:27 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Fanless HDTV backend on EPIA SP 8000E
> Vs.
> > > > EPIAPD6000E
> > > >
> > > > On Wednesday 01 June 2005 20:17, Dean Collins wrote:
> > > > > I know it's not applicable for lounge room based machines but I
> cant
> > > > > help but comment here how blown away I've been with the Zalman
> > >
> > > Reserator
> > >
> > > > > water cooling system I installed.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have a large server rack in my office and have now installed 2
> of
> > > them
> > >
> > > > > to totally water cooled (except the power supplies and
> commercial
> > > > > versions of them are now available as well) 2 of my pc servers
> and
> > > cant
> > >
> > > > > believe how different the sound is (including double hard drive
> > > > > coolers).
> > > > >
> > > > > At the moment I'm designing a wall of water that will feed 4
> > >
> > > separate
> > >
> > > > > pumps and cover 1 entire side of my rack.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > There are a number of people on the watercooling list that are
> > >
> > > pumping
> > >
> > > > > from a central location to multiple machines in separate rooms
> (1 is
> > > > > even running a intercooler solution through his basement into a
> well
> > > :)
> > > :
> > > > > Just a suggestion.
> > > >
> > > > Why do you say the Reserator is not applicable for lounge based
> > >
> > > machines?
> > >
> > > > I
> > > > had every intention of sticking one of these on my in-progress
> > >
> > > kick-ass
> > >
> > > > HTPC.
> > > > As someone with experience, is there some aspect that brings you
> to
> > > this
> > >
> > > > conclusion?
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Steve Boddy
> >
> > --
> > Steve Boddy

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fanless HDTV backend on EPIA SP 8000E Vs. EPIAPD6000E

2005-06-01 Thread Stephen Boddy

Well my case will (when it finally arrives) be a Silverstone LC14M, so 
internally no worries. I just have to figure out how to disguise a half meter 
bright blue tube in my neutral/earth tones lounge ;-)

On Wednesday 01 June 2005 20:35, Dean Collins wrote:
> No no just a storage issue, those tanks are pretty big, also some of the
> super small case designs might have an issue fitting in the hoses and
> cooling plates themselves, those cpu coolers are pretty big.
> Cheers,
> Dean
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:mythtv-users-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Boddy
> > Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 3:27 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Fanless HDTV backend on EPIA SP 8000E Vs.
> > EPIAPD6000E
> >
> > On Wednesday 01 June 2005 20:17, Dean Collins wrote:
> > > I know it's not applicable for lounge room based machines but I cant
> > > help but comment here how blown away I've been with the Zalman
> Reserator
> > > water cooling system I installed.
> > >
> > > I have a large server rack in my office and have now installed 2 of
> them
> > > to totally water cooled (except the power supplies and commercial
> > > versions of them are now available as well) 2 of my pc servers and
> cant
> > > believe how different the sound is (including double hard drive
> > > coolers).
> > >
> > > At the moment I'm designing a wall of water that will feed 4
> separate
> > > pumps and cover 1 entire side of my rack.
> > >
> > >
> > > There are a number of people on the watercooling list that are
> pumping
> > > from a central location to multiple machines in separate rooms (1 is
> > > even running a intercooler solution through his basement into a well
> :
> :)
> :
> > > Just a suggestion.
> >
> > Why do you say the Reserator is not applicable for lounge based
> machines?
> > I
> > had every intention of sticking one of these on my in-progress
> kick-ass
> > HTPC.
> > As someone with experience, is there some aspect that brings you to
> this
> > conclusion?
> >
> > --
> > Steve Boddy

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fanless HDTV backend on EPIA SP 8000E Vs. EPIA PD6000E

2005-06-01 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 01 June 2005 20:17, Dean Collins wrote:
> I know it's not applicable for lounge room based machines but I cant
> help but comment here how blown away I've been with the Zalman Reserator
> water cooling system I installed.
> I have a large server rack in my office and have now installed 2 of them
> to totally water cooled (except the power supplies and commercial
> versions of them are now available as well) 2 of my pc servers and cant
> believe how different the sound is (including double hard drive
> coolers).
> At the moment I'm designing a wall of water that will feed 4 separate
> pumps and cover 1 entire side of my rack.
> There are a number of people on the watercooling list that are pumping
> from a central location to multiple machines in separate rooms (1 is
> even running a intercooler solution through his basement into a well :)
> Just a suggestion.

Why do you say the Reserator is not applicable for lounge based machines? I 
had every intention of sticking one of these on my in-progress kick-ass HTPC. 
As someone with experience, is there some aspect that brings you to this 

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] to provide services to the Myth community

2005-05-07 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 06 May 2005 15:23, Ryan A. Carris wrote:

> They have been as open and generous as they can.  If you don't agree
> with that statement, I suggest you try and use one of the listing
> scappers, like we used to have to do and like the rest of the world
> uses.

Just to point out that I, being one of the 'rest of the world' in your 
sweeping generalisation, obtain free for personal use xml listings here in 
the UK. Hooray for Radio Times (a venerable paper publication that seems to 
be managing the transition to the digital age quite well.)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] to provide services to the Myth community

2005-05-07 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 06 May 2005 13:13, Donavan Stanley wrote:
> On 5/5/05, Stephen Boddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I hate to sound like a knocker, and for the most part I like the design,
> > but I can see 4 problems with that theme
> Bear in mind that the theme isn't done, for example none of the font
> sizes/colors have been tuned yet.

Yeah, but if no-one critiques before it's finished, there's no opportunity to 
catch issues, so I thought I'd insert my tupence ;-)

> > 1) It's very dark. The unhighlighted menu items are quite difficult to
> > read for speedy operation.
> Actually, when it's on a TV it's not nearly as dark as it appears on a
> monitor.

Okay, I'll put this down to the lack of a universal coherent colour management 

> > 2) It's rather monochromatic. Black and white with a few blue bits is a
> > little dull.
> It's a particular style they're going for.  It's not for everyone.

Yeah. Very... masculine. Not too sure it'll have a high WAF. Not that I have 
to worry about the 'W' in WAF.

> > 3) The menu6.jpg shows the blue theme on the screen, which looks a little
> > out of place.
> That's because the equivilant screen in their them wasn't complete
> when that watermark was created.  They'll be readjusting things later.

Again, I thought so, but I think there are other themes out there that do 
that, and it jars.

> > 4) The next release of MythTV is planned to change the theming UI and
> > capabilities. Perhaps they're a little premature, although obviously
> > there is no indication of how long 0.19 will take.
> They are *fully* aware of planned development given that they're in
> touch with the developers.  Rather than wait for the MythUI changes
> they've chosen to move ahead with their theme work and make any
> modifications needed.

Fair enough. It'll be interesting to see how they manage the balancing act of 
business demands and community participation.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] to provide services to the Myth community

2005-05-05 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 05 May 2005 22:41, Donavan Stanley wrote:
> * The first of many new themes. James Meyer has been working closely
> with some artists/UI designers hired by Technovera to produce the
> first of many themes.  It's nearly complete and is *really* sharp, I'm
> currently running it on my main machine and frankly it makes my own
> themes look like a piles of dog crap. Some screenshots are:
> (there's 6 of those,
> just change the number)
> and

I hate to sound like a knocker, and for the most part I like the design, but I 
can see 4 problems with that theme

1) It's very dark. The unhighlighted menu items are quite difficult to read 
for speedy operation.
2) It's rather monochromatic. Black and white with a few blue bits is a little 
3) The menu6.jpg shows the blue theme on the screen, which looks a little out 
of place.
4) The next release of MythTV is planned to change the theming UI and 
capabilities. Perhaps they're a little premature, although obviously there is 
no indication of how long 0.19 will take.

It'll be interesting to see how this evolves.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Hard lock-up has toasted DB's recorded table

2005-04-23 Thread Stephen Boddy
Hi all,

I'm messing about with a "getting to know you" install. I had a hard lock-up 
when viewing LiveTV. I starting getting errors about not being able to access 
some of the tables, so I ran myisamchk to recover things, but then my 
recorded table was knackered. It basically had no columns, so I dropped it.

Is it worth trying to recover this, or would it be simpler to drop the whole 
DB and start over. Bear in mind this is a mess-about install. And, before 
anyone asks, no I don't have a backup. I tried looking for a single command 
that would recreate the table, but the source looks to build the tables 
piecemeal (Yuk!) a column at a time.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cablecard

2005-04-07 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 07 April 2005 23:30, Brad Templeton wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 03:35:27PM -0400, David Wood wrote:
> > On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Gabe Rubin wrote:
> > 
> > >As others have said, it is not just the money that is an issue.  They
> > >have no desire to issue a license to open source projects as this
> > >would compromise the very encryption (whether it would or not is
> > >debatable, but they certainly would believe it would).
> > >
> > >Even if $100,000 were a drop in the bucket (and I wish I was in that
> > >position), that is not the major stumbling block.  They WILL NOT issue
> > >a license to myth type projects.
> > 
> > There is this bizarre false sense of security with closed-source apps, as 
> > if there is any kind of chain of trust in the media center software 
> > stack...
> As noted, one of the chains of trust they plan is, reportedly as
> follows.   Each individual user will be issued keys to give them
> access to the decrypted data.   If those keys are reverse engineered
> out, and make it out into the wild, they get put on a revocation list,
> which is broadcast by the TV stations on a regular basis.   Once
> received, the key no longer works.
> So to make this work, you would need to buy a copy of MCE, for example,
> crack it to extract its keys, and use those keys in your copy of
> Myth or other such software on that particular cablecard equipment.
> If they go further, and tie the key to your particular equipment,
> you would be unable to use them with others, though that is a fun
> logistic nightmare.If not, you could share your keys with a
> limited number of trusted friends to be sure they never made it out
> into the wild.
Sorry, perhaps I'm being dense here, but if you were not using a "trusted" 
platform, and had access to the keys and the algorithms for decryption with 
the keys, couldn't the software just ignore revocation list?

The thing with these algorithms is that they get documented and that often 
finds it's way into the ether. When GSM mobile networks were first released 
security was touted as a big seller. You couldn't be eavesdropped or cloned. 
Now it's no big deal to clone the identities with the right kit. Once the 
algorithms were understood, it wasn't a huge leap to break the encryption and 
eavesdrop or clone the SIM.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Possible OT: Newest nvidia drivers and interlaced modes

2005-04-06 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 06 April 2005 04:09, Jeff Wormsley wrote:
> Stephen Boddy wrote:
> >Sounds like you have the OpenGL "Sync to VBlank" turned on. Check it using 
> >nvidia-settings from the command line. Either that or you need to upgrade 
> >386 ;-)
> >  
> >
> Thanks, once I figured out which one (there are three!), I now get about 
> 1500fps.

I wouldn't leave this turned off though, especially if you use the ogl output 
with xine or mplayer, or you may see tearing. The point with the sync is that 
it only updates the display in the vertical blank period. 1500 fps isn't of 
any practical use, apart from bragging rights.
> Still haven't figured out the "split screen" effect yet.  It may be time 
> for a full reinstall (yet) again.  Sigh.

Do you mean one desktop split over two separate displays? Not that I can help, 
as I only have one display at a time.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Possible OT: Newest nvidia drivers and interlaced modes

2005-04-06 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 06 April 2005 04:09, Jeff Wormsley wrote:
> Stephen Boddy wrote:
> >Sounds like you have the OpenGL "Sync to VBlank" turned on. Check it using 
> >nvidia-settings from the command line. Either that or you need to upgrade 
> >386 ;-)
> >  
> >
> Thanks, once I figured out which one (there are three!), I now get about 
> 1500fps.
> Still haven't figured out the "split screen" effect yet.  It may be time 
> for a full reinstall (yet) again.  Sigh.
> Jeff.
Unless you make copious notes of install, packages, and any changes you make, 
reinstalling takes ages just to get back to where you were.

Once you get used to thinking in a particular way, the only installs you 
should have to do are major upgrades and replacing windows ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Possible OT: Newest nvidia drivers and interlaced modes

2005-04-04 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 03 April 2005 20:32, Jeff Wormsley wrote:
> On a slightly related note, on the 6629 drivers, glxgears would crash 
> X.  Now, it runs, but at only 50fps. Could this be related?  The 5200 
> card in this box should be able to do at least 1000 fps on this, 
> shouldn't it?

Sounds like you have the OpenGL "Sync to VBlank" turned on. Check it using 
nvidia-settings from the command line. Either that or you need to upgrade the 
386 ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MYthTV replacement for Intercom?

2005-03-30 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 29 March 2005 22:40, Paul Volkaerts wrote:
> If you tick the "autoanswer" option, they will auto-answer any call from a
> person in the directory. This is not what I call "secure" but is a start.

I would be very careful of where you activate autoanswer if you're thinking of 
an intercom system. Even the audio alone could be embarrassing. Imagine 
you're indulging your conjugals and the mother-in-law "buzzes" from 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv playback problem with NVIDIA videoacceleration - HELP!

2005-03-27 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 28 March 2005 00:28, John Sturgeon wrote:
> Michael Cheshire (Mailing Lists) wrote:
> > Is your 6600GT the PCI-E version? - does linux work correctly with
> > PCI-E yet?
> >
> > I have a 6600GT in my desktop box - nice card :)
> >
> > But that other box is just my tv recording box.
> >
> > M.
> Nope, it's AGP.  I've only got one PCI slot (shuttle SN95G5) and it's
> got an HD-3000 in it.
> 578 fps seems awfully slow though.

Well I've got an _original_ GeForce DDR (as in first gen.) with latest nvidia 
drivers in my workstation, which does ~2000 fps in glxgears, so I'd say it's 
pretty certain that 3D acceleration is not working properly on your system!
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV .18 impending release? If so, what's in it?

2005-03-25 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 26 March 2005 01:33, Maverick wrote:
> > A big one will be 0.19 when the whole GUI engine gets a thorough
> > reworking. If you've played with the MythUI test app, you'll know what
> > I'm talking about.
> I assume MythUI is in CVS? I'd kinda like to see what it's all
> about... Is there a discussion about what impending UI changes that
> are planned?

Yes it is. Well its a binary that gives you a couple of examples of new 
capabilities, i.e. fades, movement and animations. (There could be other 
stuff, but not in the demo.) If you don't have OpenGL acceleration, don't 
even bother as the demo will be slww ;-) It'll be possible to 
turn this off in the proper implementation for slower systems.

Apparently a lot of the initial discussion goes on between the devs off-list. 
Sensible bearing in mind that a) they know the current architecture, b) 
they'll be the ones doing all (?) the work, and c) it'll save them wasting 
breath explaining for the twentieth time why feature X is not going to be 
implemented ;-)

I'm a newb around here, I just got lucky talking to one of the devs on another 
site talking about themes. He told me to hold off substantial work, as the 
whole "kit and kaboodle" was going to be changing for 0.19.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV .18 impending release? If so, what's in it?

2005-03-25 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 25 March 2005 23:42, John Andersen wrote:
> On Friday 25 March 2005 14:29, Maverick wrote:
> > > Wow! That's pretty quick. 0.17 isn't THAT old yet.
> >
> > I for one am glad that the releases are (maybe going to be?) more
> > frequent, I think it encourages users to test new features they
> > wouldn't otherwise bother to pull CVS and test.
> My sentiments exactly.
> But I have yet to hear Isaac say there was a .18 any
> time soon...  And I'm sure its a lot of work for him
> to get one built.

Search for a recent message in the dev list from Isaac with "tarball" in the 
title. He mentions 0.18 in the next couple of weeks.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV .18 impending release? If so, what's in it?

2005-03-25 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 25 March 2005 23:04, Shawn Asmussen wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 12:54:07 -0600, John Williams
> Wow! That's pretty quick. 0.17 isn't THAT old yet.

I get the feeling that 0.18 is more of an unofficial stabilising release to 
firm things up in general from the 0.17, without any major changes (no 
disrespect to those making additions to 0.17, but I'm thinking architectural 

A big one will be 0.19 when the whole GUI engine gets a thorough reworking. If 
you've played with the MythUI test app, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Remote Scheduling Frontend

2005-03-24 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Thursday 24 March 2005 13:12, Robert Kulagowski wrote:
> > When you are out and about just do:
> > ssh -L8080::80 user@
> > Log in. Now just open a full featured browser (i.e. firefox) and put the
> > following in the address bar:
> > http://localhost:8080/mythweb
> > Hey presto! No faffing around with lynx!
> putty, the free ssh terminal program for windows also does this quite well.

Windows?!?! Why would I be using windows? I mean, you surely can't be talking 
about people forced to use that abomination at work, are you? After all, they 
should be working; not trying to decide which daytime soap to record! ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Remote Scheduling Frontend

2005-03-23 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 22 March 2005 06:40, Jason Barto wrote:
> What options are there for scheduling programs remotely?  From the features
> list there appears to be a web-based front-end for scheduling (although I'm
> not sure how to get that installed).  I also remember seeing an SMS
> interface (text messaging); although I'm not sure exactly how that would
> work.  Are there any other options?
> If scheduling remotely I would do it one of two ways, either via SSH client
> (how does the web interface look in 'links'?) or via text messaging (I WILL
> have to look into that).  Is there an NCurses client option for scheduling
> programs to be recorded remotely?
> Thanks for any help,
> jpbarto

Hmmm... Do folks not realise that ssh has a rather useful port forwarding 

i.e. You have a machine (gw) acting as an ssh gateway for your network. In 
your network you have a mythtv backend running the web server (mbe).

When you are out and about just do:
ssh -L8080::80 user@
Log in. Now just open a full featured browser (i.e. firefox) and put the 
following in the address bar:
Hey presto! No faffing around with lynx!
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] FE/BE card priority

2005-03-23 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 21 March 2005 18:44, Matt MacDonald wrote:
> Hello All,
> I apologize if this has been covered before but a search of the
> archives didn't come up with anything.
> I am planning on setting up a Myth Box in the near future but I've got
> a question about the logistics of it.
> My plan is to set up a Master Backend and then connect a Remote
> Frontend (Slave Backend?) to it.  I was wondering if I put a PVR-250
> in the FE and a PVR-500 in the BE is there anyway to set it up to
> prefer the PVR-250 for live tv and the PVR-500 for recordings?
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: 160 gig WD - $40

2005-03-22 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 21 March 2005 02:02, Jeff Simpson wrote:
> that sounds like a famously bad idea to me...
> On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 21:54:26 -0400, Jonathan Markevich
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anthony Vito wrote:
> > >>Now I just need to find some places to mount all
> > >>these drives
> > >
> > >LVM is beautiful thing as well ;)
> >
> > Which reminds me, has anyone tried to span a LVM volume to include an
> > external USB 2.0 drive?

Can't speak for all distros, but on mine (SuSE) the cold/hotplug stuff isn't 
init'd until after the mounting of the system partitions. So, even if you 
decided to ignore the previous poster (who's absolutely right), you'd 
probably have to hack the hell out of the start up scripts so that the USB/FW 
drive was available at the time of mounting.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Is Mplayer going away? Anyone seen their WWW site recently?

2005-03-15 Thread Stephen Boddy
Apologies if some think this is OT, but I need an outlet ;-)

On Tuesday 15 March 2005 09:42, Stephen Williams wrote:
> > No offence, but DUH!!! Of course a patent attorney is going to say that
> > this law is all hunky-dory, it's his future bread and butter!!!
> Well, actually no. Her firm does not take work of this kind and as
> such is unbiassed in this matter. On the other hand they are fully
> informed as to what is going on, and why. And yes, I have looked at
> both sides of the argument, read Groklaw, etc, have you?

Sorry, but as a patent attorney I assume she gets a salary? Makes a profit for 
the company she works for? She therefore has a vested interest, and that 
would make her biased, as her livelyhood depends on the need for patent 
attorneys. And yes, I've listened to the other side, but it has totally 
failed to convince me that a) they (software patents) are necessary, or b) 
that the CIID prohibits them. Fancy a challenge?

> > The ambiguous wording of the CIID opens the back door for pure
> > software patents, and there is a whole saga going on with the European
> > Parliament at loggerheads with the European Commission over amendments
> > and procedure.
> The CIID may well be ambiguously worded, but that's no different to
> any other bit of law. The exisitance of a truely unambiguous piece of
> law is a myth. It's final meaning will only be defined following a set
> of test cases. The European Patent Office has no intention of changing
> how software is currently treated, test cases will quickly confirm
> this position.

Great, so we define the specificity of a law after it is created in the all 
out land grab that ensues. And of course naturally those with the deepest 
pockets, and the most effective lawyers, will mould the law to their 

Your last sentence is nonsensical. One of the EPO's public statements is that 
this is intended to harmonise European patent law. So there are obviously 
differences, which logically must require changes. The question is where that 
new 'line' gets drawn. The CIID is too open to interpretation, which is 
exactly why people are concerned with the current draft, and the politicking 
that is going on. They tried to pass the CIID two or three time as an A item 
(no discussion, it just gets rubber stamped) in the Fisheries Commission!!!

> > I suggest you head over to for a thorough and
> > informative view of what's going on. It may (debatably) be biased the
> > other way, but at least you'd have both sides of the argument. Really!
> > Would you ask a fox to guard the chicken coop?
> You're right, Groklaw is biased the other way. Personally I consider a
> patent attorney with no personnel or financial involvement in this
> area to be about as unbiassed and well informed as you'll find.

See above as to why I believe it is impossible for a patent attorney to be 
unbiased. Well informed, perhaps, but not unbiased.

> > Wrong! Tell "_no_ material impact" to all the small and medium business
> > (the ones that usually drive innovation) that will be driven out of
> > business by this law.
> >
> > Innovation through litigation?
> Don't believe everything you read at Groklaw.

And what, I should believe the politicians instead, who try to weasel things 
through by trying to pass them under totally unrelated committees without 

> The purpose of this
> directive is to _stop_ some countries in the EU that have been pushing
> software patents through the back doors and loop holes that currently
> exist.

Then why won't they explicitly exclude pure software patents in unequivocal 
terms? The language is convoluted, but the upshot is that as long as software 
has a "technical effect" it can be patented. Like to explain "technical 
effect" for me. People are still trying to get clarification on this.

Bearing in mind that we are on the MythTV list, I'm pretty certain that no 
component of MythTV would be exempt from patents, and would very likely be 
technically illegal to distribute under the CIID. Now a few examples. I will 
state up front that these cover USPO and EPO patents, but then they haven't 
stated that a company can't retroactively take out patents in the CIID.

MythWeb and MythBrowser: BT have a USP on the hyperlink.
MythMusic & MythStream: Franhoefer et al have patents on MP3 encoding 
MythPhone: Voice compression codecs.
MythTV: The ability to pause and buffer TV, then catch up.
MythNews: I think RSS is based on RDF which is covered by an EP.
Samba file shares: Good ol' MS have patents on CIFS.
WishTV: Might be covered if the automated suggestions from other viewers gets 

And that was someone who is not a patent attorney, with just a short time of 
looking for examples.

Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders 
of giants." If we poked his eyes out and used a big Gladiators style pudgel 
(sp?) to knock him off the shoulders of the likes of Galileo, 

Re: [mythtv-users] OT - Linux utility to merge wmv files ? (SOLVED)

2005-03-15 Thread Stephen Boddy
Just thinking out loud (you may be doing this already,) but you could use 
named pipes to avoid the temporary use of all that disk space. i.e.

for each file in arguments
mkfifo file.pipe
mencoder file -oac pcm -ovc raw -o file.pipe &
sources = sources + file.pipe + ' '

avimerge -o concated -i sources

Please excuse the pseudocode, but I'm not writing the thing!
As long as subsequent mencoder's don't timeout waiting for the avimerge to 
empty the buffer this should work. It should also be faster as you aren't 
writing and reading 1.5G to disk

On Tuesday 15 March 2005 14:43, Jason Donahue wrote:
> Not really, since wmv is a compressed "lossy" format anyway.
> Converting to raw avi is just a way to get it to a workable format. This
> format took a 32M file and turned it into 1.5G - definitely not a
> "usable" size. after recompressing to xvid I noticed no difference in
> quality from the original wmv files.
> On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 06:37 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 02:15 -0500, Jason Donahue wrote:
> > > For anyone who is interested, here is how I merged a bunch of wmv files
> > > into one movie:
> > >
> > > First use mencoder to convert files to raw avi:
> > >
> > > mencoder clip1.wmv -oac pcm -ovc raw -o tmp1.avi
> > > mencoder clip2.wmv -oac pcm -ovc raw -o tmp2.avi
> > > ...
> > > ...
> > > ...
> > >
> > > Then use avimerge to combine all the files:
> > >
> > > avimerge -o "bigfile.avi" -i tmp1.avi tmp2.avi ... ...
> > >
> > > Finally, use mencoder again to shrink the file down (I chose xvid):
> >
> > Wouldn't you lose some quality this way?
> >
> > > mencoder bigfile.avi -o final.avi -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts
> > > bitrate=16000
> > >
> > > Hope this helps some other poor souls...
> > >
> > > On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 20:14 -0500, Jason Donahue wrote:
> > > > I have several wmv files in the form of clip1/wmv clip2.wmv, etc. I
> > > > want to merge them into one big file using linux only (I have no
> > > > windows box).
> > > >
> > > > Can this be done with transcode? If not, what other *nix utility
> > > > would get the job done ?
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: Practicality of backing up huge hard drives (was Re: [mythtv-users] Dieing Hard Drive)

2005-03-15 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 15:08, David Morrison wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
> | If you need 2 machines for other reasons, then obviously that's the
> | way to go.  If you just need to backup files, big drives and
> | firewire enclosures are the cheap way.
> |
> | Stuff this puppy with 320GB drives, and you'll be set for a
> | (little) while!
> These is  a nice looking solution but it would probably be cheaper to
> buy a larger case and have everything all in one box. Now, if there
> were a network version for a similar price that would be a different
> story because you could put the storage someone else, like the garage
> or loft.

And they need to be SATA too. Those ones all use PATA, which if I understand 
correctly allows much easier hot-swapping.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Is Mplayer going away? Anyone seen their WWW site recently?

2005-03-14 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 14 March 2005 17:18, Stephen Williams wrote:
> No, they're not having legal issues. There just making some misguided
> protest about a subject they clearly don't understand. The software
> patents directive is a non-issue blown out of all proportion.
> My partner is a eurpoean patent attorney so knows what's really going
> on here, i've also spoken to people in her firm about this. This
> directive does nothing more than to set into law how patenting of
> software is _currently_ handled. The laws which have been applied up
> till this point were not designed with software in mind, this is what
> is being but right.

No offence, but DUH!!! Of course a patent attorney is going to say that this 
law is all hunky-dory, it's his future bread and butter!!! Pure software 
patents are not currently legally enforcable in a number of European 
countries. The ambiguous wording of the CIID opens the back door for pure 
software patents, and there is a whole saga going on with the European 
Parliament at loggerheads with the European Commission over amendments and 
procedure. I suggest you head over to for a thorough and 
informative view of what's going on. It may (debatably) be biased the other 
way, but at least you'd have both sides of the argument. Really! Would you 
ask a fox to guard the chicken coop?

However, you are right that the current patent law was not designed with 
software in mind. You're incorrect if you think that this law will put 
anything right.

> Quite simply, the directive is deisgned to maintain the current status
> quo with regards to patenting of soatware, the whole point behind it
> is that the law is clarrified whilst having _no_ material impact.

Wrong! Tell "_no_ material impact" to all the small and medium business (the 
ones that usually drive innovation) that will be driven out of business by 
this law.

Innovation through litigation?
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] How may bytes available on a single layer DVD-R?

2005-03-13 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 13 March 2005 17:59, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 12:02 -0500, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
> > > How may bytes or MB is the capacity of a DVD-R disc? I am currently
> > > using a guessitimate of 4250MB as the limit for my shrinking routine
> > > but it would be nice to have the actaul value for fine tuning.
> >
> > It's commonly referred to as 4.7 GB.  Of course, that's 4.7 GB in
> > marketspeak, which means its 4,700,000,000 bytes.  In *real* GB, divide
> > by 2^30 = (1024*1024*1024) = 1073741824.  For MB, divide by 2^20.
> >
> > Thus, it's
> > 4.7e9/2^30 = 4.377 GB, or
> > 4.7e9/2^20 = 4482 MB
> Not marketspeak anymore.  Drive makers have been doing it long
> enough that it's not "weird" anymore, like it used to be.

When computers work in base 10, then it stops being weird >:-(
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-11 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 11 March 2005 21:18, cythraul wrote:
> Since this setup in kind of non-standard giving the fact that people
> usually use a Myth box to capture TV, no authoritative answer will
> probably be provided.
> Since the backend will probably complain about no card or lineup
> defined, I suggest you define a dummy capture card and see if the
> backend will start anyway even tho it will certainly complain that it
> could not initialize it.

The backend does start without a capture card. My laptop is running 0.17 right 
now. Things are a bit rough as I haven't spent the time to get everything 
working properly, but it does start and you can use the frontend to browse 
manually added channels in the EPG. If you try to view live TV, it just tells 
you that all cards are in use.

My query was more to do with adding the slave backends to the master. i.e. 
would the lack of a card on initial setup of the master cause problems with 
getting the ones in the slave working. Possibly something unique may be done 
on adding the initial cards in the master as opposed to adding slave cards.

> Tinkering with it will help you define a way to accomplish your goal.
> I, for one, will be happy to hear from your experience.

Infinite flexibility tends to give rise to infinite uncertainty ;-) I guess 
I'm just going to have to go ahead and do it. I've been putting this off for 
far too long.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-11 Thread Stephen Boddy
No body got an answer to this then? :-(
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Question about Video's loading time.

2005-03-11 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Friday 11 March 2005 17:58, Jay wrote:
> of just under 15000 videos. From the time I click Videos, to the time it

Tell me that's a typo... 15000!!! If that was 700 MB / video you'd need 10 
Terabytes!!! Or are they all real small clips?

I can't answer you question directly, but at the risk of teaching the 
proverbial grandma to suck eggs, a couple of things to try. Use:
vmstat 1 1
while you open the video part. Is the cpu high for system, user, or waiting? 
Are lots of processes waiting to run or blocked? Is it swapping like crazy, 
or is the disk IO through the roof?

Also try something like iptraf. Is the network maxing out? This should give 
you some indication as to where the problem lies.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-11 Thread STEPHEN BODDY
--- David George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/11/2005 7:03 AM, William wrote:
> >>Can a master backend have no capture cards or
> devices, and 
> >>only have them in 
> >>one or more slave backends? The docs seem a bit
> ambiguous about this 
> >>(admittedly unusual) case.
> >>
> >>
> >What is the point? If you want to put your storage
> somewhere else thats easy
> >to do but its not really a backend if it does not
> have a capture device.
> >  
> >
> I am not the OP, but I have thought about doing
> this.  Two reasons why I 
> thought about it: 1) I have a nice dual-processor
> file server, would be 
> nice to have scheduling and transcoding done on it,
> and 2) My fileserver 
> is on all the time, it would be nice to set it up so
> that the fileserver 
> (master backend) told the slave backends to wake up
> when they have 
> something to record (electricity is expensive around
> here).  Oh, and why 
> don't I put any capture cards in the fileserver? 
> Because I don't have 
> any free slots, and I can't buy a USB capture device
> right now (too many 
> other priorities).
> Of course I haven't tried it yet, but I am seriously
> thinking about it. :-)

Thanks David, for putting it so perfectly. In my case,
I want to move the storage and scheduling to an
always-on server in my "office". But my aerials (T&S)
terminate in the living room. It's a rented flat, and
I can't start rewiring. I could have the box in the
living room act as the Master Backend, with storage on
the office box, but then I have to have two PC's
running constantly. I'm single, and have to pay UK
energy costs, and I'd rather be environmentally friendly(er).
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-11 Thread STEPHEN BODDY
Grrr! Human error >:-(

> I've not tried posting via the web mail client, so
> apologies if it stuffs up threading.
> --- Garry Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK, I'm not doubting you here, you may very well
> be
> > correct. I don't
> > know the answer to these questions, as I currently
> > only run one MythTV
> > box, combo BE/FE.
> > However, wouldn't a backend without inputs just be
> a
> > frontend? What
> > would be the purpose of a slave backend with no
> > inputs? Would it be to
> > distribute transcoding and commercial flagging
> jobs?

This is my current understanding

Master Backend
  This is the controlling backend, telling Slave
Backends what to do and when,
  Runs the mythbackend process,
  Usually has  the DB too.

Slave Backend
  Takes instructions from the master as to when and
what to do,
  Runs the mythbackend process.

  Runs the mythfrontend process,
  Communicates with the Master Backend,
  Possibly communicates with Slave Backends (i.e.
  Plays DVD's, music, slideshows etc.

So, most people have a one box deal, running as Master
Backend and Frontend. I, for various reasons, want to
run with:

Master Backend / General Purpose Server
  Has DB, NFS, and MythWeb, but no capture cards.

Slave Backend / Frontend
  Has DVB cards, and is told by Master Backend what
and when to record.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-11 Thread STEPHEN BODDY
I've not tried posting via the web mail client, so
apologies if it stuffs up threading.

--- Garry Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I'm not doubting you here, you may very well be
> correct. I don't
> know the answer to these questions, as I currently
> only run one MythTV
> box, combo BE/FE.
> However, wouldn't a backend without inputs just be a
> frontend? What
> would be the purpose of a slave backend with no
> inputs? Would it be to
> distribute transcoding and commercial flagging jobs?

This is my current understanding

Master Backend
  This is the controlling backend, telling slaves what
to do.
 Runs thUsually has  the DB too.

Slave Backend
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-10 Thread Stephen Boddy
Can a master backend have no capture cards or devices, and only have them in 
one or more slave backends? The docs seem a bit ambiguous about this 
(admittedly unusual) case.

Last time I asked this it was wrapped up in a bloody big post, and I think 
people couldn't be bothered, hence the "to-the-point" post.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV in my spam

2005-03-09 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Wednesday 09 March 2005 11:43, Simon Kenyon wrote:
> here in europe they have finally agreed on what HDTV standards are going to
> be adopted. Sky TV (the major satellite broadcaster in the UK and Ireland)
> has stated that their boxes will only have HDMI (with  HDCP protection)
> output for HD. what will i/we do with myth then?
> this is not a troll - i want to understand the situation because i spend
> rather a lot on money/time on mythtv

this is not an answer ;-) personally I think Sky is a waste of money. 50% is 
crap and/or ancient, 20% is repeated 6 times a week, 20% is adverts, 8% they 
want you to pay even more for (sports/movies), and of the 2% left, perhaps 1 
in 10 is something I might want to watch! Of those few, the majority will be 
on FTA, usually within a month or two, and I can be patient.

I think people are starting to get a glimmer of what TV should be like. 
What /I/ want to watch, when /I/ want to watch it. This is technically 
possible in a number of ways. HTPC's for the most part give me choice and 
flexibility, but the problem comes when STB's are put into most homes. The 
network infrastructure needs to be in place first, but they will restrict my 
choices and rights, and you'll even be unable to skip ads. Believe me, 
content providers would love to push dumb set-top boxes into homes and keep 
the storage and access restrictions in the CP's network. The next step is 
pay-per-view everything, although that is some years away. You'll be looking 
for 10-20 Mbps to homes, at low cost. On top of that the infrastructure will 
need to be in place to distribute all that content, and that is not a small 

For those that don't have a problem with the dubious legality, I don't doubt 
that at some point you will be able to get an HDCP stripper. Of course you 
then become, in the eyes of the content providers, the same class of person 
as burglars, murderers, rapists and worse. You also have the fun of trying to 
buy and import a piece of equipment from a dodgy firm (prob. Chinese or one 
of the other countries where they can get away with ignoring the legal 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Need recommendation for upgradeable system

2005-02-27 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 27 February 2005 21:04, Chris Ribe wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 15:56:03 -0500, Matt Salerno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I am in the USA and planning on building a Gentoo MythTV system.
> > Currently I have the standard Direct TV with no HD since I don't have
> > a HD tv yet.  I am working on putting together an Intel 3.0ghz/512meg
> > system to plug into my entertainment system.  I am thinking of using a
> > HD-3000 card for TV input and an Nvidia card for TV output.  My
> > question is, can I build a system that will work with my current
> > non-HD eqipment, and then work when I upgrade my TV (of course with
> > some config changes).  I am just utterly confused about the hardware
> > and I don't want to spend money on equipment that I will have to
> > replace in less than a year.
> >
> Theoretically, you can just make sure you get an HDTV with a VGA
> (D-sub 15 pin RGB) input when you take the HDTV plunge.  Of course, I
> can't really say which hypothetical TVs on the hypothetical market
> will hypothetically be available when you reach that point.
Or better, get a HDTV and Gfx card with a DVI input/output. Digital all the 
way from source to screen then.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] YARFA - Tricky architectural decisions

2005-02-27 Thread Stephen Boddy
Apologies if this is a repost. I submitted ages ago, and I've not seen my 
message appear?!?

Hi List,

YARFA (Yet Another Request For Advice) I'm afraid ;-)

Okay, after months of reading and research, I'm at the crunch time of looking 
to actually buy equipment. Unfortunately, because of my home, I'm struggling 
a bit with exactly what I put where.

First some details: I'm living in a rented flat. No drilling holes in walls, 
floors or ceilings allowed. Both the satellite and terrestrial aerial present 
in the living room. I have a phone point (for ADSL) in the front room and the 
bedroom. The bedroom is close to a second bedroom that I use as an office. At 
the moment my main workstation is in the office along with an IPCop firewall 
box with an extension to the bedroom for ADSL.

Now some requirements:
 * I obviously want to put at minimum an FE (Frontend) in the living room.
 * I want MythWeb (and poss. MythStreamTv) to be available over the net.
 * I want to keep just one box permanently on (*cough* koyoto *cough* ;-)
 * I want to keep the living room as quiet as possible.

Possible architectures:
1. Living room box acts as internet gateway, FE & MBE (Master Backend). I then 
use Wifi to forward the net to my workstation.

Pros: Simple(r) to build and configure.
I don't need to worry about dimensioning n boxes correctly.
Doesn't require "tricks" on MBE.
Don't have to worry about WOL/nvram/swsusp setup.
Only needs to send limited traffic (internet) over Wifi.

Cons: Means additional HD's in living room for storage (Cooling and 
Lose the nice appliance nature of the IPCop FW. (Security)
Extra overhead of acting as gateway/FW.
Living room box always turned on.

2. Living room box acts as FE and SBE (Slave Backend). Office box acts as 
internet gateway (poss w/ IPCop), MBE, and NFS fileserver for SBE. Because 
I'm not convinced about Wifi for coping with up to 3 streams of data bouncing 
around, I'd want to connect with cat5.

Pros: I can increase storage in the MBE without worrying about space & 
(I think) I can run IPCop as a Xen domain, keeping that 
"appliance" aspect.
Keeps the frontend focused on displaying to the user.

Cons: Much more complex to setup.
Need to understand where processing power is needed for all 
Might be unable to use Xen, so still lose "appliance" IPCop.
WOL/nvram/swsusp can be hit and miss depending on 
Requires cat5 to be run around under the carpet for reliable 

I don't think I could use Xen on the first architecture, as I'm pretty sure it 
would disrupt the display too much. Whereas using it on the second 
architecture's MBE, it wouldn't be critical because all the data is buffered 
anyway when passing over the network.

The items I still haven't nailed down in my head:
1. Where does the processing for the heavy tasks take place? i.e. transcoding, 
ad-detection etc. We could do with a table like the following in the docs:

live-tv FE  high
transcoding SBE high
ad-detectionSBE medium
mythweb MBE low

For the second architecture I have an old 400MHz P-II that could handle 
net/db/web. However if the transcoding occurs on the MBE, then it'll be 
permanently bogged down, and the powerful frontend will be sitting idle or 
powered down.

2. Do I have to have a capture card in the _master_ backend, or can I have a 
bare MBE, and only put my tuners in the SBE? The docs seem to imply the MBE 
needs a capture device, but I can't see a reason why they have to be.

If you've gotten this far, well done. I know it was a bit long-winded but the 
usual response to most questions is for more info. I'm giving it out 
up-front ;-)

Now all you have to do is give me an opinion/answers. I was favouring the 
second split architecture, but having put this down on paper, I'm starting to 
lean back to the first single box solution. So, consider me perched on the 
fence with a pained look on my face.

Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DPMS monitor standby/resume

2005-02-27 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 27 February 2005 19:12, Gayle wrote:
> My Myth box runs 24/7 so I don't want to power it off when I stop watching
> TV/whatever so I have irexec running in the background with the power
> button mapped to "/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms force off" in order to send the
> monitor to sleep.  However, I can only bring it back to life again by
> pressing a key or moving the mouse.  Does anyone know of a little program
> that toggles the monitor on/off instead of setting an absolute value?

Write a script to grep the output from "xset q" output, and run the same 
command with the appropriate on/off argument. Unfortunately "force on" 
doesn't seem to work for me :-(
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mplayer options when xvideo fails

2005-02-26 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 26 February 2005 15:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I still can't get my ATI 9800 to use xvideo at over about 1024 resolutions;
> so I can't watch HD shows in myth with xv on. (1920 and 1280 both fail with
> the insufficient resources issue)
What is shown by:

xvinfo | grep XvImage

On my very old GeForce DDR it says:

maximum XvImage size: 2046 x 2046

so I'd expect your much newer 9800 to be capable.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Network accessible headless PVR

2005-02-25 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Monday 21 February 2005 20:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jarod wrote:
> > On Sunday 20 February 2005 00:38, Chris Miller (Compuville) wrote:
> > > but SSH-ing into the box and setting up /etc/crontab with vi
> > > manually wouldn't be the end of the world.
> >
> > Myth's recording schedules aren't in crontab. The backend
> > server process
> > handles firing off recordings. I don't believe there's an
> > (easy) cli way to
> > schedule recordings. But that's what the frontend and mythweb are for.
> Ahh bugger :-( That was one question I kept meaning to ask[1], oh well back
> to
> plan B
> Druid
> [1] While it is possible mythweb isn't too usable with lynx[2] ;-)
> [2] Especially if your terminal settings are screwed.

Why do you need CLI? SSH into the box with a -L{xyz}:{backend_machine}:80 
option and just use your local_machine browser connecting to 
You can even chain or nest port forwards if you need to do multiple hops to 
reach your backend. (This takes a bit of planning though, or you get a 
headache ;-)

Or are you looking to script this for some reason?
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: MythTV and Widescreen displays?

2005-01-18 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Tuesday 18 January 2005 14:58, Michael J. Sherman wrote:
> > I've tried using the w key to switch between different aspect
> > ratio's, but the video goes from the left to the right of the monitor
> > regardless of which setting I use. Is there anyway to get mythtv to
> > display the tv broadcast correctly?
> You need to add a line to your xorg.conf (or XF86Config) file located
> in the /etc/X11/ directory.  In the "Monitor" section add a line like
> this:
>   DisplaySize 16 9
> At least that worked for me...

But don't use those values for anything other than a dedicated mythtv box (and 
possibly not even then!). They are supposed to be a measure of your screen 
size in mm. Changing those values, under say KDE, will change the size of 
fonts (which will change widget size) and can make your display unusable.

Set them correctly and Myth will do some sums and realize you have a 16:9 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Which Distribution?

2005-01-16 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 16 January 2005 08:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Tvm, wget is erm wgetting it for me :-)
> I'll still go with 9.1 if for no other reason that it worked
> and 9.2 is unknown.

Although I haven't actually upgraded myself yet, I haven't seen much to 
concern me in 9.2. If you're running supplementary packages against 9.1 
you're probably not that far off of a 9.2 system.
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Which Distribution?

2005-01-15 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Sunday 16 January 2005 02:00, David 'Druid' Sharp wrote:
> Mike Wrote:
> Ok, how about this, On Monday I will be getting a Pundit-R and a Nova-T,
> I will be putting the PVR-350 in there along with 2* 120Gb disks (No
> I'll be sticking SuSE 9.1 [1] on and I'll document everything as I go,
> it'll be UK/PAL and I'll make it as much of a step by step howto as
> possible.
> Hell it'll give me something constructive to do while waiting for
> apt to download everything ;-)
> have a look at
> on _Monday_ night.
> Druid
> [1] For a number of reasons:
> a) Because I'm used to SuSE
> b) FC3 didn't work for me
> c) I have a set of original 9.1 disks :-)
> d) last time I checked 9.2 wasn't available for download

9.2 has been on the mirrors for a couple of days now. Good luck getting to 
them ;-)
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AMD or Intel?

2005-01-15 Thread Stephen Boddy
On Saturday 15 January 2005 21:15, Brian Bartlow wrote:
> Brad Templeton wrote:
> In fact, take a look at
> This is the results of the video encoding benchmarks.  This will give
> you a good idea of how different processors measure up when it comes to
> video applications.  Notice how Intel CPUs with similar numbers (i.e. P4
> 3 GHz compared to Athlon 3000+) perform better.
> I just checked yesterday and the price for a P4E 3.0 GHz was roughly the
> same as an Athlon 64 3200+ ($185 - $190).  And the Intel outperforms the
> AMD on the MPEG-4 encoding benchmark by about 10%.
> So I'm finding myself wishing I had purchased an Intel CPU for my HDTV
> mythbox instead of my AMD.  Maybe I'll just have to get another system. 
> >:)

But how many watts does that P4E dissipate compared to the Athlon 64 with 
Cool'n'Quiet? Last I checked a heavily loaded P4 is way more toasty than an 
Steve Boddy
mythtv-users mailing list