On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Scott Alfter wrote:

Neil Bird wrote:
  I was just about to post this and a related question.  I'm running my
PVR-350 with fairly high (normally) res. PAL settings, and a bitrate of
~6200 somethings.  I get images of ~2.0-2.2 Gb per hour.

  Now, I just downloaded [bittorrent] an episode of something I missed.
 The AVI's ~364 Mb for the, I guess, ~43 mins., but is, whem played
through MythVideo, of comparable quality to the stuff I record at 6x the

Those AVIs you downloaded probably aren't using MPEG-2, but instead use some variant or another of MPEG-4. That's why they can deliver the same quality in less space. Comparing MPEG-4 to MPEG-2 is like comparing Ogg Vorbis to MP3.

You could transcode from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 (MythTV will even do this for you),
but the transcoded recordings won't be playable through your PVR-350.  (That
assumes you're using its MPEG-2 decoder; I stopped using mine when I upgraded
to an LCD TV and switched from S-video to DVI.)

/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( http://alfter.us/            Top-posting!
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden            >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

I noticed the same thing with downloaded files vs. files captured from my pvr 150, but even when i use mythtranscode to convert them to mpeg-4, i can get downloaded AVI files that look much better and are smaller. Should i use one of the external transcoding programs instead of mythtranscode?
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