Thanks for posting that. interesting read, if a little over technical
at times. Its made me go check my card in advance of plugging it in to
my TV tomorrow. I hope it does 1080i via DVI-D.

On Sun, 5 Dec 2004 14:16:26 -0800, nate s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought someone on this list might be interested in this.
> It's a Tom's Hardware Guide article on the DVI spec and it's
> implememtation in current graphics cards.  Very good info on how DVI
> works, and which graphics cards produce the best DVI signal.
> "Interestingly, running a test for DVI compliance is not a mandatory
> requirement for receiving a DVI license. As a result, products reach
> the market that claim to have DVI capabilities but don't adhere to the
> specifications."
> -Nate
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