Hello friends,

I am having this problem with choppy audio (about 1 sec duration) repeating for about 5 to 7 seconds when i exit the Live TV. This happens only when i exit Live TV and except that it works fine. With logging enabled for mythfrontend it says "killing the audio output loop". I have tried enabling / disablling the extra audio buffer in mythtv-setup but it doesn't make any difference. This problem doesn't appear when i exit from playing mythvideo it happens only with Live TV.

hardware config:
Dual PII 450 Mhz
Nvidia NV25GL [Quadro4 900 XGL] (rev a3)
LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c875  - ROOT partition
Adaptec AHA-2940U/UW/D / AIC-7881U - myth & cache partition
ES18xx audio
PVR 350 (i am not using TV-OUT)

Gentoo 2.6.11-r11
All software with emerge (followed the gentoo guide (http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Setup_MythTV)
MythTV 18.1 (from emerge)
ivtv-0.2.0_rc3-r4 (from emerge)

In the same hardware with Knoppmyth R5A15.1 this problem doesn't exist which make me think that its related to some settings. What am i missing?

Any suggestions as to what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance

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