[mythtv-users] LiveTV, Recorded TV, no Audio - request for help

2005-10-14 Thread Eric Brandt

Hi all,

I know this topic has been covered many times in the
archives, but none of the solutions seem to fix my situation. I have searched
the archives, and I have read and reread Jarods how to. Basically,
I get no audio on live tv or when watching a recorded show (may be because of
no audio on live tv when I recorded it?). I _do_
get audio when watching a dvd via mythtv, both with xine and mplayer.

Here are the specifics of what Ive done and what
Ive tried:

* I followed Jarods audio section in the howto with
success at every step (Jarod: _Great_
how-to by the way).

* ALSA is configured, and a can hear music with aplay as
described in jarods howto

* I have sound disabled in the KDE WM, as per Jarods

* I added the most basic .asoundrc file as
described in Jarods HowTo (even though aplay was working before I did

* My sound card is a turtle beach montego II, which FC4
identifies as Aureal, Semiconductor Vortex 1, module: snd-au8820

* I am using a Hauppauge PVR-150, and FC4

* I have set the mixer up as specified in the mythtv HOWTO
using KMix (also did same with alsamixer)

* In MythTV-settings-general, I have audio set to
ALSA:default, and mixer set to default. I have also tried
unchecking the user internal volume controls (no success), and I
have set mixer controls to both pcm and master, neither with any success.

* I read in the HOWTO that there should be no cabling
required from the PVR-150 to the sound card (in fact, there are no pins on the
PVR-150 to even do this).

* As a test, I tried to use mkmovie to transcode a recorded
program to AVI and watch it on my windows box to see if I had any audio. The
windows box basically didnt play it because it didnt find the
right codec, so no useful info there, but I tried.

* As stated before, I _do_
get audio when watching a dvd thru MythTV, with mythtv configured either for
mplayer or xine.

What else can I try, I am emailing here only because
Ive basically run out of ideas and not sure how to troubleshoot any

Last bit of info, dont know if its useful but
at times in the shell that I launch mythfrontend from, I get a line saying
WriteAudio: buffer underrun. Dunno if that means anything or not,
or is even related to this issue.

If my sound card is too old and tired to work, just say so
and Ill have a good reason to upgrade, but the mythtv docs say any sound
card that works with ALSA will workand since aplay works, I am assuming
I am working with ALSA.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate the help and am looking
forward to moving my mythbox from its setup and testing state
over to my actual TV for daily use


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] LiveTV, Recorded TV, no Audio - request for help

2005-10-14 Thread Simpson, Richard
* I am using a Hauppauge PVR-150, and FC4

Make sure the card and driver are working properly first. Do you get audio when 
you stream directly into mplayer with: mplayer /dev/video0 ? If not, make sure 
you have the latest ivtv driver (0.4.0) and firmware. There have been audio 
issues recently with the ivtv driver and the PVR-150.


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