I've got a little problem with my mythtv box that is getting me loads of
grief from SWMBO,
basically every now and then (it's happened three times that I've noticed so
far) the box stops recording,
backend is up and (apparently) working, but doesn't record (again).

It also doesn't auto-shutdown and mythweb doesn't work.

No errors, no (apparent) problems the programs are scheduled to record it
just doesn't record.

Example, it should have recorded Friends at 07:29-08:01 this morning, a peek
in the backend log shows

2005-03-16 13:36:14.199 PruneOldRecords...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.257 AddNewRecords...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.334  |-- Start DB Query...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.838  |-- 264 results in 0.449266 sec. Processing...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.891  +-- Cleanup...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.892 Sort by time...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.919 PruneOverlaps...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.963 Sort by priority...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.968 BuildListMaps...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.968 SchedNewRecords...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.969 Scheduling:
<snip others>
 +Friends - "The One Where Ross Got H    4 1004  17 07:29-08:01  1 1 1  A 1
<snip others>
2005-03-16 13:36:15.603 ClearListMaps...
2005-03-16 13:36:15.603 Sort by time...
2005-03-16 13:36:15.604 PruneRedundants...
--- print list start ---
Title - Subtitle                    Chan ChID Day Start  End   S C I  T N
<snip others>
Friends - "The One Where Ross Got H    4 1004  17 07:29-08:01  1 1 1  A 1
<snip others>
<snip to 17th>
2005-03-17 07:26:59.659 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050315175900 in Finished state.
<snip repeat/similar messages>
2005-03-17 07:26:59.694 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050316175900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:27:59.701 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:27:59.701 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.
<snip repeat/similar messages>
2005-03-17 07:27:59.707 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050316175900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:28:59.714 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:28:59.715 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.
<snip repeat/similar messages>
2005-03-17 07:28:59.719 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1001 @ 20050315193000 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:29:02.002 backend still changing state, waiting..
2005-03-17 07:29:59.728 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:29:59.728 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.
<snip repeat/similar messages>
2005-03-17 07:29:59.776 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050316175900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:30:59.783 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:30:59.784 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:30:59.785 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1001 @ 20050314133900 in Finished state.

Nothing about trying to start recording!

There are no (related) errors in the syslog (only the normal cron/ssh
messages), plenty of disk space (3Gb free on the system disk and

For reference this is on a Pundit-R with a pvr-350/Nova-T with tv/X out of
the pvr-350 running SuSE 9.1 (2.6.11-rc2-bk3-20050125153357-default), Mythtv
0.17, ivtv: version 0.3.2 (h), mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.18, for
suse-linux (i686)



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